Optimize IT Real Time Production Intelligence brochure EN.pdf

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Real Time Production Intelligence
Tune your Factory
Companies constantly strive to
optimize plant productivity to meet
their business objectives. Yet, it is
estimated that plants still waste up
to 40% of their productivity through
unplanned stops and interruptions,
speed losses and quality defects. In
today’s fast paced, collaborative
business world, this wasted
effectiveness can be the difference
between a company’s success and failure.
Why then, do these productivity objectives
so often miss their targets? The fact is that
despite investments into manufacturing
planning and control systems, most plant
managers still do not know the true
performance of their factory.
Only through consistent, real-time
measurement, analysis, and improvement of
their business’s Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs), can plant managers determine the
true performance of their factory and identify
ways to improve it. As part of the award
winning Industrial IT enterprise optimization
productivity suite, Optimize IT Real Time
Production Intelligence (Real-TPI) provides
you with the technology needed to achieve
a sustainable, competitive advantage in your
marketplace by enabling your plant to
perform smarter and better at substantial
cost savings.
What Is the Real
Determining the real effectiveness of a
production line is far from simple. It is
even more difficult to calculate production
line effectiveness on-line, based on real time
signals from the production process or
business processes. But operators and
supervisors need such up-to-the minute
information in order to optimize production.
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a
Key Performance Indicator of how machines,
production lines or processes are performing in
terms of Availability, Speed (Performance) and
Quality. In equipment improvement activities,
OEE is one of the best measures of perfor-
mance. Equipment effectiveness is maximized
through efforts to control or eliminate the “six
major losses” indicated in the diagram below:
the Software Solution
Optimize IT Real-TPI is a real time performance
measurement and analysis software program
that improves plant productivity by identifying
ways to increase OEE. This user-friendly
software automates data-collection and analy-
sis, and provides customized reports tailored to
plant management’s needs.
Real-TPI software harnesses the analytical
power of three standard production evaluation
processes: OEE, Root Cause Analysis (RCA),
and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).
When OEE indicates poor plant performance,
RCA is utilized to determine what the problem
is and where it is located so the corrective
action can be taken. TPM is a process
to adjust production equipment
procedures with the aim of
improving efficiency.
Real-TPI benefits:
• Provides solid
performance data
and advanced tools
for analysis
• Complements many
other systems,
including production
planning, production
tracking and financial
systems, with real time
production efficiency data
• Easy to track the daily
progress and identify and
react to possible problems in
the production line
• Eliminates inaccurate, inconsistent,
defective, and laborious manual logs
Main functions:
• Detect and record automatically and/or
manually all losses in production
• Calculate and show on-line Key
Performance Indicators
• Analyze the production data and identify
improvement opportunities
• Help identify root causes of losses
• Create reports or export data to
other systems
• Enable easy installation in different types
of production processes
Real-TPI is a specialized software tool
developed for plant engineers and production
managers for use in determining the on-line
OEE of production equipment and processes.
By automatically collecting machine data in
real-time, Real-TPI is able to record, analyze,
and present the individual machine and
combined process availability, performance,
and product quality factors that determine
overall production efficiency. The resulting
information is invaluable in efforts to remove
process bottlenecks and thereby improve
overall manufacturing throughput
and product quality.
Real-TPI is compatible with the latest software
standards. In addition to the Client/Server
architecture, a web-based reporting module is
also available. Users can access the perfor-
mance indicators anywhere in the world with
their mobile WAP phone.
The system has a modular, distributed structure
and includes components such as:
data acquisition
data manipulation and storage
web interface
Collectively, these components can be easily
adapted to plant equipment, standard plant
communication networks, and a multitude of
machine and operator topologies to provide
fast and accurate operations efficiencies.
The Real-TPI solution complements ABB’s
other innovative Industrial IT products and
services in providing fully integrated platforms
and products for the automation and asset
optimization of your factory.
“When you can
measure what you
are speaking
about and express
it in numbers, you
know something
about it; when you
can not measure it
your knowledge is
meager and
- Lord Kelvin
Data Provided in
Asset Context
Real-TPI stores all necessary context data at
every event, allowing for meaningful analysis
and identification of the weakest link in the
production line. Real-TPI calculates the OEE
values and other Key Performance Indicators
for the selected period and machines. All
screens are updated on-line. You are free to
define the number of failure categories and
their names in different languages.
Any time period, such as the previous night’s
shift, may be viewed with possible problems
becoming immediately visible. Different
analysis and reporting tools are used to identify
typical problem types, when and where they
occur and what impact they have on overall
OEE. This is where Real-TPI provides its
greatest value.
These reports include Chronograms, OEE
Displays, Pareto Charts, Waterfall Diagrams,
Penalty Charts, and Production Reports.
Chronograms identify the state of the machine
and provide reasons for machine stoppages (i.e.
planned downtime or breakdown) during a
sequence of events.
Dynamic PARETO charts report the cumulative
breakdowns by category, type and/or machine
during the selected time period. It gives the ratios
between the different causes of breakdowns in the
line and classifies them in descending order by
cumulative time. For each breakdown, the chart
shows cumulative time and number of
breakdowns, as well as percentages of the category
and of the total time period.
A Waterfall Diagram is a tool to visually describe
the time spent by each machine in different states;
as a waterfall, beginning from the total available
time and down to the actual time the machine was
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