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Suggestions for Workers
Special Bulletin
[Private Instruction for Workers Only]
May- 1929
Once again we have the pleasure of passing on to you, in this
some inforn1ation which we trust will assist you in 1naking a
n1ore efficient witness for Jehovah and his glorious kingdmn.
\V e sincerely believe that those to whom the Lord will entrust the
wonderful privilege of 'showing forth the exceeding riches of his grace
in the ages to con1e' will be such faithful, loyal witnesses who, while on
earth, made His business their principal business, just as Jesus did.
They not only will take advantage of every opportunity to spend their
time and strength in his service, but will also give thought and n1ake
serious efforts to becon1e as efficient witnesses as possible.
i1nportant things absolutely necessary for successful witnessing
are faith, loyalty and obedience.
One n1nst really believe that he has the truth, and, having entered
into a covenant with the Lord, he n1ust continue, in the resolute convic-
tion that, in his knowledge of the divine plan and in the literature frmu
which it was obtained, he has God's grandest gift to any human being.
Loyalty and obedience will lead the truly consecrated son of God to
1nake his Father's business his main business. If unable, on account of
necessity of providing for Scriptural dependents, to spend his entire
time in the Lord's service, he will plan to devote as many n1onths of
the year, or weeks, or days, or hours a day, as possible in proclaiming
the glad tidings of the l{ingdom.
And then, in your witness work, learn to appreciate the fact that in
the literature you are distributing you have something far more iln-
portant to the people than anything else in the whole world. \Vhat does
the price of a meal, or a necktie, or a dress, or anything else they usual-
ly buy amount to compared with the knowledge of God's glorious king-
dom and its everlasting blessings to
Please be assured, dear brethren, that we are right with you to assist
in any way we can, and remember that every day here at Bethel we ask
the Lord to bless you in your work.
Your brethren in Christ,
~~~.4Y.~7. c(~
for Workers
May- 1929
The Lord's people are realizing as never be- essary, however, to have new clothes in onler
fore that, in their covenant relationship with to be successful; but it is necessary that one's
him, they have been organized in the earth to clothes be clean and have the appearance of
do a specific work. True Christians are de- care. Likewise the shoes should be kept in good
scribed as a peculiar people.
Pet. 2: 9) A order.
To be successful in carrying the J(ingdom
more exact translation renders it, "a people for
a purpose." That purpose is clearly stated in message, it is advisable to bring oneself to the
God's \Vord. When Jesus was arraigned before level of the prospective customer. In rural sec-
Pilate he stated the purpose of his being in the tions one's appearance should be that of a rural
world when he ans\Yered, "To this end was I resident rather than that of a "city slicker" out.
born, and for this cause can1e I into the world, to "do" country people. \Vhen working in the
that I should bear witness unto the truth." factory or poorer districts, the point of view
37) His business was to bear to the should be that of people who reside in
world the truth pertaining
the great nan1e of districts, so as to be considered as one of them;
Jehovah God and his everlasting l(ingdom. that is, the Lord's witness should be "all things
This is likewise the main business of the true to all men" if thus son1e may be \Von to Christ.
Christian at the present time. Every issue of Thus one creates the in1pression that he under-
The Watch Tower
our attention stands their difficulties and can sympathize
scriptures to prove this. The object of this
with them. In both of the above instances fur
is to suggest different methods of present- coats and "high hats" would be decidedly out
ing the l(ingdom message
the people and to place. When working in the elite or best residen-
aid the Lord's anointed
become more efficient tial districts procure, if possible, the names
and addresses of the people to be interviewed.
representatives of that l(ingdom.
All realize that the only really lasting witness This information can generally be obtained
is made by placing the books in the hands of from a city directory. One will then know for
the people. To accomplish this witness it is nec- whom
ask specifically, when calling at the
essary to- take into consideration the funda- door. It is well to have calling cards engraved,
mental principles of effective demonstration. like those used in the best of society; also a
As advance agents representing the reigning "professional-looking'' bag, or ladies' denwn-
King, God's witnesses are really presenting
stration bag, as described later herein. Finally,
the people an opportunity for a perpetual in- an air of dignity and courtesy is essential: these
heritance in God's everla!3ting l(ingdon1. Tho people are used to this, and the visit is of great
books that we place in their hands could be con- importance. It is advisable that the directors
sidered a prospectus telling them of the beau- in the larger classes choose workers who are
ties of the I\::ingdom and how they should con- suitable for such work.
duct themselves in order to be in line for its
The books should be presented in such a man-
blessings. The cardinal principles in effective ner that the prospect can understand just what
witnessing are as set forth below.
is being demonstrated. They should be so held
that they face the prospect and that he can ac-
(!)Appearance and Presentation
tually see what they contain. This means that
First impressions are lasting; if unfavorable, the witness will have to cultivate the art of
they are hard to overcome. Going from house reading upside down. Before the books are
to house witnessing for the l{ingdom demands taken out they should be carefully prepared so
a neat and clean appearance. As representa- that the worker will always know which one is
tives of a reigning King we must comply with going to be demonstrated next. A good witness
this rule in order to be efficient. It is not nee- is so familiar with his goods that he never need.;;;
ment for the people,
In the better residen-
tial districts, where professional and business
men reside, it will be found that they are in-
terested in such things as the prospects of a
wave of prosperity and increased business ac-
tivities. In the rich districts they are interested
in the fluctuations of the stock market, the pres-
ent relation of the United States with other na-
tions and the increase of commerce, the advance
of civilization due to commerce and business,
and the prospects of another world war.
Before a sale can be made the interest of the
prospect must be aroused. Therefore it is well
to inject into the canvass something of peculiar
interest to the person being interviewed. If
there has been no interest aroused one can hard-
ly expect a prospect to purchase. Therefore in-
terest must be aroused before a witness can be
In this connection, a colporteur who has re-
mained in the work for many years writes:
''When I began work as a colporteur sixteen
years ago, the clergy were respected. In those
days we had to be 'as mu1n as an oyster', or
thought we had to be, ahout the clergy, if we
would sell books.
llow different it all is n';w!
One of my n1ost successful broadsides against
the clergy and for placing the books is, 'I am a
minister of the gospel;
and 1ny ·work is to share
this gospel or good news with the people,
FRE11J. Jesus never sent out any one to wear
a long-tailed coat and collect the people's nlon-
ey on Sunday morning or any other morning.
He said when sending out his disciples to
preach, "Freely ye have received, freely GIVE."
We don't want you to give us a cent for the
good things in these books. They are like the
air and sunshine provided by the Lord. And \Ve
\vant every one to have these good books who
is willing to pay us the bare cost of n1aterials
and handling, so that we can print another set
and deliver to son1e one else.'
"It seems quite edifying and very agreeable
to the people to call their attention to the fact
that we wear no long-tailed black coats or cleri-
cal collars, and that we beg no n1oney, because
these are no part of Christianity; that John
the Baptist was declared by Jesus to have been
one of the greatest of the prophets, and yet
wore plain clothes; that we are not asking the
people to donate to the crease in our trousers
or the polish on our shoes; we are busy with
something more in1portant.
"Many will agree that it is passing strange
that if a man works on Sunday to make a living,
he goes to hell; but that if a preacher loafs all
week, and works his mouth son1e on Sunday,
to look down from his prospect to find anything.
Instruction in the preparation of the books will
be found later on in this
The appearance of the books being offered
is another important consideration. Many sales
have been lost because the books demonstrated
are spotted and soiled. To overcome this, some
brethren have a set specially prepared for dem-
onstration purposes and always leave a bright
new combination with the purchaser. The fol-
lowing contribution n1ay be helpful: "As a
to those who have difficulty in keep-
Ing the covers of
clean: We paint
our sample book with a thin coat of white shel-
lac. It can then be used as a demonstrator for
·weeks without soiling the backs. Art gum can
be used
clean finger-prints, etc."
White shellac, French or any other artist's
varnish is obtainable in almost any paint or
artists' supply stores. Should the shellac become
too thick to spread easily, it may be thinned to
the proper consistency with denatured alcohol.
To do a really neat job, it is suggested that, in-
stead of applying the shellac or varnish with a
paint brush, an atomizer or artist's fixator be
used. An atomizer can be bought at any drug
store. By spraying it on the hooks all streaks
are avoided and a s1nooth, evenly-colored sur-
face results. When the cover has dried, any dirt
spots may be easily removed by using a damp
Since water now will not spot the book,
one IS prepared to go out rain or shine without
fear of having the books used for demonstrat-
ing spoiled by water-spots. By coating one of
each. of the cloth-bound books in this 1nanner,
one 1s able always to demonstrate with clean
books and leave a bright new set with the one
purchasing, taking it from the bag after the
sale has been made.
(2) Interest
In arousing interest an up-to-date canvass
must be used, ·with current events introduced
that will be of interest to the prospect. A 1914
canvass that has been carefully 1nen1orizcd and
repeated until it is thread-bare should not be
expected to bring satisfactory results. A can-
vass, at best, is never very interesting. There-
fore it is preferable to demonstrate to the pros-
pect exactly what one has and how its use will
be to his advantage. The rurals and the poorer
sections are naturally interested in such things
as the reason for so much unemployn1ent, the
high taxes, the exorbitant prices of food and
clothing, the injustice to the farmer and the
working people at the hands of the profiteers
and politicians, the prospects of a real govern-
(4) Desire to Purchase
and takes in more than the other man did in
his seven days of toil, then he, the preacher,
Create a desire to purchase. Practically every
goes to heaven."
sale that is made is due to just one thing, nan1e-
One witness calling upon a man to whom he ly, the witness' ability to show the customer that
had previously talked used the following meth- he actually needs the books. Thereforeagoodwit-
od to awaken his interest. He asked him what ness will continually, throughout his canvass,
he thought of President Hoover's ren1arks, in suggest to his prospects their need of
his address on the day he took office, to the ef- This suggestion should be woven into the can-
fect that 'the world is at peace'. rrhe man vass without the prospects' being aware of it;
sneered at it and said that he did not think so. for, generally, the nwment one tries to
I-Ie added that he had no faith in the I(ellogg others believe that he knows better what they
Pact. This enabled the witness to reawaken the need than they themselves do, they are going
man's interest in the I(ingdom n1essage.
to resent it. Therefore this should be very care-
l-Ie adopted a sin1ilar plan in the same terri- fully developed. Another point: It is never
tory when he noticed, hanging in nearly every proper to disparage another person's goods in
hon1e, the preelection poster of Hoover. He order to place one's own. Rather, the prospeet
questioned the people about Hoover's words is to be shown that he needs these goods as
concerning the world's being at peace, and thu::; nn1eh as and even nwre than he needed the
opened the way for the presentation of the other's. ITor example: If when calling at a home
truth. At one hon1e, where he was invited to they say, "vVe paid ten dollars the other
cmne in, he sat down and picked up a news- day for a book on the Bible by the Adventists,"
paper. Across the top there was a scare-heading it is not well, in such instance, to discredit the
about the :Mexican revolution. He then n1ade the Adventists even though one knows they are
remark, "President I-Ioover said that the world wrong, and their charges excessive. In "running
is at peace, but this hardly indicates that." Then down" another, one in that n1oment defeats his
own object from two standpoints. First, sueh
he added, "This ren1inds 1ne of the words in the an attitude implies that the prospect was fool-
Bible, that 'they shall say peace, peace, when ish in purchasing the ten-dollar book, and no
there is no peace'." In this manner interest was one likes to be called a fool. Second, it will give
awakened in the literature, although the people him the irnpression that the witness is intoler-
were destitute and said they could not. afford to ant toward other beliefs and teachings which
are not in hannony with his own. Religious in-
tolerance is objectionable to nwst people, and
(3) Inquisitiveness
in the nmjority of cases they will resent such
\Vhy inquisitiveness? vVhen the prospect be- an attitude. '_rherefore, instead of trying to dis-
gins to ask questions it is an indication that he credit the Adventists' literature, one should ap-
is becon1ing interested in the proposition. If proach the prospect something like this:
the question is asked, "\Vhat is the soul?" or, doubt you have secured a very beautiful book
"vVhere are the dead?" or, "\Vhere did Cain which contains many interesting and instrue-
get his wife?" one should always refer then1 to tive points and which will give you an ans\YPr
the books, stating that
~1 he
to sorne questions. But that which I have lwre
question', and
covers that question', is entirely different frorn anything that can be
and den1onstrating how easily the infonnation obtained in the 1narket. r:rhese books are not
may be found.
result will be that if the wit- sectarian and are being enjoyed by people of
ness really aroused their interest, people will all creeds and denmninations.
purchase the books in order to satisfy their de-
one recognizes that this is an age of
sire for more information. If all their questions specialization. If one wants to make a success
are answered they will then not feel the need of anything, he has to n1ake it his big thing in
of purchasing the books to find out something life. Judge Rutherford, in his study of the Bi-
they already know. Sometin1es the question is ble, has found that every book of the Bible
asked, "Are these Catholic books?'' One should centers around the one great theme of God's
always answer such a question by asking a re- prmnise to bless all the families of the earth
lated question. A good reply to this question by setting up his kingdom upon the earth. Un-
would be, "Are you a
Their answer less this great purpose of God is properly un-
will enable the witness to continue the canvass derstood, the Bible is a mystery and becomes as
along a line that will not cause antagonism.
so n1any claim it to be, 'a fiddle upon which any
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