Bible Contradictions - Greg Vanden Berge.pdf

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Bible Contradictions – Book 1
By Greg Vanden Berge
Published by Greg Vanden Berge
Copyright 2011 Greg Vanden Berge
Greg's Books
Home Buyers Checklist
How To Build Strait Stairs
501 Contractor Tips
Simplified Stair Building
Guide For Hiring Contractors
Simplified Bracket Stair Building
Simplified Tile Floor Installation
Simplified House Inspection Checklist
Simplified Home Inspections
21st Century Bible Study Guide
Did God Actually Say That?
30 Bible Questions Answered
30 Bible Contradictions
Precious Bible Verses About Love
100 Bible Verses Book 1
100 Bible Verses Book 2
The Christian Quiz
Questioning Christianity - Creation
100 Questions Christians Can't Answer
World's Best Bible Verses
Coming Out Of The Closet
Bible Contradictions - Killing And Murder
What Do You Do When Jesus Isn't Enough
How To Write And Publish Your Own Kindle Book
100 Things You Can Do To Change Your Life
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Table Of Contents
About The Author
What Is A Bible Contradiction?
Bible Contradictions
About The Author
I'm 49 years old and I've worked in the construction industry for most of
my life, 25 of them as a General Contractor. I'm the father of three
children and currently married to Mrs. Perfect.
I learned almost everything that I know, from books and by talking to
interesting people. I am a proud card carrying member of the school of
hard knocks and could remain a member of this club, until I die.
Even though I didn't go to College or finish High School, I've been
educating myself, for most of my life. I would've said that I've been
gathering information for my entire life, but I don't remember what I was
doing, when I was a year old.
I was definitely an over achiever and by the time I was 25 years old,
received my General Building Contractors License. I studied almost every
aspect of construction and eventually became a preferred contractor,
even among other contractors.
I had accomplished a lot of things, by the time I was 40 years old, but
wasn't satisfied with my life. I started hitting the books again, especially
the audio books and became a spiritual, self-help and personal
development junkie.
I had spent over $4,000 on spiritual and personal development
information and had quite a library, until my home burned down, on
October 22, 2007. I didn't have any insurance and lost almost all of my
construction tools and the entire library.
The average person would have been devastated and I was rattled, but
managed to come through it, like most of us do and today I have another
library filled with books, even though it's missing some audio books.
I started to learn how to type in November of 2007 and actually wrote my
first book in December. How To Build a Straight Set of Stairs, has become
one of my best selling books, providing me with a monthly income.
Currently, I have written at least 20 books and plan on writing for the rest
of my life. I enjoy sharing my life and the information I've gathered, with
Even though some of the information I've gathered, doesn't make good
dinner conversation, I've developed a way of presenting it, in a non-
threatening manner. I've shared my information with Christians, atheists,
agnostics and other religious followers.
It might not make sense all the time, but when it does, it's a wonderful
and joyous experience. When I finally get through to an individual, it's
almost like a parent having a child. Knowing that I helped to create
another thinker, instead of another follower, makes me feel good.
I'm a strong supporter of the truth and regularly look for evidence to
support my own claims and the claims of others. I'm not an atheist,
agnostic or religious follower. I don't belong to any spiritual organization,
even though I've learned a lot, from them.
I was a Christian until I reached the age of 17 and then realized that it
wasn't the only religion, full of mythological stories. I spent a lot of time,
listening to popular religious leaders, trying to make sense out of their
religious beliefs.
I didn't consider any of this, a waste of time, because it brought me to the
conclusion that people will believe anything that they desire to. If you
desire to belief in Christianity or Islam, you will. It's that simple.
My goal in life is to teach people to ask questions and try to get them to
think about some of the information they share with others. I wouldn't
tell someone that God exists or that God doesn't exist, because I don't
have enough satisfactory scientific evidence, to support this claim.
I'm not against religion, but I'm definitely for humanity and the rights of
individuals. Religion is just the first step, but we need to start thinking
about our government leaders, the distribution of wealth and poverty.
One of the biggest problems with the Holy Bible is the fact that it
contradicts itself regularly. For example, as saying,” Love your neighbor”
can get thrown right out the window, whenever the Bible makes a
reference to God, finding it acceptable, to kill someone.
This doesn't only happen once, in the Bible, but numerous times. A simple
statement in the Old Testament about one God and how there is only one
God, actually changes to three gods, in the New Testament.
At one time followers of Jehovah needed to sacrifice living animals, but
no longer do. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? Why was it
necessary at one period of time, but no longer is?
How can the infinite wisdom of the most intelligent being that Christians,
Jews and Muslims have access to, create a book with so many errors and
I would never dream of considering myself as wise as the creator of the
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