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#Table: IV/24/./table3.dat (cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr)
         |            |              |S|
         |            | R        D  D|u|
PK       |Name        |Ah  RAm  Ed Em|p|Text
118+02.1 |Sh 1-118    |00 05.0 +64 41|4|HII region
121-02.1 |Kr 1-1      |00 35.8 +60 00|1|probably reflection nebula
127-01.1 |K 4-59      |01 27.2 +60 16|4|continuum only
132-00.1 |K 4-60      |02 04.5 +60 32|6|HII region
149-01.1 |Kr 2-1      |03 47.9 +51 20|1|probably reflection nebula
284-39.1 |Lo 2        |04 03.3 -70 23|3|probably galaxy
151+02.1 |V-V 1-2     |04 15.9 +52 59|1|probably HII region
169-00.1 |IC 2120     |05 14.8 +37 33|4|compact HII region
176+00.1 |NGC 1985    |05 34.5 +31 57|2|RN around F1(V) star
196-12.1 |A 11        |05 34.6 +08 14|3|probably RN, no em. lines
204-16.1 |MaC 2-3     |05 35.7 +00 13|6|nova?, plate fault?
173+02.1 |PP 40       |05 37.5 +35 41|6|HII region
197-02.2 |KJ 1-1      |06 10.0 +12 24|1|probably HII region
197-02.1 |V-V 1-4     |06 12.4 +12 23|1|probably HII region
196-01.1 |V-V 1-5     |06 13.0 +14 17|1|HII region
195-00.1 |Sh 2-266    |06 16.0 +15 18|1|peculiar Be-star + nebula?
247-21.1 |K 2-13      |06 23.8 -39 50|3|plate fault
249-22.1 |ESO-308-08  |06 24.4 -41 10|3|plate fault
239-18.1 |ESO-426-13  |06 25.6 -31 10|3|galaxy
210-00.1 |K 4-49      |06 42.0 +01 23|4|peculiar (MWC 819)
231-08.1 |Y-C 34      |06 49.6 -20 11|6|galaxy, ESO 558-G1
217-00.1 |MaC 1-1     |06 56.2 -03 37|4|   NEW PN in S5
223-02.1 |K 1-8       |07 01.0 -10 30|4|HII region
219+01.1 |K 1-9       |07 04.8 -05 05|4|HII region
248-12.1 |ESO-367-03  |07 08.6 -37 14|3|bar galaxy
241-07.1 |M 4-1       |07 14.4 -29 12|3|em. galaxy
221+04.1 |Y-C 36      |07 19.7 -05 50|6|galaxy
223+04.1 |Y-C 39      |07 24.5 -07 27|6|galaxy
233-00.1 |Sa 3-5      |07 26.0 -17 51|4|red star
234-00.1 |M 1-15      |07 29.6 -19 21|4|Be-like
242-03.1 |ESO-429-04  |07 33.5 -28 02|3|galaxy
235+01.1 |V-V 1-7     |07 39.0 -18 52|1|probably reflection nebula
245-03.1 |ESO-429-17  |07 42.9 -30 11|3|galaxy
241+00.1 |ESO-493-13  |07 46.0 -25 06|4|em. galaxy
276-18.1 |ESO-089-05  |07 50.1 -64 08|4|em. galaxy
251-04.1 |ESO-369-01  |07 50.5 -36 19|3|plate fault
259-09.2 |Y-C 1       |07 50.9 -45 43|6|galaxy
254-06.1 |ESO-311-18  |07 52.2 -39 42|4|em. galaxy
259-07.1 |Y-C 3       |07 57.9 -44 36|6|galaxy
238+07.1 |Y-C 4       |08 07.0 -18 33|6|galaxy
254+00.1 |NS 238      |08 19.0 -36 03|6|HII region
260-03.1 |WRA 16-20   |08 22.0 -43 03|6|diffuse nebula ?
271-08.1 |Y-C 41      |08 33.5 -54 53|6|galaxy
248+08.1 |He 2-10     |08 34.1 -26 14|2|dwarf em. galaxy
214+31.1 |Y-C 42      |08 43.2 +12 48|4|em. galaxy
266-01.1 |Ve 27       |08 50.3 -46 06|4|peculiar
266-00.1 |He 2-17     |08 54.9 -46 13| |not a PN in CGPN
266+00.1 |Ve 22       |08 57.5 -45 24|4|early M(?)e star
266+01.1 |Pe 2-1      |09 02.4 -44 21|4|continuum
266+02.2 |Pe 2-2      |09 07.2 -44 05|4|no em. lines
266+02.1 |Pe 2-3      |09 08.5 -44 12|3|M star
277-07.1 |ESO-126-01  |09 11.3 -58 38|4|galaxy?
227+33.1 |A 32        |09 13.8 +04 06|3|galaxy or plate fault
265+05.1 |ESO-314-12  |09 17.2 -40 58|3|probably galaxy
274-00.1 |ESO-212-08  |09 29.7 -51 54|3|plate fault
280-02.2 |ESO-167-10  |09 51.4 -57 11|6|probably plate fault
285-07.1 |ESO-092-02  |09 58.1 -64 29|4|em. galaxy
289-11.1 |Y-C 6       |10 04.7 -69 46|4|galaxy
289-00.1 |AG CAR      |10 54.2 -60 11|4|peculiar, P Cyg-class?
283+12.1 |ESO-264-53  |10 55.0 -45 54|4|em. galaxy
295-13.1 |ESO-038-07  |11 01.2 -74 37|4|plate fault
288+05.1 |He 2-61     |11 04.3 -54 32|1|H-alpha em.-line star
285+11.1 |Y-C 7       |11 06.9 -47 47|6|galaxy
286+10.1 |Y-C 8       |11 08.3 -48 50|4|em. galaxy
292-03.1 |SP 2-14     |11 08.4 -63 27|3|M star
287+10.1 |Y-C 9       |11 14.8 -48 56|6|galaxy, ESO 215-G39
290+09.1 |Y-C 12      |11 27.6 -50 59|4|galaxy
298-00.1 |He 2-77     |12 06.4 -62 59|6|HII region
299-00.1 |He 2-80     |12 19.7 -63 01|4|peculiar Be star
302-00.1 |He 2-87     |12 42.9 -62 44|4|probably early Me star
305-00.1 |He 2-91     |13 06.9 -62 55|4|early Me star
315+59.1 |Y-C 43      |13 14.3 -02 48|6|galaxy
312+25.1 |LoTr 6      |13 31.2 -36 35|4|em. galaxy
309+06.1 |SM 2        |13 35.7 -55 52|3|M star
308-01.1 |ESO-097-03  |13 37.6 -64 00|3|plate fault
310+02.1 |SM 3        |13 50.0 -58 43|3|M star
317+19.1 |SKWL 4-9    |14 00.2 -41 09|4|extragalactic HII region?
322+14.1 |K 1-24      |14 35.0 -44 00|6|no em. lines, may be RN
333+32.1 |Y-C 16      |14 42.1 -23 35|4|em. galaxy
321+03.1 |He 2-113    |14 56.2 -54 06| |not a PN in CGPN
327+14.1 |ESO-328-04  |14 58.2 -41 43|3|among galaxies
320+00.1 |Sa 2-110    |15 01.5 -57 20|5|HII region
329+12.1 |ESO-328-40  |15 14.3 -42 26|3|among galaxies
319-04.1 |ESO-135-09  |15 23.2 -62 21|5|plate fault?, no em. lines
319-09.1 |He 2-134    |15 42.5 -66 20|1|Z And-like star
341+17.1 |ESO-450-16  |15 45.6 -31 58|3|probably galaxy
330+04.1 |Cn 1-1      |15 47.6 -48 36|1|   NEW PN in S4
326-01.1 |He 2-139    |15 50.9 -55 21|4|no em. lines in blue
343+16.1 |ESO-451-03  |15 55.9 -31 03|3|late-type star + nebula
321-09.1 |ESO-100-07  |15 56.7 -64 40|4|em. galaxy
346+19.1 |ESO-515-19  |15 56.9 -27 06|3|late-type star
321-11.1 |ESO-100-12  |16 07.6 -66 31|5|galaxy
331+00.2 |Lo 14       |16 08.0 -51 10|4|galaxy
321-11.2 |ESO-100-16  |16 12.2 -66 31|5|galaxy?
338+05.2 |He 2-156    |16 17.7 -42 16|4|Be-like, Me star?
345+10.1 |ESO-390-05  |16 21.1 -34 08|3|em. galaxy
334+00.1 |Pe 2-9      |16 21.2 -48 37|6|H-alpha em.-line star
336-00.1 |NGC 6164-5  |16 30.2 -48 00|1|HII region?
331-05.1 |PC 11       |16 33.6 -55 36|1|   NEW PN in S4
338+01.1 |He 2-174    |16 34.8 -45 17|1|Be-like?
352+11.1 |Anon.       |16 38.5 -27 53|6|plate fault, misprint?
347+07.1 |ESO-391-02  |16 38.5 -34 12|3|plate fault
341-00.1 |He 2-183    |16 49.8 -44 48|4|Be star, H-alpha only
313-21.1 |ESO-023-08  |16 54.2 -78 23|4|galaxy
337-05.1 |He 2-187    |16 57.8 -50 19|1|OB+ star
010+18.1 |K 2-8       |17 02.8 -10 02|6|very probably three stars
345-00.1 |H 2-3       |17 06.0 -41 32|1|HII region
354+04.2 |H 2-5       |17 12.1 -31 31|6|symbiotic star
336-08.1 |ESO-180-05  |17 13.1 -53 33|3|plate fault
333-11.1 |ESO-180-06  |17 14.7 -56 51|4|galaxy
348-00.1 |H 2-6       |17 14.9 -39 16|1|HII region
355+03.1 |Th 3-5      |17 15.8 -30 51|6|very probably=355+03.4
358+05.2 |M 3-40      |17 19.3 -27 06|4|no [OIII] lines
357+03.5 |Th 3-16     |17 24.2 -29 19|2|Be star
357+03.3 |Th 3-17     |17 24.3 -29 01|2|H-alpha only, SS
358+03.5 |Th 3-18     |17 25.3 -28 36|2|H-alpha only, SS
346-04.1 |Sa 2-202    |17 25.6 -42 30|6|no FC, no observation
357+02.1 |Ap 1-1      |17 25.7 -29 05|2|no em. lines
357+02.2 |Ap 1-2      |17 25.9 -29 12|6|no em. lines, 3 stars
357+02.3 |Th 3-20     |17 25.9 -29 41|2|H-alpha only, SS
357+02.8 |Ae 2-D      |17 26.3 -29 45|5|no em. lines, 3 stars?
356+01.1 |Th 3-21     |17 26.8 -30 35|2|no em. lines
004+06.1 |H 2-12      |17 27.6 -21 26|1|knot in SN remnant
359+03.1 |Th 3-28     |17 27.8 -26 57|6|WR star
358+02.1 |Ap 1-3      |17 28.1 -28 22|2|no em. lines
349-03.2 |IRAS1728-39 |17 28.8 -39 49|6|=349-03.1
001+04.1 |MaC 1-5     |17 29.0 -24 43|4|Me star, GX 1+4: SS
359+03.3 |Ap 1-4      |17 29.0 -27 02|6|no em. lines, star
358+02.3 |Th 3-29     |17 29.3 -29 03|2|H-alpha only
359+02.2 |Ap 1-5      |17 30.0 -28 19|2|no em. lines
339-09.1 |ESO-228-05  |17 30.5 -51 01|4|galaxy
359+02.1 |Th 3-30     |17 30.6 -28 05|2|H-alpha only, SS
358+01.2 |Th 3-31     |17 31.1 -29 27|2|H-alpha only, SS
006+07.1 |M 1-21      |17 31.3 -19 07|6|symbiotic star
359+02.4 |Th 3-32     |17 32.1 -28 05|2|Be star with [NII]
000+02.2 |ESO-520-13  |17 36.2 -27 14|3|plate fault
359+01.2 |Th 3-36     |17 36.2 -28 46|2|M star
358-00.1 |Bl 3-5      |17 39.1 -30 26|2|early M star
351-05.1 |He 2-275    |17 42.1 -38 38|6|symbiotic star
328-17.1 |He 2-269    |17 42.2 -64 37|2|em. galaxy (IC 4662)
001+00.1 |Bl 3-2      |17 42.8 -26 57|2|H-alpha only
356-02.2 |M 1-27      |17 43.5 -33 08|2|   NEW PN in S6
000-00.2 |Bl 3-22     |17 43.9 -29 00|2|H-alpha only?
000-00.1 |Bl 3-4      |17 44.0 -28 45|2|H-alpha only
357-02.1 |Ae 2-M      |17 44.5 -32 20|5|no em. lines
001-00.1 |Bl 3-11     |17 45.1 -28 00|2|peculiar Be star
001-00.2 |Bl 3-3      |17 46.4 -27 45|2|no em. lines
356-03.4 |SM 4        |17 46.6 -33 30|6|no em. lines
358-01.2 |Sa 3-80     |17 47.0 -30 57|2|H-alpha only, SS
357-03.1 |He 2-294    |17 48.5 -32 54|2|H-alpha only, SS
001-00.3 |Bl 3-19     |17 48.6 -27 47|2|Be star
000-01.4 |Bl 3-14     |17 49.2 -29 45|2|H-alpha only, SS
358-02.2 |Bl 3-6      |17 49.7 -31 19|2|H-alpha only?
359-02.1 |Bl L        |17 50.0 -30 17|2|H-alpha only, SS
001-01.1 |Bl M        |17 50.6 -28 27|2|H-alpha only
000-01.3 |Bl O        |17 50.6 -28 59|2|H-alpha only
358-03.2 |H 2-30      |17 53.0 -32 37|3|M star
000-02.3 |H 2-32      |17 53.2 -29 38|4|no [OIII] lines
345-11.1 |ESO-279-14  |17 55.9 -46 39|6|galaxy
006+00.1 |V-V 2-1     |17 57.0 -23 13|6|H-alpha only
001-03.1 |H 1-47      |17 57.4 -29 22|4|=001-03.2, Be star
003-01.1 |He 2-325    |17 58.0 -26 22|1|M-type em.-line star
001-03.2 |Ap 1-7      |17 58.3 -29 20|4|=001-03.1, Be star
349-10.1 |ESO-280-02  |18 00.9 -43 24|3|galaxy or reflection neb.
003-03.1 |Sa 3-119    |18 03.4 -27 45|3|M star
341-15.1 |ESO-182-04  |18 05.5 -52 34|3|galaxy
358-06.1 |He 2-354    |18 06.6 -33 20|4|Z And-type, WC features
003-04.10|ESO-456-64  |18 07.4 -27 52|3|plate fault
003-04.1 |Ap 1-10     |18 07.6 -27 59|6|symbiotic star
003-04.6 |Ap 1-11     |18 07.9 -28 33|6|symbiotic star
018+03.1 |M 4-8       |18 09.4 -10 44|4|no [OIII] lines
000-06.1 |ESO-456-73  |18 09.4 -32 07|3|plate fault
009-02.1 |He 2-374    |18 12.5 -21 36|6|symbiotic star
030+08.1 |K 4-1       |18 14.0 +01 52|4|red star
004-05.4 |K 2-9       |18 15.5 -28 11|6|several stars
010-03.1 |He 2-396    |1...
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