The World of Tomorrow - A Public Lecture Addressed by George Adamski at the Detroit institute of Arts on Sep 20 1955 (1956).pdf

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*'.4 publ$ lecture addreseedby Gmnfi$ ASAIf$KI
at the Detroit Instltute of ArtE on September
30, f955 * Publi.shed fron a tepe recording byt
ttlnterFl-anetarY ReJ.Etionstt
l{nggert'Y Boad
Sel.levlller lfl'chX'gan
.tr ,ff"
Archives for UFO Research
Arkivetfor UFO-forskning
P O Box 11027
SE-60011 Norrkoping
I thorghf I rculd tak6 up thc quoetlon tonlght, !.n rcference to
whai we lighl 6:peai ln yearo to core and flhy nE ale Ln the conditJrn in rhich we
flnd ourselves todetr. V€ry fo peopt e realics Ju6t flhat haE beerr taklng p!.ace. We
havo been rovlng eo fast, irt Br rany lyayrr that nE overlook nany thlnga End canrrot
quit,e pl"ace ours€lvea at, the loEent, aa to ntry a1l theoe thLngs sre takLng l,lac6 a$
they do, includlng rrfl"lring Saucergn aeong nany other thtngs.
In the flret place, e lrave propheaLea that re havo overlaoked. r.&&S&$bfni$"
the,_!1b,!e, and aa4r cthe}a, end X otght aay rtght hem that those
pmphec:Les-are actually corui$g truer lf, ne look at than in ihc rtght rrayr For 6:tr
anpJ.e, lt staies in our ol|n Bib1e that ln the latter dqys (as rc ntgtrt call. lt at
t'he nonrent) that hen ihese thlnge nlIL be happentlg.. .ilkC ttelgm in tne elqy ana
sr and ru@re of, $B!|i r 'lre sJJt have coee to a[ JSE__9f cyc].e, ar ae sone peoplc
rtdispensrtlontt. these thlngs are tskfEiTiA;-ilEfAt,
sal] i!, a
the very oonEnt,
At the sae6 tlnb, ther-e Ls a stateeent nade aLeo that the yellow racec everrrher€
rdlj. be rlslng and dCI[andfry the rtghtr thet the ruhLte naa hae enJoyed r1'r !h6g6
ag€s. Ife have 6uoh tlorrble today ln Asla.
r{.ght ther6 to r eal\y loor r*ry tha (EEturbed condltlon6
$o ther^€rs your fullfllnent
ln thie llorldo l{e ere novLng, ooving elowly, aooot5.nel a lltt1s fs€t,, other tLoe!
slowlng up, but re are Dvi4g forw8rd. Go back to the tirne af .L9LL (or even before
1945) gtace the rsr €ndedi our onn goverrmnt, es ueIL as e?el5r governnent,ln the
norJd, ia not the s8e€ governoent ao lt uae. Il you look beak 91rent$g ysarc, Irou
fii],l ftnd s tree€rldoug chen6e hac taken
lto flnd, lt *E look baok, that, 6c:l,eocaacpeclallE ls mvlng f,sster th.n any tltr€
ln tho history of our civlliuatlon.
At one tlnel 6c1€nce ee actualhr lgrored.
liary great !e& and alnde bgve dted by the nayslde uith ldess that could heve pui
uF forth pfobablt one hundr€d yeere ferther than rrlrat fi€ 8!6 o But they nere 5.9-
noredn A scienlrigt aay concetve idear, bui he nag not heve the deang to back the6
up. the people dlCntt back theo, up"-1,6ey dldnlt even thLnk the ldeae uor.bhuhller-
they $ere afreJ.d io mve f,onsard eTen Lf they Ban the ldea. AE a r€suLt, rve have
rlot soved too f,46t.
But sincE the nar (a nore or le6$ Beleniiflo tJpe of nar, nhere Fcl.entljlc lnetnr-
oents ere used) the goverusents alr eesy the rorld bave baclaedsclenqe upn In
the last t€n years th€y have noved fur,bher than they have noved ln fhe 1aEt, hund-
tEd yegrs...snd th6y er^enovl.rg oo .faet tha.t If, ue contlnu€ &a fte do todalr, no one
can 6ay Just nbat, thls natloa or this drole rorLd TriLl be likE, sqy by X9?0,
There are oorry thtngs conlng forth.
JuBi ln Ne$ yor*, I te8 talklng at the of$l,oes of th€ Natlonal Broedcaotlng Conr
pany, We rare t alk[ng about the oaqy thlngg that ars ti.anspbing i6dey. We flnd
that ev6n right nofl thay are alresdg developirg ln6true6nts la aurgery uhere the
kn!,fe (in operatlng) Ls no .i.orrger gotng to be ueed ln the oenner Lt hac been...
but tthigh frequency{. ThXngoli&e that arc taklrg place.
The presldenb of lear Cnryaqy of Ine Atrgeles, lads I siateoent not so lrrng ago
that one of these daya, and probablf long; befora re actually sl.LL have a space
ehip of our ow$ going lnto outer spac€, that flc vrill g{r lntc a booth, sonethihg
J,ike o pbone booth, with baS6age and olJ,r and ask for the prdcao to New
-fork froo
Th€y vlJ.l. t€LL you the prJ.;r, you nlll deposl! the doney (Iike you
t/oe lng6l€6.
do ln thE telephone Urx) and sooeone, soneirhere, wllt pueh a buttnn...and looe
tlran r splft rewsd y,ounl,f.ll,bo l+ l{cw lotttr Thlc, soundalryoaciblu, br$
thslcsc thost nro poaetbtltt$,to tfiat w? &rG fading te$;r. flt*y;ene iontng grt-
duottr *or @,p*g:!g["d
the surf,aceof ileetrintcs...gnd *r hr goso
r9g-ladxgr-r-oag ac ttre!6 dat!, rlLL not have to be buylrg blooDr row hourel
tyl,ll probcbly be nlrpd rdth oagnstlc llncs of porlttvir forcc arowrd follr fUoi
rhsre your tluat rcqld bs rttrastsd. slnae oll pertleLer rrr n€getiv% ttre poail
tive lfuo soul-d attract tlrcn llke tory
oagpit citrectc dusii of tion,
411-th?1e il,ringa are ^oootng forth. It, I a on\y a oatter of, tbe, sod I rould aaf by
lp99f,tf !S1tg" eo rlght, ardre da not hrre a global! nar of, in atoni.c arturel*
rthlch tould heve a
-tendency- actlel potentlaL ot d€rt rcytng ttrta elvl,lintl6n,
thet re aluulrl go for' srd, w€ lhould go to mcrr a ctvl[ztttin
sr hac never beei
on-tftr. €arth b€for€r-a,lot further then Ear\yother! you have probably recd
, , !*y
L€eurlar and othor cl,villaatLonr-that havl adrancei farr i
t l+or4:..ltlanttrr re rlXl adventa a lbt, further, Lf re ouruclvea todgJrcan tnrrt,
shouJdray. that
splenoe. Ilh€n x salr.tltlggcelr tr donrt ossn
"il lbn ar€ celentlatc Laceuae
gclentlfla tdcloryr I ae6n oa&f eclcnce, reiencc urat rorko ia
are r{orkirg ln a
tbo raborrtorv, that act'uslly $orkr ltrth laturn, not Lnrleiendent of natutrs,
Iook to nat'ure fol dl$overtsr, fof € mrst adnit, that aature tF glv€n oao near-
]"y qeEryuhf$ghe haa todqy., ETenEdilon, rnarlytLner, xh6n h€ gol turatod i,n nhe
laborator|r, rculd glve up th€ xhole td€a-ard b ,{l fi thc per&-aori pfac" rnA
ro&e a,p!,pe. $hLle he nar f,ree of tho urorrgld-be rar rorlang on, ruioenlg an t-
dga ry$'tt u-ef.ryressed upod htl ai,ndr,.$nd he muld go !o h1i laSoratory ina gt-
nleh his Jobr
l4annurt look to nature. llE-l,r a bJr-product of natule (ne crn ,ay tt that ,ay)...
rhe lc hlt mther aod can gfve-lri.aaqy an*en, he rarrtr, p&vfdlr,i hn gocc to i"r
in ihe-l{'€ht,rqr 8nd-actua$r llgtenr to lhat tre tr auiporeoto 5o uit,e.rrng Co,
lnrtead of hlr ono nind ratt'u$g1 lonetfueo d.ld, !o&, i"rndrqg als/ anrrcrr to hlt
nlLL abo have autorcb;lte! ar rs hglre rodq,
trre $P^3rd
llr3t, ploPsb\y l+l!&""
ftey mt n'r-6'@]lne
ar oura do
I :.:b'rt !t:y FIr 1g!,have sntE61il
looay. l'aKeLo8 lb€i€Ie!r..1t, 11 ln a terrlbl,o atatc! Ner Tor{r la conlng dong the
| €ate sy, a&doar\y
other cttleer The rcre oa!, rg iave, tbe ore adradst re-wlll
!rru", -uo9nrah of. that firel & lot bumedooo@llo criate<l rhtch ir not good for
huoanbelngo arlnhere. lttls- har becoEe.quttffroblea,
and ccpectaqy ln-Iog
e! you hare prnbab\r read. It & not vlry pleitar&.
go th€re- n€$ ttdngo mat cone forth tf ttrtr clvlll,rat{on fu goirg to aunrlw
Ln a
good healthy state. Tllerlll, hare to aatoptoth€r e6s|l! by rht;h 16 can pmpct eur-
6el'v€€fronplaoe.lo prgog..rhai nercl riep nll,! be to hirnelc the vary poror that
q'9uhavg.been-r€adilg-t'hat.therryl'rg sauccrs or $pocecraf,lb
(f,mo other plaqetr) do not ure fuel llke vreule...and th€y are rcvtng ieopLe
rpae€. l[e nlLL have ihl3 Do er harne€!€d erd probably nrch ear{er trrin ne !oal*
Lae. wEnllJ" havs autoeblrer ard crrerythlng Ll:e p*perled by thio porer. xtrla
power ld treoendoucr-for greater than you reauze...aia it fu- lnsrtrairattble,
ltrls uorld haa beenln e:d.sterdefor agec and ager, n{lllonl qron n{t r ions of
yeara. ret, th6re rere other bodl6s, other worl& in d,rterrce- pr{.or to thle
mrl<lr.ani they keep 6olag. g nhat pouer?-Tthen stop to thlni for a oaant.
rn begln to neallze that rom great iorel la rear\y pripeulne these bodle.
through €pace.
pe!. gggond on the
For instancr, ou.r own sorld iB Eovlrrg at the rate of !8SBS*
orbj.t side of the sun, uhile it noves nearly 19 ntJ'es per slicond on the 2d-hour
we do not
basie. Wefind that it nakes near\r 60o .'t tlf6?--nllffiiarr-and
know enyghlng about it, (We dontt even kno$ it hae rnovedan lnch), Our earth ia
2!1000 nailes around. that ls qdte a large slzed bo{y to be &oved through epace
at that speed. Then l{e find JupJ.ter out there, actuel\y eleven tioee bigger f,harl
ou! own yrorld, Ilr fact, if l"l uas cut up into our own slze, 1! uouLd nake eleven
of our worlds. then, we flnd oany other bodies that. ar6 f,ar larger than that, and
are all loving Just llke toys through space. I[e never g5.vemrch thought to this.
Yet, there bhey' one 3.s pushi-ngthem, no rJot-engJ.nes on then, tr9
n$d.ngsr...but t'bere they are floaiing through space.
We have a tendency in this l|olld to ihlnk that, nrrthing te really happen!"ngue-
cause € dontt feel a4y eovemnt. The ancl.ents thought therle $as a prop holding
ibis aartb qp sorso;,trace.or strings holdtng lt fron above. Iet, all you have to
do ls to look out into opaee. Other plonets are noving ac"oss the heavens as well
and there is nothing holding then up. They are actual\r .floating tn a sea of
power. That pouer ean be harneosed...hag been harneosed..rby ihoge of othef pla-
nets, Tlhy camot it be harnEsEed our ovrnscientlsts? Xhey ri1l hamesE lt; they
are already rcrking along that llne.
In faet, if you go back to about 1?26r ycu flnd LXndbelgh and rnany oth€rs er@ ln-
volved ia the part'icular plsn of a young ean by ihe naee of l{endErahawsho nag
uork5"nggn a certain generator. ftle generator was being devised und€r the sup6r-
vislon of tho ntlitary.
Thte nan (Hendershaly)
himself nas knocked so badly by
this poner that be spent sone iioe st the EeLlovue llospltatr.
So lt ls rnt real\y a rystery entirely. The rystery is how to dwelop to a stage
where $e can r1rn the whole wcrld ntth lt, run anybhtng that requiros power.
tt tt*
We ere puzzled by nany thi-nge. We are puzzled how the Saucera rfLytt.
norLd ar€
look at the situatlon correct\r, ne nuet Ednrl
l,Jffig nfiiFE6l36ii^Es a""t,
nothlng but a space etrip mvlng at that rete of speed. Noneof us know of this
?hese people have harnessed that pouer; utillze th€ gaee 14Trby nhich ihey oper-
ate their apace shlps
are rroan*nade
planelsrr, and they are puzzling to us
becauEewe have failed to look at our olrn (planet), fron which we couLd learn
just r{hat is place,
lJe ale aLso cosing to the stage in developraent(and thlo oay be disastrous to cer-
tain groups), when yre uil.L be deal.lng rith thi6 force ln such a nanner lhat no
being nill have to suffer frron digeaee. Ttrat ttnp ig not, too far off, either.
For instance, aedical acienco haa advanceda lgng oey, done wondere ln aurry thinge.
yet, aLl thelr advanceaent today, ne flnd there are &arly nen dleeaaes oonlng
up v*ith which they carnot cope,
nrind. Wello a fruman
Nowrwe find a great *S'I.Ufb#gp"*fu11*!-he_3ygllg*ol hUman
Earth,. has girren hj.rn a boCy. That body is only transforrned earth j-nto flash and
blcoct and boneso It goes back Lhere. Yorr.mtght as well f,ase Lt. IrlIeIL, naturally,
if t'he Mother Fa.rth, Herselfu gets a ltttl,e
shaky, lei us $qyr you are going to
be feeling it yourself" Toulre relabed to it in that rnannergiffell, the Mc'ilher
Earth iq -qhqirfr, you night $oJrr at this ti$e,
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin