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Name              ____________________________

Class              ____________________________

End-of-course Test 
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   B


1              Underline the correct word(s).

Example:              There’s no / not enough time to get the project finished today.

1              You wouldn’t / won’t be a good tennis player if you don’t practise more.

2              Very few / little people speak more than two languages.

3              If we went to visit her, she’ll / she’d be so happy.

4              We don’t have any / no potatoes. Can you buy some when you go to the shops?

5              You mustn’t / mightn’t copy things from other people in exams – it’s cheating.

6              Jonathan drives much faster than / that you do.

7              The Olympics held / were held in London in 2012.

8              You won’t be able to cycle this late unless / if you have lights.

9              I don’t mind people disagree / disagreeing with me about politics.

10              Could you speak more slower / slowly, please? I can’t understand you.

11              Is that the woman who’s / whose son won the marathon?

12              Can you come and visit me the next / next Friday?

13              Will / Shall you let me know when you get back home?

14              We usually / use to go out to eat at the weekend. We like trying new food.

15              Kate said / told me not to say anything about her job interview.




2              Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example:              Are you going (go) on holiday this year?

1              The exam results come out soon. They ________ (send) to your home address.

2              ‘Did you hear the doorbell?’  ‘No, I ________ (listen) to opera on my headphones.’

3              I would have offered to take you home if I ________ (know) you needed a lift.

4              Sam thinks you _______ (send) him the wrong documents last week.

5              I ________ (drink) a lot of coffee at the moment because I’ve got so much work.

6              ‘Where’s Diana?’  ‘She ________ (go) out. She’ll be back in ten minutes.’

7              When Tina ________ (get) here, we’ll have lunch.

8              Martha ________ (meet) me for a coffee every morning. She works near me.

9              When Stephen arrived, we saw that he ________ (break) his leg.

10              Gina _________ (go) to the Olympics when she was in London.

11              Paul ________ (work) at the moment. Shall I ask him to call you back later?

12              I ________ (go) to t’ai-chi classes since March – it makes me feel great!

13              If we won the lottery, we ________ (give) a lot of the money to charity.

14              Simon said that he ________ (want) to learn car mechanics.

15              I don’t want pizza again! I ________ (have) it yesterday!




3              Complete the sentences with one word.

Example:              That’s the house where my father was born.

1              We don’t ________ to go to school tomorrow – it’s a holiday.

2              Wait ________ your guests have started eating before you start.

3              I didn’t ________ to eat much bread but now I eat too much!

4              Do you think you’ll be ________ to help me with my work tomorrow?

5              You won’t be back late tonight, ________ you?

6              This is the key ________ opens that door.

7              We wouldn’t have missed the bus if we ________ stayed at the party so long.

8              If I ________ you, I’d walk away and forget all about it.

9              Susan ________ me whether I’d ever been to New York.

10              You’re coming to the party tomorrow, ________ you?





Grammar total





4              Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

Example:              What are you going to do next weekend?

1              We’re looking forward ________ seeing you both next week.

2              Dan’s not keen ________ football. He likes rugby.

3              Are you thinking ________ going to the cinema this weekend?

4              Sydney is famous ________ its opera house.

5              I’m very pleased ________ my new shoes – they were in the sale.

6              Belinda isn’t good ________ tennis – she always loses.

7              I’d never spent so much ________ a meal before – it was far too much.





5              Underline the odd one out.

Example:              composer   teacher   employee   violinist

1              musical   script   cartoon   comedy

2              tinned   fried   grilled   baked

3              retire   apply for   get sacked   resign

4              charming   sociable   spoilt   affectionate

5              fail   get expelled   cheat   graduate





6              Complete the sentences with one word.

Example:              My sister and I get on well with each other.

1              John’s in a meeting. Would you like to leave a ________?

2              Cathy ________ yoga every morning. She says it’s a great way to start the day.

3              I got ________ playing football and I couldn’t play for two months.

4              Mina’s the new manager, and is now in ________ of 20 people.

5              We’re cutting down ________ meat in our diet.

6              Kim ________ in the exam yesterday – she copied the answers from the boy next to her.

7              It was great to see you again after such a long time. We must ________ in touch.

8              I’m not keen on foreign films being dubbed. I hate reading ________ too.





7              Write the noun.

Example:              organize  organization

1              deliver              _________

2              succeed              _________

3              lose              _________

4              explain              _________

5              complain              _________

6              respond              _________





8              Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Example:              I inherited a lot of money a few years ago from my grandfather.

inherited   earned   invested

1              Manchester United ________ Chelsea 2–1.

              won   drew   beat

2              ...

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