How Meta-States Fills in the Missing Pieces of NLP.rtf

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How Meta-States Fills in the Missing Pieces of NLP


Solving the Puzzle--
What the Meta-States Model has that NLP Lacks

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

What does the Meta-States Model have that NLP lacks?
Lots of things.

Now if you've not been introduced to Meta-States yet and have not experienced a Meta-States training in the strategy of excellence in Selling/Persuasion, Wealth Building, State Management, Secrets of Personal Mastery, Mind-Lines, etc., then I want to let you in on the secrets and magic of Meta-States. The following questions focuses attention on some of the things that NLP cannot do or areas that it has not addressed at all. It was to this lack that the Meta-States Model arose.

1) How does Reflexivity fit into the NLP Model? And where? And to what effect?

NLP has no answer. It doesn't even deal with self-reflexive consciousness. Grinder spoke about it briefly in Turtles all the way Down, but that is about it.

Meta-States highlights reflexivity and uses it to create a model of "mind" at higher levels. Reflexivity, in fact, describes the central mechanism that directs the reflecting back of mind onto mind to create the richer and higher layers.

2) How do Meta-Programs come in existence? How do they float up to operate at meta-levels and how do they coalesce into the primary states? How do Meta-States become Meta-Programs?

NLP has no answer.

Meta-States explains the mechanisms that translates Meta-States into Meta-Programs and the coalescing process so that they "get in our eyes." This further gives us the ability to more quickly and thoroughly change Meta-Programs.

3) How many Interfaces are there between meta-levels? What interfaces govern the relationship between levels? How do state-upon-state interactions affect mind and body and emotion?

NLP has no answer.

Meta-States specifies 16 interfaces and uses them in design engineering of higher level states. This gives us a very flexible and malleable system of Logical Levels-- levels that are forever in flux and flo... and yet which can become stabilized into higher frames of mind.

4) How do the emergent properties of mind and state come into existence by the interfacing of states, the layering of levels? What did Korzybski say about this?

NLP has no answer.

Meta-States provides a systemic model of feed back and feed-forward processes that govern the emergence of system properties like "gestalt" states and provides patterns for creating new gestalts. It follows Korzybski's model for first and second order abstractions.

5) How do you take a basic concept or principle in any field, whether in science, wealth building, sales, engineering, or whatever, and turn that "principle" into a felt muscle memory in the body?

NLP has no answer.

Meta-States has the Mind-to-Muscle Pattern along with several other processes for modeling the principles that govern the thinking of experts and then translating those principles into felt states that the muscles can carry. In every field of expertise, from medicine, biology, the hard sciences, architecture, engineering, to the softer sciences, linguistics, wealth building, etc., experts operate as they do because they have "expert knowledge." Knowing how to hear such, encode such, install these principles and set up a systemic process for letting the principles "inform" our muscles is now available via Meta-States.

6) How do submodalities work their magic in human mind and neurology?

NLP guesses that they work at a "sub"-level-- like at a "sub-atomic" level to molecules. But with NLP there are all kinds of problems and failures with the patterns that are suppose to change beliefs and turn confusion into understanding.

Meta-States has shown how that Metaphorical explanation doesn't stand examination and that we have submodalities that are also Meta-Programs and if they are "meta"-Programs then there are no "sub" modalities-- but meta-modalities. In The Structure of Excellence this is fully described... something that Robert Dilts (who wrote the Preface), Charles Faulkner, and many others have also said. Meta-States explains the magic of submodalities and provides a way to recognize which ones will work and when.

7) What newer and faster and more thorough patterns have arisen for changing beliefs, Meta-Programs, Paradigms, etc.?

NLP has no new ones.

Meta-States has many, many from Meta-Yes-ing, to Dragon Slaying Patterns, to Frame Game installations.


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