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90-94 Victoria Street, Ashfield Sydney


Phone UA5266  (5 Lines)











TELEGRAMS & CABLES – “PALEC” SYDNEY                                          TELEPHONE  :-  UA5266   (5 LINES)








GENERAL:               This instrument is a high grade portable Multimeter measuring AC. And DC. Voltage and Current.  Resistance and Decibels in 52 ranges.  Voltmeter sensitivity is 1000 ohms per volt on all ranges.


METER:              The meter is equipped with 8 scales printed in black, red and green.  The two upper black scales are numbered to multiples of 3, and are related to the BASIC RANGES.  The second set of scales printed in red relate to the RED ranges, which are scaled to multiples of 10.


Below the red scales is the OHMS SCALE printed in black, which is calibrated to 5000 Ohms (5K).


The DECIBEL SCALES are printed on the dial in green, being situated below the OHMS SCALE.  The upper db scale relates to a zero reference level of 6 milliwatts in 600 ohms, the lower to 1 milliwatt in 600 ohms.




FUNCTION SELECTOR:              This is the six position switch located on the lower right-hand side of the instrument.  This switch is manipulated to select the required function, e.g. Volts, Amperes, AC. –DC. etc.


RANGE SWITCH:              This twelve position switch is situated on the lower left-hand side, providing selection of operating ranges, e.g. 1-3, 10-30, 100-300, 1000 Volts, etc.  The basic range values are engraved in WHITE at the switch positions.


RED RANGE PRESS BUTTON:              This press button is located above the FUNCTION SELECTOR, pressing the RED RANGE BUTTON brings into operation the RED RANGES related to the particular RANGE SELECTOR Position.  These ranges are engraved in RED at the switch points, and indicates on the red scales of the meter




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MODEL M52 MULTIMETER (Cont.)             


When operating the instrument, it is advisable to first take a reading using a BASIC RANGE .  If this reading Is not over 1/3rd  of full scale, than press the RED RANGE BUTTON to obtain a closer reading. This feature is particularly useful when measuring varying quantities such as the starting and running current values of electric motors.  The higher starting current is measured by the BASIC RANGE, and later the lower running current on the RED RANGE.


0HMS ZERO ADJUSTER. This central control knob is used for setting the OHMS ZERO INDICATION when carrying out  resistance measurements. (See “Resistance Measurement” for further details of its use.)


OVERLOAD CUT OUT: In unprotected Multimeters, damage to meter pointers, pivots and jewels, also rectifiers, resistors etc. often occurs through the instrument being used with incorrect settings or by overloading. Subject to the limitations of all electro-mechanical devices the CUT-OUT used in this Instrument should reduce the probability of damage resulting from such abuse. Reasonable care should always be exercised in using the instrument  to avoid repeated or sustained overloads.  Even with an efficiently operating CUT-OUT the meter movement is subjected to considerable jarring by overloads.


The meter and internal components are designed to withstand the effects of at least 15 times normal full scale cuirrent i.e. 15 mA, without permanent injury.


              The OVERLOAD CUT-OUT comes into operation with meter currents of 12-15 mA. And opens the main circuit, thus preventing damage to the meter and other components.


              When a CUTOUT operates the instrument becomes open circuited  at the terminals on all ranges except 10 and 30 Amperes AC, and DC, ranges, however, the heavy primary circuit  remains unbroken.


              The operation of the CUT-OUT is indicated by the black reset button, lifting above its former position, To reset CUT-OUT, depress button,




Com. + TERMINAL: This terminal near the lower left-hand corner of the instrument is common to all functions and ranges.


10-30 AMPERE. A.C. – D.C. (-)   This terminal is located centrally on the lower portion of the instrument panel and is used for AC. and D.C. current measurement in the 10 and 30 Amperes Ranges  only.


VOLTS mA, db. AC. - -DC. This terminal on the lower right-hand side of panel together with the Com. (+) Terminal is used for all measurements except 10-30 Amperes AC. And DC.

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To Measure VOLTS DC. Set Function SELECTOR to DC.  Volts and RANGE SELECTOR to the appropriate voltage range.  It is advisable to set the RANGE SELECTOR to a high range if the test voltage is not known, and after ascertaining this, turn switch to the nearest range.  If the range is too high, press RED BUTTON for closer  reading.


To Measure VOLTS AC. Set FUNCTION SELECTOR to AC. Volts/db and RANGE SELECTOR to the appropriate range, otherwise following instructions as for Volts DC.


To Measure DECIBELS. Set FUNCTION SELECTOR to AC. Volts/db and RANGE SELECTOR to a suitable db range (engraved in green).  For a zero reference level of 6 milliwatts in 600 ohms use upper db scale on meter (printed in green).  For 1 milliwatt in 600 ohms, use lower green scale.  The term 0 db + 20 db or + 40 db depending upon selector position, should be added algebraically to the meter reading obtained, to obtain the decibel value.  The decibel calibrations apply to basic ranges only.


To Measure OUTPUT VOLTS. Set FUNCTION SELECTOR to O/Pt. Volts, otherwise operating as Volts AC.


N.B. These ranges are equipped with a series condenser to block any DC. present.  The lower ranges are only accurate at frequencies of 400 cycles and over.


To Measure APMERES AND MILLIAMPERES DC.  Set FUNCTION SELECTOR to DC. Amps – mA. and RANGE SELECTOR to the required range.  Connect in SERIES with the load.  The potential drop on all BASIC RANGES  is 300 Millivolts, on the RED RANGES this is 100 Millivolts.  The operator is warned that the CUT-OUT is not operative in these latter circumstances only, due to its coil being by-passed to minimise resistance.


To Measure DC MILLIVOLTS. Set Selectors as for Milliamperes DC.  the RANGE SELECTOR being set 1-3 mA (o. 1-0, 3V. –DC)  These ranges are suitable for use with external shunts for DC. current measurements over 30 Amperes.  The use with external shunts for DC. current measurements over 30 Amperes.  The ranges are 0-100 and 0-300m.V. Shunts with these potential drops should be used.


To Measure APMERES AND MILLIAMPERES AC.  Set FUNCTION SELECTOR to AC. Amps – mA. and RANGE SELECTOR  to the required range.  Connect in SERIES with load.  AC. Current ranges can be extended by the use of external current transformers, with any range appropriate to the C.T. Secondary current.


To Measure OHMS DC.   Set FUNCTION SELECTOR to Ohms and RANGE SELECTOR  to required range.  Connect the test leads together firmly.  The pointer will move across the scale.  Using the OHMS ADJUSTER  control adjust the pointer to full scale, or “Ohms zero” position.  Connect the leads across the unknown resistance.





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The product of the scale and selector indications will give the resistance value in ohms. When “Ohms zero” cannot he obtained with leads shorted, the internal battery associated with the particular range  should be  replaced. The batteries are two type 950 Eveready, or No.2 PEP 1.5 Volt Dry Cells for the Ohms x 1000 an Eveready type 430 is required.


              Always insert replacement batteries correct clips with positive contacts upwards.  Incorrect polarity will result in reverse readings.




                                                                                                                              90-94 Victoria Street,



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