Christmas In Poland.doc

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Christmas In Poland

Polish Christmas has many traditions. In Poland we have Christmas Eve. It is on December 24th. It is a very important day for Polish Christian people. On this day families decorate Christmas tree-fir or pine trees with paper stars, angels, toys, nuts and glass balls. When the first star appears in the sky, people take their seats at the Christmas table. They share wafer and wish one another the best: good health, luck, big money etc. There is a free seat at the table for an unexpected guest. Traditionally there should be twelve dishes. The most popular dishes are beetroot soup with raviolis, carp, dumplings filled with sauerkraut and mushrooms, hotchpotch, honey cake and poppy-seed cake  . An interesting dish is kutia. In it there are nuts, honey, almonds, cooked wheat and dried fruit. There is also a custom of giving presents. At midnight many people go to church. The next day, on December 25, it is Christmas.

Christmas in Britain

Christmas is the most popular family holiday in Britain. In England, 24th December called Christmas Eve. In the evening some people go to church. Children don’t forget to hang up Christmas stockings for presents.

The most important day is the 25th of December. Early in the morning children wake up and open their present. On this day people eat Christmas dinner. Dinner traditionally consists of roast turkey, roast potatoes and many other vegetables. For the dessert they eat Christmas pudding.

The 26 December is called Boxing Day. On this day people give presents of money to paperboys or dustmen. People spend Boxing Day relaxing or visiting friends.



ANGEL – Anioł

CANDLE – Świeczka




BELL - dzwoneczek

CANDY - cukierek

GLASS BALL - bombka

LIGHTS – światełka na choinkę

THE FIRST STAR – Pierwsza Gwiazdka

GIFT - Prezent

REINDEER - Renifer

SANTA CLAUSE– Święty  Mikołaj

SNOW – Śnieg

SNOWMAN – Bałwan

WAFER – Opłatek


RAVIOLIS - uszka

CARP - karp

DUMPLINGS FILLED WITH SAUERKRAUT AND MUSHROOMS – pierogi z kapustą kiszoną i grzybami

HOTCHPOTCH – groch z kapustą


POPPY-SEED CAKE - makowiec



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