6939 KB
EU Declaration of Conformity ............................................... 2
Operator safety ..................................................................... 3
Lifting points .......................................................................... 4
Description ............................................................................. 5
Identification plates ................................................................ 6
Function diagram .................................................................. 6
Connecting the sprayer ......................................................... 7
Transmission shaft .......................................................... 9
Hydraulics ...................................................................... 11
Operating instructions .......................................................... 13
Filling the main tank ....................................................... 13
Filling the Rinsing tank (if fitted) ..................................... 13
Operating the boom ....................................................... 13
Self-Cleaning Filter ........................................................ 16
Adjustment of the BK controls ........................................ 17
Adjustment of the BK/EC controls .................................. 19
Adjustment of the EC controls ...................................... 21
Adjustment of MANIFOLD SYSTEM (if fitted) ................ 23
Operating instructions ................................................... 25
Operation of the tank drain valve .................................. 26
Maintenance ........................................................................ 27
Cleaning the sprayer ...................................................... 27
Filters ............................................................................. 29
Lubrication ..................................................................... 30
Re-adjustment of the Boom ........................................... 35
Changing of valves and diaphragms .............................. 38
Adjustment of lift wagon wheels ..................................... 40
Changing of bushes in lift wagon wheels ....................... 41
Change of wear bushes in boom lift wheels. ................. 42
Changing of boom lift steel cable .................................. 42
Changing the ball seat in BK, BK/EC and EC ................ 43
Checking the valve cone - EC only ................................ 43
Replacement of transmission shaft protection guards ... 44
Replacement of transmission shaft cross journals. ........ 44
Nozzle tubes and fittings ............................................... 45
Off-season storage ............................................................... 46
Operational problems ........................................................... 47
Emergency operation of BK/EC and EC ........................ 50
Technical specifications ....................................................... 51
Pictorial symbols .................................................................. 54
Instruction book
HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S reserve the right to make changes in design or to add new features without
any obligation in relation to implements purchased before or after such changes.
EU Declaration of Conformity
Helgeshøj Allé
DK 2630 Taastrup
declare that the following product;
Adhere extra shipping package labels to inside cover.
was manufactured in conformity with the provisions in the COUNCIL
DIRECTIVE of 14 June 1989 on mutual approximation of the laws of the
Member States on the safety of machines (89/392/EEC as amended by
directives 91/368/EEC and 93/368/EEC) with special reference to Annex
1 of the Directive on essential safety and health requirements in relation
to the construction and manufacture of machines.
was manufactured in conformity with the standards current at that
time that implements a harmonised standard in accordance with Article 5
(2) and other relevant standards.
Taastrup 25.5.98
Erik Holst
Managing Director
Operator safety
Watch for this symbol
NOTE. Your safety is involved so be alert!
Note the following recommended precautions and safe operating
Read and understand this instruction book before using the
equipment. It is equally important that other operators of this
equipment read and understand this book.
Local law may demand that the operator be certified to use spray
equipment. Adhere to the law.
Pressure test with clean water prior to filling with chemicals.
Wear protective clothing.
Rinse and wash equipment after use and before servicing.
Depressurize equipment after use and before servicing.
Never service or repair the equipment whilst it is operating.
Disconnect electrical power before servicing.
Always replace all safety devices or shields immediately after
If an arc welder is used on the equipment or anything connected
to the equipment, disconnect power leads before welding. Re-
move all inflammable or explosive material from the area.
Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst spraying or working with con-
taminated equipment.
Wash and change clothes after spraying.
Wash tools if they have become contaminated.
In case of poisoning, seek doctor or ambulance. Remember to
identify chemicals used.
Keep children away from the equipment.
Do not attempt to enter the tank.
Do not go under any part of the sprayer unless it is secured. The
boom is secure when placed in the transport brackets.
Do not use the step unless the sprayer is connected to the tractor
or the sprayer is correctly placed on a hard, flat surface.
If any portion of this instruction book remains unclear after read-
ing it, contact your HARDI dealer for further explanation before
using the equipment.
We congratulate you for choosing a HARDI plant protection product.
The reliability and efficiency of this product depend on your care. The
first step is to carefully
read and pay attention
to this instruction
book. It contains essential information for the efficient use and long life
of this quality product.
As the instruction book covers all MEGA models with hydraulic LHY
booms (ME-LHY), please pay attention to the paragraphs dealing with
precisely your model. This book is to be read in conjunction with the
“Spray Technique” book.
Lifting points
When loading or unloading the sprayer from a truck or lorry with a
crane, use the lifting
points as shown.
The HARDI MEGA (ME-LHY) sprayers are for the application of crop
protection chemicals and liquid fertilizers. They consist of a pump, ME
type frame with tank of 800, 1000 or 1200 litre capacity, BK or EC
operating unit, Self-Cleaning Filter, transmission shaft and LHY type
boom. Options include the HARDI MANIFOLD SYSTEM valves, Rins-
ing tanks and In-Line Filters.
The design of the diaphragm pump is simple, with easily accessible
diaphragms and valves that ensures liquid does not contact the vital
parts of the pump.
The tank, made of impact-proof and chemical resistant polyethylene, has
a purposeful design with no sharp corners, for easy cleaning. A large,
easy to read tank contents indicator is placed in front of the tank. The
filling hole is placed at the right hand side of the sprayer for easy access.
The BK operating unit consists of; pressure agitator valve, safety valve,
main ON/OFF valve, pressure filter with pressure gauge, distribution valves
with pressure equalization and HARDI-MATIC pressure control valve.
The BK/EC and EC (Electric Control) operating unit consists of; pres-
sure agitator valve, main ON/OFF valve, pressure control valve with
HARDI-MATIC, pressure gauge, distribution valves with pressure
equalization and control box.
HARDI-MATIC ensures a constant volume per hectare of the liquid
(l/ha) at varying speed in the same gear when the number of P.T.O.
revolutions are between 300-600 r/min.
The left hand side of the sprayer is equipped with the basic connec-
tions for the HARDI MANIFOLD SYSTEM. It is wise to utilize the
MANIFOLD SYSTEM in combination with a number of optional extras
as this makes the operation of the sprayer more safe and simple.
With the Self-Cleaning Filter the impurities that exist in the spray liquid
will by-pass the filter and be recirculated back to the tank via the return
The LHY spray boom is equipped with 4 hydraulic rams. The raising/
lowering and folding/unfolding functions are done via the tractor hy-
draulics. The frame and boom are connected by a spring suspended
trapeze suspension which stabilizes boom when driving on uneven
ground. The outer sections incorporate a double-action breakaway.
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