Richard Dawkins-The Blind Watchmaker Chap 03d.doc

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Section 4.


There is a popular cliche, usually uttered in the tones Stephen Potter would have called 'plonking', which says that you cannot get out of computers any more than you put in. Other versions are that computers only do exactly what you tell them to, and that therefore computers are never creative. The cliche is true only in a crashingly trivial sense, the same sense in which Shakespeare never wrote anything except what his first schoolteacher taught him to write — words. I programmed EVOLUTION into the computer, but I did not plan 'my' insects, nor the scorpion, nor the spitfire, nor the lunar lander. I had not the slightest inkling that they would emerge, which is why 'emerge' is the right word. True, my eyes did the selecting that guided their evolution, but at every stage I was limited to a small clutch of progeny offered up by random mutation, and my selection 'strategy', such as it was, was opportunistic, capricious and short-term. I was not aiming for any distant target, and nor does natural selection. I can dramatize this by discussing the one time when I did try to aim for a distant target. First I must make a confession. You will have guessed it anyway. The evolutionary history of Figure 4 is a reconstruction. It was not the first time I had seen 'my' insects. When they originally emerged to the sound of trumpets, I had no means of recording their genes. There they were, sitting on the computer screen, and I couldn't get at them, couldn't decipher their genes. I delayed switching the computer off while I racked my brain trying to think of some way of saving them, but there was none. The genes were too deeply buried, just as they are in real life. I could print out pictures of the insects' bodies, but I had lost their genes. I immediately modified the program so that in future it would keep accessible records of genetic formulae, but it was too late. I had lost my insects. I set about trying to 'find' them again. They had evolved once, so it seemed that it must be possible to evolve them again. Like the lost chord, they haunted me. I wandered through Biomorph Land, moving through an endless landscape of strange creatures and things, but I couldn't find my insects. I knew that they must be lurking there somewhere. I knew the genes from which the original evolution had started. I had a picture of my insects' bodies. I even had a picture of the evolutionary sequence of bodies leading up to my insects by slow degrees from a dot ancestor. But I didn't know their genetic formula. You might think that it would have been easy enough to reconstruct the evolutionary pathway, but it wasn't. The reason, which I shall come back to, is the astronomical number of possible biomorphs that a sufficiently long evolutionary pathway can offer, even when there are only nine genes varying. Several times on my pilgrimage through Biomorph Land I seemed to come close to a precursor of my insects, but, then, in spite of my best efforts as a selecting agent, evolution went off on what proved to be a false trail. Eventually, during my evolutionary wanderings through Biomorph Land - the sense of triumph was scarcely less than on the first occasion -1 finally cornered them again. I didn't know (still don't) if these insects were exactly the same as my original, 'lost chords of Zarathustra' insects, or whether they were superficially 'convergent' (see next chapter), but it was good enough. This time there was no mistake: I wrote down the genetic formula, and now I can 'evolve' insects whenever I want. Yes I am piling on the drama a bit, but there is a serious point being made. The point of the story is that even though it was I that programmed the computer, telling it in great detail what to do, nevertheless I didn't plan the animals that evolved, and I was totally surprised by them when I first saw their precursors. So powerless was I to control the evolution that, even when I very much wanted to retrace a particular evolutionary pathway it proved all but impossible to do so. I don't believe I would ever have found my insects again if I hadn't had a printed picture of the complete set of their evolutionary precursors, and even then it was difficult and tedious. Does the powerlessness of the programmer to control or predict the course of evolution in the computer seem paradoxical? Does it mean that something mysterious, even mystical was going on inside the computer? Of course not. Nor is there anything mystical going on in the evolution of real animals and plants.

We can use the computer model to resolve the paradox, and learn something about real evolution in the process. To anticipate, the basis of the resolution of the paradox will turn out to be as follows. There is a definite set of biomorphs, each permanently sitting in its own unique place in a mathematical space. It is permanently sitting there in the sense that, if only you knew its genetic formula, you could instantly find it; moreover, its neighbours in this special kind of space are the biomorphs that differ from it by only one gene. Now that I know the genetic formula of my insects, I can reproduce them at will, and I can tell the computer to 'evolve' towards them from any arbitrary starting point. When you first evolve a new creature by artificial selection in the computer model, it feels like a creative process. So it is, indeed. But what you are really doing is finding the creature, for it is, in a mathematical sense, already sitting in its own place in the genetic space of Biomorph Land. The reason it is a truly creative process is that finding any particular creature is extremely difficult, simply and purely because Biomorph Land is very very large, and the total number of creatures sitting there is all but infinite. It isn't feasible just to search aimlessly and at random. You have to adopt some more efficient - creative - searching procedure. Some people fondly believe that chess-playing computers work by internally trying out all possible combinations of chess moves. They find this belief comforting when a computer beats them, but their belief is utterly false. There are far too many possible chess moves: the search-space is billions of times too large to allow blind stumbling to succeed. The art of writing a good chess program is thinking of efficient short cuts through the search-space. Cumulative selection, whether artificial selection as in the computer model or natural selection out there in the real world, is an efficient searching procedure, and its consequences look very like creative intelligence. That, after all, is what William Paley's Argument from Design was all about. Technically, all that we are doing, when we play the computer biomorph game, is finding animals that, in a mathematical sense, are waiting to be found. What it feels like is a process of artistic creation. Searching a small space, with only a few entities in it, doesn't ordinarily feel like a creative process. A child's game of hunt the thimble doesn't feel creative. Turning things over at random and hoping to stumble on the sought object usually works when the space to be searched is small. As the search-space gets larger, more and more sophisticated searching procedures become necessary. Effective searching procedures become, when the search-space is sufficiently large, indistinguishable from true creativity. The computer biomorph models make these points well, and they constitute an instructive bridge between human creative processes, such as planning a winning strategy at chess, and the evolutionary creativity of natural selection, the blind watchmaker. To see this, we must develop the idea of Biomorph Land as a mathematical 'space', an endless but orderly vista of morphological variety, but one in which every creature is sitting in its correct place, waiting to be discovered. The 17 creatures of Figure 5 are arranged in no special order on the page. But in Biomorph Land itself each occupies its own unique position, determined by its genetic formula, surrounded by its own particular neighbours. All the creatures in Biomorph Land have a definite spatial relationship one to another. What does that mean? What meaning can we attach to spatial position? The space we are talking about is genetic space. Each animal has its own position in genetic space. Near neighbours in genetic space are animals that differ from one another by only a single mutation. In Figure 3, the basic tree in the centre is surrounded by 8 of its 18 immediate neighbours in genetic space. The 18 neighbours of an animal are the 18 different kinds of children that it can give rise to, and the 18 different kinds of parent from which it could have come, given the rules of our computer model. At one remove, each animal has 324 (18 x 18, ignoring back-mutations for simplicity) neighbours, the set of its possible grandchildren, grandparents, aunts or nieces. At one remove again, each animal has 5,832 (18 x 18 x 18) neighbours, the set of possible great grandchildren, great grandparents, first cousins, etc. What is the point of thinking in terms of genetic space?  Where does it get us?

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