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Kimimaro character

  M.U.G.E.N       (c) 2007 Elecbyte

      This version updated: 01 April 2008
      Kimimaro is a sample character that works with M.U.G.E.N.
      This version is meant for use with M.U.G.E.N version 2002.04.14.

      To use him, unzip his files into chars/Kimimaro. Then open up
      data/select.def with a text editor and add the following
      line to the [Characters] group:


      It's that easy to get started!

      You may freely modify and/or distribute kimimaro and his work files.
      All Commands are standard as kfm files. This player has been modified 
      from its original version.	


    Basic Controls
      DF means diagonally down-forwards, UB diagonally up-back,
      etc. If you see ab it means press button A and button B
      simultaneously. x/y means hit either x or y, and so on.

      Use the direction keys to move Kimimaro. Press down to crouch,
      and up to jump. While in the air, you can press up again to
      air-jump. Hold the direction facing away from the opponent
      to guard. kimimaro can guard attacks while jumping.

      When falling in the air, hit buttons X and Y at the same
      time to recover. Hold a directional key when recovering to
      move a little bit in that direction. If you are near the
      ground when you hit xy, you will do a ground-based recovery

      Kimimaro has a taunt. To do it, press the start button.

    Standard Movement
      U              - Jump
      UF             - Jump forwards
      F              - Walk forwards
      DF             - Crouch
      D              - Crouch
      DB             - Crouch or low guard
      B              - Walk backwards or high guard
      UB             - Jump back
      F, F           - Forward dash
      B, B           - Back dash
      xy             - Recovery (when falling)

    Basic Standing Attacks
      X              - 3 hit combo (press 3 times)
      Y              - S. Punch
      A              - Techi Sendan
      B              - Grab (near opponent)

    Basic Air Attacks
      X              - Air W. Punch
      Y              - Air S. Punch
      A              - Shoot bullets forward *new
      B              - Shoot bullets Diag down *new

    Power Increase
      Press and hold "c"  - To increase chakra power.

      Maximun Chakra "3 POWER BARS".

    Chakra Get On!!
      press "z"  - To turn ON chakra. (1 power bar as minimum)
      A+B get ON Too.

    Special Attacks
      Hold Down + A  - Teleport
      Hold Down + B  - Teleport
      Hold Down + X  - Teleport
      Hold Down + Y  - Teleport
      X+Y   - yangai no mai (1 power bar need)

      B, B  - Wall Stand (in air near of back screen)
      1.Press button Forward to jump very high.
      2.Press "A" to Shoot bullets forward  *new
      3.Press "B" to Shoot bullets Diag down *new

     Bullets Persistent (Teshi Sendan Persistent in Japanese) *new
     power must be at least 25% of powerbar, otherwise change state to zero.

     Hold-"a" (keep holding "a" button) then press "b" at the same time to shoot bullets
                     until power reduce to zero.  (holding "a" + b,b,b,b,b,b etc.)
                     Some Tips: Is chakra is OFF you shoot the bullets very slowly.
                                Is Chakra is ON you shoot the bullets simultaneous until your
                                power reduce to zero (chakra is OFF).

    Hyper Attacks (each uses 1 power bar)
      X+Y (simultaneously) - yangai no mai MAX (chakra must be ON)

      A+B (simultaneously) - Curse Seal Transformation (chakra must be ON)

Curse Seal Commands.(press enter + any button in select screen)

    Basic Standing Attacks
      X              - 3 hit combo (press 3 times)
      Y              - S. Tail Hit
      A              - S. Tail Hit 2
      B              - Anti-Aerial Attack

      B, B           - Wall Stand (in air near of back screen)
      1.Press button Forward to jump very high.

    Special Attacks
      Hold Down + A  - Teleport (spend 20% chakra)
      Hold Down + B  - Teleport (spend 20% chakra)
      Hold Down + X  - Teleport (spend 20% chakra)
      Hold Down + Y  - Teleport (spend 20% chakra)
      x+y            - Tessenka no Mai (1 power bar need)
      a+b            - Sawarabi no Mai (1 power bar need)
      D,DB,B + x     - Bones Hability near(Experimental)*new
      D,DB,B + y     - Bones Hability med (Experimental)*new
      D,DB,B + a     - Bones Hability far (Experimental)*new
      D,DB,B + b     - Bones Hability p2  (Experimental)*new

    Hyper Attacks (chakra must be ON)
      x+y   - Tessenka no Mai MAX (chakra must be ON)
      a+b   - Sawarabi no Mai MAX (chakra must be ON)
      a+y   - Get Away! (chakra must be ON)
      b+x   - Sawarabi no Mai MAX 2(chakra must be ON) *new
              from "PR-kun "sim...sou eu"" `kimimaro, give credits to him.

Land of Sound

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The Land of Sound (???, Oto no Kuni?) is a geographical feature in the Naruto anime and manga series. It was likely named after the Otogakure, which Orochimaru founded, and both refer to what could be considered as one political entity.

The Land of Sound, along with Otogakure, is a relatively new country in the political scene, though the country itself existed long before Orochimaru took it over and renamed it. It conspired with the Land of Wind to launch a surprise attack and hopefully destroy the Land of Fire. Instead of using elemental jutsu, Sound ninja use sonic-based jutsu, often augmented by various devices.

In the anime, the country in which Orochimaru established his village is named the "Land of Rice Fields" or "Rice Field Country" (???, Ta no Kuni?). Orochimaru seems to have renamed it after his takeover.

Otogakure (?????, Otogakure no Sato?, literally "Village Hidden in Sound") was founded by Orochimaru as a part of the Land of Sound, and is run by him. Not much is known about it: what is certain is that it actually consists of a series of lairs, located both within the Sound country and away from it, which Orochimaru switches between every week. Other than that, and the fact that its ninja specialize in techniques involving manipulation of sound waves, as well as using a cursed seal to increase their power, little else is known about it. Although he is the leading ninja of Otogakure, Orochimaru isn't a Kage, despite his equivalent power level. The reason for this is because the five Kages of the five great Hidden Villages don't acknowledge Otogakure, and certainly would not acknowledge a criminal like Orochimaru.

With Orochimaru's defeat at the hands of Sasuke Uchiha, the various bases formerly under Orochimaru's control have begun to rebel and their inhabitants are trying to escape to freedom.

Kimimaro Kaguya

Age: 152 (deceased)

Seiyu: Toshiyuki Morikawa

Kimimaro Kaguya (??????, Kaguya Kimimaro?) is the sole survivor of the Kaguya clan (?????, Kaguya Ichizoku?), which was wiped out when they attacked Kirigakure for the thrill of battle. Kimimaro was referred to by Orochimaru as the most powerful member of the clan, causing him to be locked away in a cage for most of his life, only released occasionally when needed to fight. After the deaths of his family he was found by Orochimaru, and developed a strong devotion towards him bordering on religious zealotry, as he saw Orochimaru as the only person who cared for and inspired him. Despite his abilities and heritage, Kimimaro was not truly violent because he never really knew the outside world. Thus, the only reason he fought was because his clan needed him to do so, and being needed by someone was the one thing he truly desired. These views change upon meeting Orochimaru, where his desires change to serving him and ensuring the continuation of his master's dreams and ambitions. This lack of interest in killing allowed him to form a friendship with Jugo at one point, and he acted as the only person capable of stopping Jugo's rampages.

Kimimaro's Shikotsumyaku ability allows him to control and grow his own bones at will, allowing him to form weapons for close-range combat. Since he can regenerate and make new bones, he has an endless supply of bones he can use against his opponent. When in his cursed seal level 2 form, his appearance becomes similar to that of a dinosaur, with dark gray skin, six large bone spines on the back of his chest, and a long bone-spiked tail. While he is normally able to evade or block physical attacks with little effort, the level 2 form slows him down and allows him to be struck more easily. He possesses a great deal of control over his cursed seal, as he is able to control its spread throughout his body without fully activating it. Kimimaro's only weakness is a terminal illness that he constantly suffers from. The sickness seems to have been recently developed, as he was once a prime candidate for Orochimaru's next host body. After being left bedridden and on life support, Kimimaro sets out to retrieve Orochimaru's new host: Sasuke Uchiha. He is ...
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