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Belgian armored Forces
A Year Long Attempt to Break the siege of Leningrad
Neva River Parts with Relics
of Wartime
‘Nevsky PyaTaChok’
Chieftain Main Battle Tank
Bringing a Paper Bear to Life
Development and Active service. Part Three
The German sturmpanzer Bär in 1/35
Publisher/Managing Editor
Alex Zaretser
David Stephens
Scale Modeling Editor
Jacques Duquette
Issue 4 Editorial Team
Andrey Aksenov
Tomasz Basarabowicz
Rob Cogan
Mike Haines
Marcus Hock
Chris Meddings
Steve Osfield
Brent Sauer
Robert G. “Smitty” Smith
Other Contributors
Ross DuVall
Robert Griffin
Grzegorz Grzywocz
Aleksey Makarov
Igor Zheltov
Andrey Aksenov
Rob Cogan
Ross DuVall
Yuri Maltsev
Brent Sauer
Front Cover:
Photo by Andrey Aksenov
“The Armor Journal Magazine” is published
by Waddling Penguin Publishing, LLC.
On the Cover: Returning from the War
Read the article by Andrey Aksenov about the Soviet
light tank BT-5, discovered some time ago by the spe-
cialists of the Baltic Marine Society, and its recovery
from the bottom of the Neva River.
Nevsky Pyatachok
After reading the material about the BT-5 recovery the
question may arise: “How did it get there in the first
place?” Another article by Andrey Aksenov takes a look
into history of “Nevsky Pyatachok” (Neva Patch).
Belgian Armored Forces. 1914-1945
Belgians were among the pioneers of using armor in
combat. Tomasz Basarabowicz takes a look into the ear-
ly history of the Belgian Armored Forces, the vehicles
they used and their tactics.
Design and Layout of the T-34 Tanks
Part two of the article by Aleksey Makarov and Igor
Zheltov, research fellows of the T-34 History Museum
near Moscow. Read about the layout and features of the
tank produced by the Plant 183 in June 1942.
Book Reviews
Reviews of a couple of books that may be of some inter-
est to our readers. One of them is the recently published
“M1 Abrams Tank: Rare Photographs from Wartime Ar-
chives “ by Michael Green.
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of their creators unless noticed otherwise.
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in part or in whole without written permis-
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tions are used for review or discussion.
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azine. Advertisers are solely responsible
and liable for all content and the accuracy
of their advertisement.
Chieftain Main Battle Tank
The final part of the three-part article by Robert Griffin.
Learn the story of the legendary British Main Battle Tank
Chieftain; its development and active service from pro-
totype to Mk.11 version.
Sturmpanzer Bär
The impractical in real life “paper monsters” shock us by
what they could do. Ross DuVall, a mechanical designer by
trade, takes a closer look at one of them while recreating
it in 1/35 scale. Written with help by Jacques Duquette.
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Issue 4, Winter 2016
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