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Customs and traditions
Words and phrases
2.1 custom
/"kVst@m/ (n)
accepted way of behaving or
of doing things in a society or
In many countries
it’s a custom to give presents on
someone’s birthday.
(adj), customarily (adv)
2.8 involve
/In"vQlv/ (v)
When an event or activity
it means that sth is a necessary
or important part of it.
Doug agreed to help Rob move
house, he hadn’t imagined that it
would involve carrying a piano up
two flights of stairs.
2.15 rampart
/"r&mpA:t/ (n)
high, wide, wall of stone with a
path on top, built around a town
or castle to defend it
2.16 jester
/"dZest@(r)/ (n)
in the past, a man employed by
kings and queens to amuse people
by telling jokes and stories; now,
a person who acts this part at
special events, often wearing very
brightly-coloured clothes jest (n,
v), in jest (phr)
2.2 tradition
/tr@"dISn/ (n)
a belief or way of doing sth that
has existed for a long time among
a particular group of people
There is a long tradition in the
British Royal family of following
a military career.
(n), traditionalist (n), traditional
(adj), traditionally (adv)
2.9 origin
/"Qr@dZIn/ (n)
the beginning or background
of sth
Margaret Thatcher rose
from humble origins as a grocerís
daughter to become the British
Prime Minister.
originate (v),
original (adj), originally (adv)
2.17 toss
/tQs/ (v)
throw lightly or carelessly
toss (n)
2.18 scramble
/"skr&mbl/ (v)
to push, fight or compete with
others in order to get or reach sth.
When the fire alarm went off,
everyone scrambled madly for the
scramble (n)
2.10 rodent
/"r@Ud@nt/ (n)
Lead in
2.3 breed
/bri:d/ (v)
keep animals in order to produce
young ones in a controlled way
South Lakes Wildlife Park has
recently acquired two young adult
tigers which they hope to breed.
breed (n)
Also: reproduce.
an animal belonging to the group
of small mammals with sharp front
teeth that grow constantly, e.g. a
mouse or rat
2.11 nuisance
/"nju:s@ns/ (n)
thing, person or situation that is
What a nuisance! The
shop’s shut already and I needed
some milk.
2.19 impromptu
/Im"prQmptju:/ (adj)
done without preparation or
2.4 annual
/"&nju@l/ (adj)
happening once every year
annually (adv)
2.12 get rid of
/%get "rId @v/ (phr v)
make yourself free of sb/sth that
you don’t want or that is annoying
Sam chats for ages when he calls
and sometimes I have to find a
polite way of getting rid of him.
2.20 passer-by
/%pA:s@ "baI/ (n)
person who is going past by chance
while sth (often unexpected) is
2.5 festival
/"festIvl/ (n)
day or period when people start
working to celebrate sth
festivities (n pl) festive (adj)
2.21 fiesta
/fi"est@/ (n)
public event where people
celebrate, usually connected with
a religious festival in Spanish-
speaking countries (though La
Tomatina is not a religious fiesta)
2.13 enhance
/In"hA:ns/ (v)
increase or improve the quality of
sth enhancement (n), enhanced
2.6 celebration
/%selI"breISn/ (n)
special event organised because sth
pleasant has happened celebrate
2.14 float
/fl@Ut/ (n)
large vehicle, sometimes decorated,
on which people dressed in
costumes or displays are carried in
a festival
2.22 combatant
/"kQmb@t@nt/ (n)
person (also group or country)
involved in fighting a battle
combat (n, v)
2.7 take place
/%teIk "pleIs/ (phr v)
happen, esp. because sth is
arranged or planned
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2.23 alliance
/@"laI@ns/ (n)
group of people who work together
to achieve sth that they all want,
esp. in a situation of conflict or
where others hold different views
ally (n, v), allied (adj)
2.34 debris
/"debri:/ (n)
pieces of material that are left after
sth has been destroyed, or rubbish
left behind
It was a fantastic
party, but I’m exhausted now. Let’s
clear up the debris in the morning.
2.44 head
/hed/ (v)
to move in a particular direction
I don’t like the look of those
black clouds. Let’s head for home
before it pours with rain.
2.45 dune
/dju:n/ (n)
hill of sand formed by the wind,
either in the desert or by the sea
2.24 squash
/skwQS/ (v)
press sth so that it becomes soft,
damaged or flat squashy (adj)
2.35 date back (to)
/"deIt %b&k/ (phr v)
starting or coming into existence at
a certain time in the past
2.46 jeep
/dZi:p/ (n)
strong vehicle used for driving over
rough ground, esp. by the army
2.25 ammunition
/%&mju"nISn/ (n)
supply of sth that you use to throw
at sb,
bullets, shells etc. to
be fired from guns or tanks
2.36 parade
/p@"reId/ (n)
public procession, usually with
music bands and floats (see 2.14)
parade (v)
2.47 diesel
/"di:zl/ (n)
type of heavy oil used as a fuel
instead of petrol
2.26 accompaniment
/@"kVmp@nIm@nt/ (n)
sth that happens at the same
time as sth else and provides
a background to it, esp. music
or noise accompanist (n),
accompany (v)
2.37 crush
/krVS/ (v)
press or squeeze sth so hard that it
loses its shape or is destroyed
crush (n)
2.48 sweep (sb) up
/%swi:p "Vp/ (phr v)
make sb very interested or involved
in sth in a way that makes them
forget everything else
used in the passive
be/get swept up
in sth.
Can also have a more literal
meaning of being physically moved:
swept up by the crowd and carried
2.38 mess
/mes/ (n)
dirty or untidy state messy (adj),
mess (sth) up (phr v)
2.27 cheer
/tSI@(r)/ (v)
shout loudly giving support or
praise cheer (n), cheer sb on
(phr v)
Festival in the desert
2.39 remote
/rI"m@Ut/ (adj)
far away from places where other
people live remoteness (n),
remotely (adv)
2.28 hostilities
/hQ"stIl@tiz/ (n pl)
acts of fighting in a war hostility
(n), hostile (adj)
unfriendly or aggressive behaviour
but the plural noun is used
specifically in the context of war.
2.49 anticipation
/&n%tIsI"peISn/ (n)
feeling of excitement about sth that
is going to happen (usu. sth good)
anticipate (v), anticipatory (adj)
2.50 nomadic
/n@U"m&dIk/ (adj)
travelling from place to place
without having a permanent home
nomad (n)
2.29 commence
/k@"mens/ (v)
begin (more formal)
commencement (n),
2.40 vast
/vA:st/ (adj)
extremely large in area, size,
amount, etc. vastness (n), vastly
2.30 slimy
/"slaImi/ (adj)
made of or covered in any
unpleasant thick wet substance
slime (n)
2.51 get-together
/"get t@%geD@(r)/ (n)
informal party or meeting
2.41 expanse
/Ik"sp&ns/ (n)
wide, open area of sth, esp. land,
desert or water expand (v),
expansive (adj), expansively (adv)
2.52 beat a path
/%bi:t @ "pA:T/ (idm)
go in the same direction as
everybody else
2.31 mush
/mVS/ (n)
soft, thick mass or mixture, usu.
when sth is unpleasant mushy
2.42 venture
/"ventS@(r)/ (v)
go somewhere even though
you know that it is going to be
dangerous or unpleasant venture
2.53 scrub
/skrVb/ (n)
dry land covered with small
bushes and trees
2.32 extra
/"ekstr@/ (n)
person employed to play a very
small part in a film, usu. as a
member of a crowd
2.54 charcoal
/"tSA:k@Ul/ (n)
black substance used as a fuel
which is made by burning wood
slowly without much air
2.43 technician
/tek"nISn/ (n)
person whose job involves skilled
work with particular equipment
technical (adj), technically (adv)
2.33 rinse
/rIns/ (v)
wash sth with clean water only,
not soap rinse (n)
2.55 brazier
/"breIzi@(r)/ (n)
large metal container that holds
a fire and is used to keep people
warm when they are outside
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2.56 calabash
/"k&l@b&S/ (n)
musical instrument made from the
hard covering of the calabash, a
large tropical fruit
2.66 the odd
/(Di) "Qd/ (adj)
occasional, not very frequent
or important
I’m not really a
cinema fan, but I go to see the odd
film if it looks interesting.
2.77 universal
/%ju:nI"v3:sl/ (adj)
done by or involving all the people
in the world or a particular group
universe (n), universally (adv)
2.57 lute
/lu:t/ (n)
musical instrument played like a
2.67 sponsorship
/"spQns@SIp/ (n)
financial support from a sponsor
(a person or business who helps
by giving money) sponsor (n, v)
2.78 commercialism
/k@"m3:S@lIz@m/ (n)
fact of being more interested in
making money than in the value,
quality or real meaning of things
The true meaning of Christmas
has been taken over by the
commercialism of shops piled high
with expensive gifts.
(adj), commercially (adv)
2.58 talking drum
/%tO:kIN "drVm/ (n)
drum used to give messages
and signals to people in one
community or to communicate
with others further away
2.68 motive
/"m@UtIv/ (n)
reason for doing sth motivation
(n), motivator (n), motivate (v),
motivated (adj), motivational (adj)
2.59 bead
/bi:d/ (n)
small piece of glass, wood, etc.
with a hole through it, that can
be put on a string with others and
worn as jewellery beading (n),
beaded (adj)
2.69 underpin
/%Vnd@"pIn/ (v)
form the basis of sth
underpinning (n)
2.79 stroll
/str@Ul/ (v)
walk in a slow, relaxed way
stroll (n)
2.70 odd
/Qd/ (adj)
oddity (n), oddly (adv)
2.80 compass
/"kVmp@s/ (n)
instrument for finding direction,
with a needle that always point to
the north
2.60 yell
/jel/ (v)
shout very loudly, e.g. because you
are excited (or angry) yell (n)
2.71 kick-start
/"kIk %stA:t/ (v)
do sth to help a project or process
start more quickly
Also how
you start a motorbike, from where
the expression originates.
kick-start (n)
2.81 filter
/"fIlt@(r)/ (v)
move gradually in a particular
direction, esp. news, information
Emma hadn’t heard from Phil for
weeks, but the news filtered back
to her through friends that he had
moved in with Alison.
filter (n)
2.61 scuttle (off)
/"skVtl/ (v)
run with short, quick steps, usu.
away from a situation that you
don’t like
The mouse took one
look at the cat and scuttled off
under the shed.
2.72 intention
/In"tenSn/ (n)
plan or aim intend (v),
intended (adj), intentional (adj),
intentionally (adv)
2.62 infancy
/"Inf@nsi/ (n)
early stage of development
2.82 maize
/meIz/ (n)
tall plant grown for its yellow
grains that are either made into
flour or eaten as the vegetable
known as
2.73 in the eyes of
/%In Di "aIz @v/ (idm)
according to, in sb’s opinion
In the eyes of the law, a child
under the age of ten cannot be held
legally responsible.
2.63 witness
/"wItn@s/ (v)
see sth happen or take place,
sometimes sth good, more
commonly an accident or a crime
witness (n)
2.83 millet
/"mIlIt/ (n)
cereal that grows in hot countries,
producing seeds that are mainly
used to make flour or to feed birds
and animals
2.74 handicraft
/"h&ndIkrA:ft/ (n)
activity where you make things by
hand using skill and artistic ability,
esp. sewing, woodwork, pottery;
also refers to any object made in
this way
2.64 authentic
/O:"TentIk/ (adj)
known to be real and genuine
I can’t believe that Tessa thought
she was buying authentic Ancient
Egyptian pottery! She only paid a
couple of pounds – it can’t possibly
be the real thing.
(n), authenticate (v), authentically
2.84 oasis
/@U"eIsIs/ (n)
area in the desert where there is
water and where plants grow
2.75 draw
/drO:/ (n)
thing, person or event that attracts
a lot of people
Very commonly
found in the expression
the main
draw (v)
2.85 sustainability
/s@%steIn@"bIl@ti/ (n)
ability to be continued for a long
time sustain (v), sustainable (adj)
2.65 beyond
/bI"jQnd/ (adv)
more than, apart from sth
he spoke very little French beyond
‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’, ordering
food in a restaurant proved rather
2.76 envy
/"envi/ (n)
feeling of wanting to be in the
same situation as sb else envy
(v), envious (adj), enviously (adv)
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2.86 call into question
/%kO:l Int@ "kwestSn/ (idm)
doubt sth or make others doubt
Usually used in the passive.
As he earlier claimed not to
have seen the fight, his validity
as a witness has been called into
2.96 turban
/"t3:b@n/ (n)
long piece of cloth wound tightly
around the head worn, for example,
by men of certain religions
2.106 hostage
/"hQstIdZ/ (n)
person who is captured and held
prisoner by a person or group, and
who may be injured or killed if
people do not do what the person
or group is asking for hold/take
sb hostage (v)
2.97 standard
/"st&nd@d/ (adj)
normal, not special or unusual
standard (n)
2.87 capacity
/k@"p&s@ti/ (n)
number of things or people
that a space can hold
stadium was full to capacity for
the Liverpool–Everton match last
capacious (adj)
2.98 attire
/@"taI@(r)/ (n)
clothes that sb is wearing
2.107 shortcut
/%SO:t"kVt/ (n)
quicker or shorter way of getting
to a place or doing sth (can be
two words)
If you take shortcuts
instead of doing the proper
research, you’re unlikely to get the
best results.
2.99 shovel
/"SVvl/ (v)
lift and move earth, stones, etc.
shovel (n)
2.88 fray
/freI/ (v)
come apart: when
tempers fray,
people start to become irritated or
2.100 usher
/"VS@(r)/ (v)
take or show sb where they should
go usher (n)
2.108 profusely
/pr@"fju:sli/ (adv)
a lot, in large amounts
thanked the woman profusely for
looking after her little boy when he
got lost.
profusion (n), profuse
2.89 convoy
/"kQnvOI/ (n)
group of vehicles or ships
travelling together, esp. when
soldiers or other vehicles travel
with them for protection
soldiers died when rebels opened
fire on a UN convoy taking fresh
troops into the south of the city.
2.101 furious
/"fjU@ri@s/ (adj)
very angry
fury (n), furiously
2.109 get away with
/%get @"weI wID/ (phr v)
do sth wrong and not be punished
for it
Sam broke her mum’s
favourite vase by accident, but she
got away with it.
2.102 overtake
/%@Uv@"teIk/ (v)
go past a moving vehicle or person
ahead of you because you are
going faster than they are
I pulled
out to overtake the truck which was
crawling up the hill.
2.90 chuck
/tSVk/ (v)
throw sth carelessly
2.110 persuasion
/p@"sweIZn/ (n)
the act of persuading sb to do sth
or to believe sth
After a little
gentle persuasion, he agreed to
persuade (v), persuasive
(adj), persuasively (adv)
2.91 within earshot (of)
/wI%DIn "I@SQt/ (idm)
near enough to hear sb/sth or to
be heard
2.103 obedience
/@"bi:di@ns/ (n)
doing what you are told to do
Obedience to their father’s strict
rules was very hard for the children.
obey (v), obedient (adj),
obediently (adv)
2.92 impact
/"Imp&kt/ (n)
powerful effect that sth has on
sth/sb impact (on) (v)
2.111 expedition
/%eksp@"dISn/ (n)
organised journey with a particular
purpose, esp. to find out about sth
that is not well known
2.93 conflict
/"kQnflIkt/ (n)
situation in which people, groups
or communities are involved in a
serious disagreement or argument
conflict (v), conflicting (adj)
2.112 jaguar
/"dZ&gju@(r)/ (n)
2.104 stewardess
/%stju:@"des/ (n)
woman whose job is to take care
of the passengers on a plane
steward (n)
member of the big cat family
found only in Central and South
America, with yellow-brown fur
and black rings and spots
2.94 prominently
/"prQmIn@ntli/ (adv)
in a way that is easily seen,
because sth is made important
prominence (n), prominent (adj)
2.113 struggle
/"strVgl/ (v)
do sth with difficulty
struggle (n)
2.105 ignition
/Ig"nISn/ (n)
place in a car where you put the
key in to start the engine (literally,
the electrical system that makes
the fuel begin to burn) ignite (v)
2.114 in the event
/%In DI I"vent/ (phr)
when the situation actually
I was really worried
about my final exam, but in the
event it wasn’t as difficult as I’d
2.95 indigo
/"IndIg@U/ (adj)
very dark blue, almost purple, in
colour indigo (n)
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2.115 preserve
/prI"z3:v/ (v)
keep a particular quality, feature,
etc., make sure that sth is kept
Unfortunately, efforts to preserve
the peace in the Middle East have
failed once again.
(n), preserver (n)
/k@n"tempr@ri/ (adj)
modern, belonging to the present
2.134 ceremony
/"ser@m@ni/ (n)
public or religious occasion that
includes a series of formal or
traditional actions
The wedding
ceremony in church was attended
by about fifty people, in contrast to
the couple of hundred who gathered
for the party in the evening.
ceremonial (adj), ceremonially
/"tSA:t@(r)/ (n)
written agreement about the
principles and aims of an
/"krQpl&nd/ (n)
2.116 exhibit
/Ig"zIbIt/ (n)
object or work of art put in a
public place, e.g. a museum, so
that people can see it exhibit (v),
exhibition (n)
land where plants are grown in
large quantities
/pr@"seSn/ (n)
2.117 conceive (of)
/k@n "si:v (of)/ (v)
form an idea, a plan, etc. in your
mind; imagine sth
Jules Verne
conceived the idea of rockets to the
moon long before anyone in NASA!
conception (n), concept (n), (in)
conceivable (adj), conceptual (adj)
line of people or vehicles that move
along slowly in an organised way,
esp. as part of a ceremony (more
formal than
see 2.36)
process (v)
2.135 launch
/lO:nÍ/ (v)
put a ship or boat into the water
As soon as the emergency
signal sounded, the lifeboats were
launched into the sea.
launch (n)
not sb’s cup of tea
/%nQt ... %kVp @v "ti:/ (idm)
not what sb likes or is interested in
An evening listening to classical
music isn’t my cup of tea, I’d much
rather listen to rap.
2.136 speculate
/"spekj@leIt/ (v)
guess, esp. without knowing all
the details or facts
There’s no
point speculating about what
happened. You’ll have to wait until
we get some more information.
speculation (n), speculative
(adj), speculatively (adv)
2.118 demonstrate
/"dem@nstreIt/ (v)
show sth clearly by giving proof or
His sudden departure
demonstrates how unreliable he is.
demonstration (n), demonstrable
/stO:l/ (n)
table or small shop with an open
front that people sell things from,
esp. at a market
Use of English
2.137 come of age
/kVm @v "eIdZ/ (idm)
reach the age when you have
an adult’s legal rights and
responsibilities coming of age (n)
/"Í&r@ti/ (n)
2.119 fair
/fe@(r)/ (n)
type of entertainment in a field
or park at which people entertain
themselves and play games to win
organisation for helping people in
The charity was set up to
provide support for single-parent
/"A:tIf&kt/ (n)
2.120 curator
/kjU@"reIt@(r)/ (n)
person whose job is to be in
charge of the objects in a museum
or art gallery curate (v)
object, e.g. a pot or tool, made by
a human being and of historical
or cultural interest
Also spelt
(Am Eng).
2.138 retain
/rI"teIn/ (v)
keep sth; continue to have sth
The police struggled to retain
control of the situation.
2.121 ancestor
/"&nsest@(r)/ (n)
person in your family who lived a
long time ago
/"Insj@l@(r)/ (adj)
2.139 rite
/raIt/ (n)
ceremony performed by a
particular group of people or
society, often for religious purposes
only interested in your own
country, ideas, etc. and not in
those from outside
/traIb/ (n)
group of people of the same race,
and with the same customs,
language, religion, etc. tribesman
/In"h&bIt/ (v)
2.140 ritual
/"rIÍu@l/ (n)
action or series of actions always
performed in the same way, esp.
as part of a ceremony or religious
service ritualise (v), ritual (adj),
ritually (adv)
/%kQntrI"bju:Sn/ (n)
action or service that helps to cause
or increase sth
Any research
provides a significant contribution to
scientific knowledge.
(n), contribute (v), contributory (adj)
live in a particular place
The island used to be inhabited
but no one lives here any more.
inhabitant (n), habitation (n),
uninhabitable (adj), uninhabited
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