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Copyright © 2004 iPlayMusic, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Play Guitar
Volume 1
Learn guitar techniques for playing songs today!
Some background on our company – who we are, how we got
started, and why we wrote this book.
Section 1:
How to use this book and the accompanying videos.
Section 2:
Guitar Anatomy
Overview of the guitar neck, body, bridge, tuning keys, and the fret
Section 3:
How to hold your guitar
Learn about hand and guitar positioning and posture, so you can
play comfortably for hours.
Section 4:
Guitar pick
How to get strings to sound just right, and the pros and cons of
learning with a pick vs. learning by hand.
Section 5:
Tuning your guitar
Step-by-step instructions and standard tuning techniques.
Section 6:
Basic chords
Learn how to construct and play the most popular chords, which are
the building blocks for playing many popular songs.
Section 7:
Strumming patterns
Now we’re making music! See how with just a few chords and
strumming pattern combinations in your repertoire you will be well
on your way to playing popular songs.
Section 8:
Learn the trick to playing chord changes seamlessly.
Section 9:
Practice tips
Tips on how to strengthen your fingers and refine your technique.
Section 10:
Next steps
Two popular songs that you can play, plus suggestions for where to
go for further instruction and resources for learning your favorite
The vision of iPlayMusic, Inc. is to teach people how to play their
favorite songs on their favorite musical instruments. The iPlayMusic
Play Guitar
series is our first set of learning materials for the guitar.
In Volume 1 we present the essentials you need to know in order to
start playing songs right away.
iPlayMusic, Inc. was formed by three friends who share a passion for
music and instruction. We have 20 years combined playing experience
and have studied music formally at Musician’s Institute (GIT) and the
university level.
In developing our teaching method, we conducted extensive research
– we spoke to friends, other instructors, advanced players, beginners,
and people who always wanted to play a musical instrument but hadn’t
even taken the first step. In this process we quickly learned that most
people quit playing guitar because they get frustrated with traditional
teaching methods and don’t find the process enjoyable.
The key reasons we found were that books, videos and even personal
instructors typically focus the first few lessons on guitar theory, scales,
notation and other topics that can be confusing and frustrating for
beginners. Based on this research, we decided to focus on teaching
people the skills they need to play songs as soon as possible.
Playing guitar is a skill you will enjoy the rest of your life. It can be a
way to escape the mundane, give joy to others, or simply have fun
and relax. We hope you will pick up skills from this book that will help
you learn guitar and the songs you love.
Quincy, Scott, and Mike
The iPlayMusic Team
1. Approach
This book is designed to be used in combination with the internet and
accompanying sound files and videos. The videos are
from the iPlayMusic website:
You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6 or higher to play the
sound files embedded within this document. To download the latest
version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to:
You should be able to play the sound files by simply
on the
speaker icons. However, if you are unable to play them from this
document, they are also available for download from the website.
For sections where we have included video, you will follow the
download instructions from the iPlayMusic website and then
on the specified file once you have saved it to your computer. All
of the videos are in Windows Media 9 format, so to play the videos you
will need the latest Windows Media Player from Microsoft.
the latest player, go to:
We are committed to ensuring that you have a great experience with
our products. If you have any problems at all, please email us at the
following address:
This book is written for the beginning student. Each section builds
upon the previous sections, so it is very important to take a
If you approach the lessons this way, by section 10 you will have
mastered the fundamentals that will enable you to play songs
So, if you’re ready to start playing music, let’s get started!
2. Guitar Anatomy
Before we get into the lessons, it is important to understand some
and the layout of your guitar. The anatomy of the
guitar is organized much like the human body:
Figure 1
Guitar Head
This is the part of the guitar that has the
(called tuning keys)
that you use to tune your guitar.
Guitar Neck
This is the long part of the guitar that the
run across. The front
of the neck is called the
Guitar Body
This is the largest part of the guitar. If you have an
acoustic guitar
or hollow body
electric guitar,
then it’s the part that is hollowed out.
Guitar bodies have many different shapes, sizes, and wood types that
create a variety of tones. If you have an
electric guitar
with a solid
body, the sound is converted to an electric signal through your guitar
pickups that are located under the strings on the body of the guitar.
The signal is sent to your amplifier via the guitar cable, and the
amplifier then boosts the signal and adds its own character to the
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