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CS 422/522 Design & Implementation
of Operating Systems
Lecture 3: Project Overview
Zhong Shao
Dept. of Computer Science
Yale University
some slides are taken from previous versions of the CS422/522 lectures taught by Prof. Bryan Ford
and Dr. David Wolinsky, and also from the official set of slides accompanying the OSPP textbook by Anderson and Dahlin.
Debugging as engineering
Much of your time in this course will be spent
–  In industry, 50% of software dev is debugging
–  Even more for kernel development
How do you reduce time spent debugging?
–  Produce working code with smallest effort
Optimize a process involving you, code, computer
Debugging as science
Understanding -> design -> code
–  not the opposite
Form a hypothesis that explains the bug
–  Which tests work, which don’t. Why?
–  Add tests to narrow possible outcomes
Use best practices
–  Always walk through your code line by line
–  Module tests – narrow scope of where problem is
–  Develop code in stages, with dummy replacements for later
x86 abstract model
I/O: Communicating data to and from devices
CPU: Logic for performing computation
Memory: Storage
x86 CPU/memory interaction
Memory stores instruction and data
CPU interprets instructions
x86 implementation
EIP points to next instruction
Incremented after each instruction
x86 instructions are not fixed length
EIP modified by CALL, RET, JMP, and conditional JMP
x86 general purpose registers (GPR)
Temporary registers
Contents may be changed by instructions
Contents not changed by interrupts / exceptions / traps
EDI/ESI used by string ops but also as GPR
x86 memory models
Real mode
with segmentation (16-bit mode)
–  Used by early OSes
–  All x86 still boots in Real Mode for “compatibility” reasons
–  You can only use 1MB memory (4-bit segment + 16-bit address)
PhysicalAddress = segment * 16 + offset
Protected mode
w. segmentation & paging (32-bit)
–  4GB memory
–  Segmentation done via GDT (Global Descriptor Table)
*  A code segment descriptor holding a base address
*  A data segment descriptor holding a base address
*  A TSS segment descritor …
x86 segmentation registers
8086 registers 16-bit w/20-bit bus addresses
Solution: segment registers
CS: code segment, EIP
SS: stack segment, ESP and EBP
DS: data segment, register mem ops
ES: string segment, string ops
Linear address computation:
–  EIP => CS:EIP = 0x8000:0x1000 = 0x81000
–  ESP => SS:ESP = 0xF800:0x1000 = 0xF9000
–  (EAX) => DS:EAX = 0xC123:0x1000 = 0xC2230
x86 real mode
8086 16-bit with
20-bit address bus
Stored in segment
registers CS, DS,
Logical address:
Physical address:
segment*0x10 +
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