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Instruction book
Pictorial symbols
Winter storage
Operational problems
Technical specifications
EC Declaration of Conformity
Liquid flow
Illustrations, technical information and data in this book are to the best of our belief correct at the time of printing. As it is HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S policy
permanently to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes in design, features, accessories, specifications and maintenance instructions at any time
and without notice.
HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S is without any obligation in relation to implements purchased before or after such changes.
HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S cannot undertake any responsibility for possible omissions or inaccuracies in this publication, although everything possible has been
done to make it complete and correct.
As this instruction book covers all models, features or equipment, which are available in certain countries only can be shown. Please pay attention to paragraphs
dealing with precisely your model.
Published and printed by HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S
Table of contents
EC Declaration of Conformity ....................................................... 4
Operator safety ............................................................................. 4
Description .................................................................................... 5
Identification plates .................................................................. 5
Sprayer use .............................................................................. 6
Lifting points .................................................................................. 6
Before putting the sprayer into operation ...................................... 6
Connecting the sprayer ................................................................. 6
Disconnecting the sprayer. ........................................................... 6
Transmission shaft ........................................................................ 7
Operator safety ......................................................................... 7
Installation of transmission shaft .............................................. 7
Hydraulics ME-LPY ....................................................................... 8
Hydraulics ME-LPZ ....................................................................... 8
Direct Acting Hydraulic system ................................................. 8
Control boxes and power supply .............................................. 8
Rear lights (if fitted) ....................................................................... 8
Roadworthyness ........................................................................... 8
Lubrication .................................................................................. 27
Operating instructions ................................................................... 9
Operating the LPY and LPZ booms ......................................... 9
Characteristics - LPZ boom ...................................................... 9
Unfolding the LPZ boom ...................................................... 9
Folding the LPZ boom ......................................................... 9
Alternative boom widths ...................................................... 9
Characteristics - LPY boom ................................................... 10
Speed regulation of the hydraulic boom movements ........ 10
Unfolding/folding the LPY boom ........................................ 10
Slanting the boom ............................................................. 10
Hydraulic Slanting Control (if fitted) ........................................ 11
Adjustment of LPY and LPZ booms ....................................... 11
Adjusting the pendulum device ......................................... 11
Adjusting the pendulum effect ........................................... 11
Pendulum damping ........................................................... 12
Adjustment of pendulum chains ........................................ 12
Adjustment of limit stop valve ............................................ 12
Parallel setting of centre section and MEGA lift ................ 12
Transport ..................................................................................... 13
Transport brackets .................................................................. 13
Independent setting of transport position ............................... 13
Transport positions, LPY boom ......................................... 15
Transport positions, LPZ boom .......................................... 16
Operating instructions (liquid system) ......................................... 17
MANIFOLD SYSTEM ............................................................. 17
Function diagram .................................................................... 17
EC with optional equipment ................................................... 17
Use of MANIFOLD valve system ........................................... 17
Electric operated MANIFOLD valves (if fitted) ........................ 18
Filling of main tank ................................................................. 18
Filling through tank lid ....................................................... 18
Service and Maintenance ........................................................... 30
10 hours service ..................................................................... 31
50 hours service ..................................................................... 32
250 hours service ................................................................... 32
1000 hours service ................................................................. 34
Occasional maintenance ........................................................ 35
Off-season storage ..................................................................... 40
Fault-finding ................................................................................ 40
Operational problems ............................................................. 40
Emergency operation of the sprayer ...................................... 43
Technical specs .......................................................................... 44
Measure and weight ............................................................... 44
Pump capacity ........................................................................ 44
Filters and nozzles ................................................................. 44
Temperature and pressure ranges ......................................... 44
Electrical connections ............................................................ 44
Materials and recycling .......................................................... 45
Conversion factors SI to Imperial units ................................... 45
Boom hydraulic LPY ............................................................... 45
Boom hydraulic LPZ ............................................................... 46
Electrical specs. ..................................................................... 46
Subject index .............................................................................. 47
Suction Filling Device (if fitted) ............................................... 18
Fast Filling Device (if fitted) .................................................... 19
Filling of rinsing tank (if fitted) ................................................ 19
Filling of clean water tank (if fitted) ......................................... 20
Adjustments of EC operating unit ........................................... 20
Remote pressure gauge (if fitted) ........................................... 20
Filters ..................................................................................... 21
Self-cleaning filter .............................................................. 21
Choice of correct restrictor ................................................ 21
Filling of chemicals. ................................................................ 21
Filling through tank lid ....................................................... 21
Filling by HARDI FILLER chemical inductor ........................... 21
Liquid chemicals: ............................................................... 21
Powder chemicals: ............................................................ 22
Use of rinsing tank and rinsing nozzles
(if fitted) .................................................................................. 23
Technical Residue .................................................................. 24
Operation of the tank drain valve ............................................ 24
Rinsing tank drain valve ......................................................... 24
Safety precautions ...................................................................... 25
Personal protection ................................................................ 25
Liquid fertilisers ........................................................................... 25
Maintenance ............................................................................... 26
Cleaning the sprayer .............................................................. 26
Cleaning and maintenance of filters ....................................... 26
EC Declaration of Conform-
Helgeshøj Allé 38
DK 2630 Taastrup
Operator safety
Watch for this symbol
. It means
is involved so be alert!
Note the following recommended precautions
and safe operating practices.
Read and understand this instruction book before
using the equipment. It is equally important that
other operators of this equipment read and
understand this book.
Local law may demand that the operator be
certified to use spray equipment. Adhere to the
Pressure test with clean water prior to filling with
Wear protective clothing.
Rinse and wash equipment after use and before
Depressurize equipment after use and before
Never service or repair the equipment whilst it is
Disconnect electrical power before servicing.
Always replace all safety devices or shields
immediately after servicing.
If an arc welder is used on the equipment or
anything connected to the equipment, disconnect
power leads before welding. Remove all inflam-
mable or explosive material from the area.
Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst spraying or
working with contaminated equipment.
Wash and change clothes after spraying.
Wash tools if they have become contaminated.
In case of poisoning, immediately seek medical
advice. Remember to identify chemicals used.
Keep children away from the equipment.
Do not attempt to enter the tank.
Do not go under any part of the sprayer unless it
is secured. The boom is secure when placed in
the transport brackets.
If any portion of this instruction book remains
unclear after reading it, contact your HARDI
dealer for further explanation before using the
declare that the following product;
Adhere extra shipping package labels to inside cover.
was manufactured in conformity with the provisions in
the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 14 June 1989 on mutual
approximation of the laws of the Member States on the
safety of machines (89/392/EEC as amended by direc-
tives 91/368/EEC and 93/368/EEC) with special refer-
ence to Annex 1 of the Directive on essential safety and
health requirements in relation to the construction and
manufacture of machines.
was manufactured in conformity with the current stand-
ards implementing harmonised standards in accordance
with Article 5 (2) and other relevant standards.
Taastrup, November 1998
Erik Holst
Managing Director
We congratulate you for choosing a HARDI
plant protection product. The reliability and
efficiency of this product depend upon your
care. The first step is to carefully read and
pay attention to this instruction book. It contains essen-
tial information for the efficient use and long life of this
quality product.
reduces the swing of the boom when driving on uneven
ground. The outer sections incorporate spring loaded
spray boom is fully hydraulic folded and oper-
ated. Individual folding of outer sections enable alterna-
tive boom widths. Individual boom tilt function for right
and left side adapts boom height to slopping terrain.
As this instruction book covers all MEGA models with
Slanting control compensates for driving on hillsides. All
LPY or LPZ booms, please pay attention to the para-
functions are controlled by Direct Acting Hydraulic
graphs dealing with precisely your model. This book is to system (D.A.H.). The outer sections incorporate spring
be read in conjunction with the “Spray Technique” book. loaded breakaway.
Identification plates
An identification plate fitted on the frame indicates
producer name, model, own weight, max. weight, max.
The frame is strong and compact. It has a strong chemi- pressure of the hydraulic system, and max. pressure of
the spray liquid system. Frame, boom centre frame,
cal and weather resistant electrostatic lacquer coat.
and inner/outer sections also have
Screws, nuts etc., have been DELTAMAGNI treated to
identification plates
be resistant to corrosion.
indicating boom
type and part
UV-resistant Polyethylene in a purposeful design with no number of
sharp corners for easy agitation, emptying and cleaning. spare
parts. If
Nominal contents 800, 1000 or 1200 l.
Diaphragm pump with 6 diaphragms, model 363 or 463, parts,
depending on boom width, with easily accessible valves inform
and diaphragms.
dealer of
these, so
Manifold system
the right
All functions of the sprayer circuits are operated via the
model and
centrally situated MANIFOLD valves with colorcoded
version are
plates and pictorial symbols for easy operation.
Operating unit
The operating unit is constructed of modules and con-
sists of main ON/OFF valve, pressure gauge, pressure
regulation with built-in HARDI-MATIC and distribution
Write the information of your sprayer here:
valves with pressure equalization. HARDI-MATIC
ensures a constant volume per hectare of the liquid (l/
ha) at varying forward speed within the same gear when
the number of P.T.O. revolutions are between 300-600 r/
min. The operating unit is fully electrically controlled
(EC) via a remote control box.
With the self-cleaning filter the impurities that exist in the
spray liquid will by-pass the filter and be recirculated
back to the tank via the return flow. Also suction filter
and nozzle filters are standard. In-line pressure filters
can be fitted as option.
spray boom is equipped with 4 hydraulic rams.
The raising/lowering and folding/unfolding functions are
performed via the tractor hydraulics. The frame and
boom are connected by a pendulum suspension which
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