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Luke Jermay - Bizarre
bi·zarre (b-zär) adj.
Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd;
fantastic; whimsical; extravagant; grotesque. See Synonyms at fantastic.
The Webster Online Dictionary Definition of the word Bizarre
Strikingly unconventional, an interesting definition but possibly the curse
of bizarre magick. I personally feel the lines that define the every nature of
the umbrella term “Bizarre Magick” need to be redrawn and given serious
thought in order to fit into a modern performers repertoire.
Personally I have very little room for skulls, daggers and robes within my
professional repertoire. Do not misunderstand me, I am in no doubt that
such a presentational slant can be performed with style and theatrical
grace, one need look no further than Rick Maue or the God that is
Christian Chelman to see so. I am simply setting fourth my own chosen
path, and thinking in an area which almost by its very nature is
To my mind the Bizarre performer need not steep himself in robes and
skulls in order to be strikingly unconventional or indeed to be seen as
performing the darker side of Magick. I at present have no effects within
my own “darker” repertoire that involve the use of anything other than the
mind or body of a spectator, or the body of the performer and a few simple
props, such as a ring, an old nail etc.
I personally, and in my experience, feel that people associate skulls, and
such with children at Halloween and not with a person with otherworldly
knowledge or powers.
This is of course an area that needs thought anyway; exactly what do you
want to communicate to your audience? A question that the answer is of
much reward to.
My own personal goal within the performance of “Bizarre Magick” is quite
simple. I wish to present as chilling a performance as is possible. To me
skulls and daggers simply are not at all unsettling to a modern audience. I
actively try to eliminate the “clutter” of props in my presentations. I prefer
to employ simple and unsettling plots with simple and easy to follow
Luke Jermay: Bizarre
movements without the added “clutter” of ornate props. I also, as you will
see in the last item of the book, enjoy using a healthy amount of
suggestion; with a slightly darker angle the effect of such suggestion can
be very theatrical. The concept of “manipulation of a persons mind or
thoughts” to me, and in my opinion to many modern audiences is far more
chilling than a fake skull with flashing eye sockets.
Allow me to outline this approach further. The above is said, assuming
you are not performing in the wondrous surroundings of your own
“Haunted Chamber” or some such. In those cases, it is very possible to
perform and achieve the very goal I wish to achieve employing all the
paraphernalia of such a performance, skulls, dagger, alters etc.
I am approaching and developing material for the performer who is not
afforded the luxury of such surroundings. In my opinion it would be
highly unpractical for the performer hired to entertain in people’s homes,
at for example a dinner party, to bring along his own surroundings needed
to create the correct type of atmosphere that a “Haunted Chamber”
instantly offers.
To my mind simply removing an old skull and an old book from within a
weathered case does not have the effect on the spectators within their own
home that a creatively and artistically constructed “Haunted Chamber”
has on its residents.
I personally strive for clean and simple methods to accomplish strikingly
unconventional effects, let us begin our journey with such an effect
involving nothing more than a ring that I call Blessed Be.
At a gathering of friends and enemies a charming young lady sitting just
left of the performer enquires about the performer strange looking ring.
The performer explains the ring is in truth the ring of glory. A ring that has
been blessed to protect those who wear it. He explains that at first he
though this was nothing more than a fairy tale but this, no longer is the
He offers to demonstrate exactly what changed his mind. He removes the
ring, explaining that;
“Once you wear it, it is almost impossible to remove it without opening up
old wounds”
The performer removes the ring from his otherwise normal hand, he
Luke Jermay: Bizarre
pauses, and turns his palm up, staring everyone boldly in the face is a half
healed scar.
The performer reassures everyone, that's there is nothing to worry about,
he quietly slips the ring back onto his finger, makes a fist, and with a
sharp and unexpected shudder, he opens his hand revealing the scar to
have once again disappeared.
“See what I mean?”
The lady begins to wish she had never asked about the performers strange
item of jewellery.
Method and Preparation:
For this quick, and effective bizarre piece you will need to take a trip to a
theatrical make up store, or a good joke shop. You will need to get yourself
a fake scar. There are many cheaply available, that sadly look nothing like
a real scar, try to stay away from these, aim for something that looks very
real. It may be a good idea to find a theatrical make up store which supply
such things to Television Companies and Film Production. Many are easy
to track down using the dreaded Internet.
These theatrical fake scars have a very slightly “Tacky” backing to them.
This makes it possible to attach and detach the scar at will.
The scar can also be handled very much like a small coin, in as far as
grips, palms and steals are concerned due to it‘s natural “stiffness”. The
scar’s movements will be described as if it were a coin, using standard
terms from coin magic.
Obtain a strange looking ring, personally I wear my own ring on my left
thumb the handling is described as if the ring were worn on the left thumb
but could just as easily be switched to which ever finger you wear a ring
Begin with the ring worn on the left thumb. The fake scar begins in a
fingertip rest position. The tacky side of the scar is uppermost. You begin
by explaining the rings strange quality.
“This ring was actually a gift from a close friend who now lives in Mexico.
He actually bought it on his first trip there. When he gave me this gift he
explained it had been blessed, in such a way so as to protect the wearer
from harm, which at first I though was mere nonsense, but the more I
wear it, the more I come to believe that this maybe the case”
Luke Jermay: Bizarre
You now appear to remove the ring from your left thumb using your right
first finger and thumb. In truth you will under this action secretly load the
fake scar onto your left palm.
This load is done as follows:
The load is much like the standard action of a shuttle pass; it has the
same feel to it.
You will first turn your left palm down; simultaneously the right palm
turns upward the right fingers, which have the fake scar tacky side
uppermost on them, obscured from view by the right hand. The right first
finger and thumb grip opposite sides of the ring on your left thumb. The
right third and second fingers now give a firm but gentle push causing the
fake scar to adhere to the palm of your left hand.
You now slide the ring from your left thumb and grip it for all to see
between the right first finger and thumb. This flowing motion should take
little more than 10 - 20 seconds. It appears as if you simply removed the
ring from your left thumb.
You now turn the left palm upwards, explaining;
“You see it appears it is a very difficult, after wearing such a thing without
opening some old scars once again, after it is removed”
Turn you left palm upward to display the scar which is now adhered to
your palm.
Explain there is nothing to worry about as, just as simply as it inflicted it
can be healed. You will now appear to replace the ring on your thumb and
in truth steal the scar from your palm.
This is accomplished rather simply. You will basically reverse the actions
you did before. Both hands moving in unison, you turn your left palm
down and your right palm upward. You will under the action of replacing
the ring on your thumb, scoop the scar onto you awaiting fingers.
You now, make a fist apparently around the scar seen moments before on
your palm. The right hand moves completely away, as the left hand moves
upward slightly.
Coordination of action ala Slydini ensures everyone's focus is in the right
place at the right time. Now make a simple shuddering movement with
your closed left fist. Open your hand to show the scar now apparently
Luke Jermay: Bizarre
It is worth the effort to find realistic false scar material. Without it the
whole thing becomes a joke. This is an effect I carry with me close to
everyday. I only use it when the mood is set, and often people question the
ring. Try to find something that does indeed look strange and as if it could
actually be “Blessed”. This effect was inspired by a conversation with the
Rev. Craig Browning (clue in the title?) and something from Tony Ravens
Complete Invocation.
Divided By Hate.
A rose is displayed and laid down on the table top. The performer begins
to recount a tale of the delicacy of life, and how hate can divide and
conquer all those around it.
The performer passes his hand above the rose, so as to cast a shadow over
the bud.
The rose then begins to visibly die. The rose continues to die until nothing
is left other than a shrivel and wilted dead flower.
A lasting testament to the power of hatred, and its ability to warp beauty.
This is an effect I have used in formal settings for a while now. The effect
is in my mind larger than the sum of its parts. I have several versions, I
will outline the version I use more often than any other.
This version is full of both psychical suggestion as well as psychological
suggestions. As so often is the case with Bizarre Magick the presentation
makes the effect. Do not sell it short.
You will need to go get your self a Rose. Pick a few Petals from the Rose
and place these in a Refrigerator until they are needed in performance, this
will ensure they remain “alive” simply leave the remaining rose petals and
stem sitting around. It will in very short time die.
There are hardly any moves in the actual routine. You will however appear
Luke Jermay: Bizarre
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