Sprawa życia i śmierci (Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger 1946) - angielskie napisy.txt

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{1}{75}movie info: DIV3 512x384 25.0fps 701.9 MB
{3696}{3748}{y:i}This is the universe.
{3774}{3823}{y:i}Big, isn't it?
{3849}{3923}{y:i}Thousands of suns, millions of stars,...
{3942}{4061}{y:i}..separated by immense distances|and by thin floating clouds of gas.
{4098}{4168}{y:i}The starlight makes the gas transparent.
{4170}{4287}{y:i}Where there are no stars|it appears as dark, obscuring clouds...
{4318}{4382}{y:i}..like that great black cone over there.
{4467}{4516}{y:i}..there's a nova.
{4518}{4567}{y:i}A whole solar system exploded.
{4581}{4674}{y:i}Someone must've been messing about|with the uranium atom.
{4676}{4760}{y:i}No, it's not our solar system,|I'm glad to say.
{4929}{5035}{y:i}Ah, those are called|a globular cluster of stars.
{5052}{5096}{y:i}Rather fine.
{5222}{5284}{y:i}Down here in the right-hand corner,...
{5286}{5373}{y:i}..see that little chap|rather like a boy scout's badge?
{5375}{5477}{y:i}It's a mass of gas expanding|at thousands of cubic miles a minute.
{5686}{5750}{y:i}Ah, here we are,|we're getting nearer home.
{5752}{5801}{y:i}The moon, our moon,...
{5803}{5852}{y:i}..in the first quarter,...
{5854}{5914}{y:i}..and here's the Earth, our Earth,...
{5916}{5969}{y:i}..moving around in its place,...
{5971}{6055}{y:i}..part of the pattern, part of the universe.
{6077}{6126}{y:i}Reassuring, isn't it?
{6230}{6290}{y:i}- (thunder)|- It's night over Europe.
{6292}{6352}{y:i}The night of the 2nd May, 1945.
{6354}{6410}{y:i}That point of fire is a burning city.
{6412}{6478}{y:i}It had a thousand-bomber raid|an hour ago.
{6687}{6755}{y:i}And here, rolling in over the Atlantic,...
{6757}{6811}{y:i}- (foghorn)|- .. is a real English fog.
{6832}{6896}{y:i}I hope all our aircraft got home safely.
{6922}{7011}{y:i}- Even the big ships sound frightened.|- (Morse code signals)
{7013}{7085}{y:i}Listen to all the noises in the air.
{7087}{7172}{y:i}(Churchill on radio)|"This was their finest hour. "
{7174}{7232}{y:i}- (German voices on radio)|- Listen...
{7234}{7298}{y:i}- Listen...|- (German radio messages)
{7306}{7371}{y:i}(woman) "Request your position. "
{7373}{7441}"Come in, Lancaster.|Come in, Lancaster. "
{7443}{7543}{y:i}(man) "Position nil. Repeat, nil.|Age 27. Very important. "
{7545}{7653}"Education violently interrupted.|Religion - Church of England. "
{7655}{7752}"Politics - Conservative by nature,|Labour by experience. "
{7754}{7818}- "What's your name?"|- I cannot read you.
{7820}{7859}Cannot read you.
{7861}{7936}Request your position.|Can you see our signals?
{7938}{8075}"Give me my scallop-shell of quiet,|My staff of faith to walk upon,...
{8077}{8170}..My scrip of joy, immortal diet,|My bottle of salvation,...
{8172}{8275}..My gown of glory, hope's true gage,|And thus I'll take my pilgrimage. "
{8277}{8326}"Sir Walter Raleigh wrote that. "
{8328}{8427}"I'd rather have written that|than flown through Hitler's legs. "
{8429}{8512}{y:i}- (aircraft engine drones)|- I cannot understand you.
{8514}{8620}Hello, Lancaster. We are sending signals.|Can you see our signals?
{8622}{8696}Come in, Lancaster. Come in, Lancaster.
{9526}{9635}But at my back I always hear|Time's wing?d chariot hurrying near.
{9637}{9729}And yonder all before us lie|Deserts of vast eternity.
{9731}{9805}Andy Marvell. What a marvel!|What's your name?
{9807}{9888}Are you receiving me?|Repeat, are you receiving me?
{9890}{9959}Request your position.|Come in, Lancaster.
{9961}{10054}I can't give you my position.|Instruments gone, crew gone.
{10056}{10110}Except Bob, my sparks. He's dead.
{10112}{10197}The rest bailed out on my orders.|Time 03.35. Get that?
{10199}{10238}Crew bailed out 03.35
{10240}{10308}"Station - Warrenden.|Bomber Group - A, G."
{10310}{10397}Station - Warrenden.|Bomber Group - A, Apple, G, George.
{10399}{10451}They'll be sorry about Bob.|We liked him.
{10453}{10565}Hello, G, George. Hello, G, George.|Are you all right?
{10567}{10637}Are you going to try to land?|Do you want a fix?
{10639}{10739}Name's not G, George, it's P, Peter.|Peter D Carter. D's for David.
{10741}{10846}Squadron Leader Peter Carter.|Can't land - undercarriage is gone.
{10848}{10900}I'm bailing out, I'm bailing out.
{10902}{10981}- "Take a telegram. "|- Received your message.
{10983}{11052}- We can hear you.|- "Telegram to my mother. "
{11054}{11144}"Mrs Michael Carter,|88 Hampstead Lane, London Northwest. "
{11146}{11195}88 Hampstead Lane, London.
{11214}{11263}Tell her that I love her.
{11265}{11371}You'll have to write this, but I want her|to know I love her very much.
{11373}{11439}I've never shown it to her, not really,...
{11441}{11515}.. but I've loved her always|right up to the end.
{11517}{11606}"Give my love to my two sisters, too.|Don't forget them. "
{11652}{11714}Received your message.|We can hear you.
{11716}{11815}Are you wounded? Repeat, are you|wounded? Are you bailing out?
{11817}{11865}- What's your name?|- June.
{11867}{11982}Yes, I'm bailing out, but there's a catch.|I've got no parachute.
{11984}{12069}H- Hello? Hello, Peter, do not understand.
{12108}{12166}Hello? Hello, Peter, can you hear me?
{12168}{12249}"Hello, June, don't be afraid.|It's quite simple. "
{12251}{12315}We've had it and I'd rather jump than fry.
{12317}{12414}After the first thousand feet|I shan't know anything, anyway.
{12416}{12480}"I say, I hope I haven't frightened you. "
{12506}{12570}- No, I'm not frightened.|- "Good girl!"
{12572}{12659}Your sparks, you said he was dead.|Hasn't he got a chute?
{12661}{12733}Cut to ribbons. Cannon shell.|Are you pretty?
{12735}{12774}Not bad.
{12776}{12839}- "Can you hear me well?"|- Yes.
{12841}{12947}You've got guts. I've known dozens|of girls, been in love with some.
{12949}{13042}But an American girl I've never seen|and never shall see...
{13044}{13103}.. will hear my last words.
{13105}{13143}"Rather sweet. "
{13145}{13219}June, if you're around|when they pick me up,...
{13221}{13262}.. turn your head away.
{13264}{13360}But perhaps we can do something, Peter.|Let me report it.
{13362}{13455}"No, no-one can help. Only you.|Let me do this in my own way. "
{13457}{13534}"I want to be alone with you.|Where were you born?"
{13536}{13581}- Boston.|- "Mass?"
{13609}{13711}History was made there. Are you in love|with anybody? No, don't answer.
{13713}{13766}I could love a man like you, Peter.
{13768}{13858}{y:i}I love you, June, you're life.|Do you live on the station?
{13860}{13945}No, in a big house five miles from here.|Lee Wood House.
{13947}{13995}- "Old house?"|- Yes, very old.
{13997}{14092}I'll come and see you as a ghost!|You're not frightened of ghosts?
{14094}{14138}I'm not frightened.
{14140}{14216}- "What time will you be home?"|- I'm on duty till 6.
{14218}{14310}I have breakfast in the mess,|then I have to cycle half an hour.
{14312}{14361}I often go along the sands.
{14363}{14412}This is such nonsense!
{14414}{14490}It's the best sense I ever heard.|I was lucky to get you.
{14492}{14576}Can't be helped about the parachute.|I'll have wings soon.
{14578}{14667}Hope they haven't gone modern.|I'd hate to have a prop instead!
{14669}{14741}- "What's the next world like?"|- Oh, Peter!
{14743}{14815}"I think it starts|where this one leaves off. "
{14817}{14914}{y:i}Or where it could if we listened|to Plato, Aristotle and Jesus.
{14916}{15033}With all our earthly problems solved|but with greater ones worth solving.
{15035}{15116}I'm signing off now, June.|Goodbye. Goodbye, June.
{15118}{15181}Hello, G for George. Hello, G, George!
{15183}{15232}Hello, G, George!
{15234}{15296}{y:i}- Hel...|- (clock ticks in the background)
{15385}{15428}So long, Bob, I'll see you in a minute.
{15431}{15497}You know what we wear by now -|prop or wings.
{16181}{16251}{y:i}(Ghostly voice) A prop... or wings.
{16308}{16352}{y:i}.. or wings.
{16395}{16444}{y:i}.. or wings.
{16470}{16529}{y:i}A prop... or wings.
{16577}{16655}{y:i}Prop... or wings.
{16716}{16760}{y:i}.. or wings.
{17329}{17378}{y:i}(excitable French)
{17442}{17491}{y:i}(continues in French)
{17518}{17577}- Aghh!|- Oh, bad luck, old boy.
{17827}{17876}{y:i}(# mouth organ.: mournful tune)
{18323}{18372}{y:i}(# mournful tune plays on)
{18807}{18856}Name and rank.
{19885}{19980}{y:i}(American accent) Come on, fellas,|break it up, spread out.
{19982}{20024}Room with bath.
{20026}{20092}- Do you have USO shows here?|- No, we don't.
{20094}{20182}OK, we'll stay.|Officers' quarters, of course.
{20184}{20305}- We're all the same here, Captain.|- Excuse me,... brother.
{20478}{20527}Take over.
{20529}{20639}- I wish I could make a phone call.|- From here that'd be long distance.
{20641}{20690}Flying Officer Trubshaw.
{20692}{20789}You can't wait here. You must be|mistaken about your captain.
{20791}{20895}- If anyone's mistaken, it's not me.|- Mistakes don't happen here.
{20897}{20972}{y:i}- This is the Aircrew Section?|- You should know.
{20974}{21038}Peter couldn't have got away with it.
{21091}{21155}Besides, you checked his invoice for me.
{21157}{21219}Yes, it was against the regulations.
{21221}{21324}Regulations are made to be broken.|He was due half an hour after me.
{21326}{21390}This is his section. He hasn't reported.
{21392}{21460}He's either AWOL|or there's been a mistake.
{21462}{21539}There hasn't been a mistake here|for 1,000 years.
{21541}{21602}{y:i}Oh? So there have been mistakes?
{21604}{21670}The girl here before me|was here 640 years.
{21672}{21711}Holy smoke!
{21713}{21822}If the records...
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