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Equine Arthritis
Osteoarthritis, also know as degenerative joint disease, is a painful, progressive condition with no known cure
other potential causes for the ob-
served lameness (e.g., neurological
The term arthritis refers to an
diseases), a complete lameness ex-
inflammation of the joint. There
amination, the use of nerve and/or
are different kinds of arthritis, such
joint blocks to assist in localizing the
as septic arthritis and rheumatoid
source of the lameness, and a syn-
arthritis. However, the most im-
ovial fluid analysis are all important
portant arthritis affecting horses is
first steps in diagnosing OA. Radiog-
osteoarthritis (OA), which is char-
raphy (X rays) remains the primary
acterized by the erosion of articular
means of imaging joints to diagnose
cartilage—the layer of specialized
osteoarthritis (or other bony abnor-
tissue that lines the ends of the
malities); however, advances in diag-
bones inside the joint. Osteoarthri-
nostic imaging have and continue to
tis is a major cause of lameness in
occur. Ultrasonography, computed
athletic horses. Recent estimates
Recent estimates indicate that 60% of equine lameness prob-
tomography, magnetic resonance
indicate that 60% of equine lame-
lems are osteoarthritis-related
imaging, nuclear scintigraphy (a
ness problems are OA-related.
Osteoarthritis, historically referred to as molecules such as cytokines, nitric oxide, bone scan), and diagnostic arthroscopy can
degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a pain- free radicals, and prostaglandins and en- also be employed to assist in diagnosis.
Classic signs indicative of OA observed
ful, progressive condition with no known zymes called matrix metalloproteinases.
The end result is a physical degenera- on radiographs include effusion, the forma-
cure. Clinical signs of OA include heat,
swelling (i.e., joint effusion or a “filled” tion of the cartilage that usually occurs in tion of osteophytes or enthesophytes (which
joint), pain, and a reduce range of motion conjunction with changes in the underly- are bony changes evident at the margins of
ing bone (i.e., formation of enthesophytes the joint that result from remodeling of the
in the affected joint(s).
and osteophytes) and associated soft tissue joint during the development of OA), ebur-
structures, primarily the synovial mem- nation or sclerosis (increased density), or
Development of Osteoarthritis
lysis of the subchondral bone. Joint space
Articular cartilage is a highly specialized brane and joint capsule.
narrowing might also be evident.
body tissue composed of cells (chondro-
One of the major problems in diagnos-
cytes) embedded within an “extracellular
Causes of Osteoarthritis
matrix” that contains collagen, proteogly-
Osteoarthritis can develop in normal ing osteoarthritis is there often is a dispar-
cans, and water. Articular cartilage lines joints without any apparent cause. This ity between the observed clinical signs and
the ends of the bones within the joint and form of osteoarthritis is referred to as the degree of changes in the bone and/or
permits smooth, frictionless movement. primary OA. Alternatively, OA can de- soft tissues of the affected joint(s) that are
In addition, articular cartilage is shock- velop secondary to trauma (e.g., an intra- noted on radiographs. (The joint might be
absorbing and allows for the transfer of articular chip fracture) or in horses with in better shape than the radiograph indi-
body weight loads during movement.
poor conformation, with inappropriate cates, or vice versa.)
In normal joints the articular cartilage‘s shoeing, or horses with other musculosk-
extracellular matrix is continuously “turned eletal abnormality such as an untreated
over” or remodeled to maintain a healthy, osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) lesions.
Despite aggressive research efforts, there
optimally functioning tissue. This means
Ringbone (involving the first or second is no cure for osteoarthritis. Instead, the
existing extracellular matrix components phalanx) and bone spavin (in the hock goal for managing OA is to slow the pro-
are degraded and replaced by new mol- joints, such as the distal intertarsal or gression of the disease once clinical signs
ecules synthesized by the chondrocytes.
tarsometatarsal joints) are both unique of disease have become evident. At pres-
In arthritic joints the balance between examples of OA in the horse that occur in ent, a multi-modal approach to managing
the degradation and synthesis of the ex- high-load-low-motion joints.
OA is recommended. Using a combination
tracellular matrix is disrupted favoring the
of therapies instead of relying on only one
destruction of the tissue. This destruction
or two techniques is thought to maximize
is mediated by various pro-inflammatory
A full physical examination to rule out relief of pain and quality of life.
This Fact Sheet may be reprinted and distributed in this exact form for educational purposes only in print or electronically. It may not be used for
commercial purposes in print or electronically or republished on a Web site, forum, or blog. For more horse health information on this and other topics visit- Published by
The Horse: Your Guide To Equine Health Care,
© Copyright 2008 Blood-Horse Publications. Contact
Jennay HITeSman
Additional Treatment Options
A number of alternate therapies can
also be considered in horses diagnosed
with osteoarthritis. For example, interleu-
kin-1 receptor antagonist protein (IRAP)
to block the cytokine interleukin-1 from
further damaging an arthritic joint is used
for OA-affected horses.
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy
(ESWT), which involves applying beams
of energy to the affected joints, also might
benefit OA-affected horses.
Finally, surgical fusion of a joint by
removing the articular cartilage and es-
sentially creating one long bone can also
be considered. This might be possible in
some of the lower motion joints (e.g., in-
terphalangeal joints), but not for higher
motion joints such as the knee.
All treatment options should be fully
discussed with your veterinarian.
horse’s age, and response to therapy. In
many cases, OA is career-limiting in athletic
horses (even young and otherwise healthy
horses). In horses that are severely affected
and continue to be uncomfortable despite
instituting a multi-modal treatment pro-
gram, OA is a life-threatening condition.
Fast Facts
Osteoarthritis (Oa)
is the most com-
mon and important form of arthritis in
OA is a painful, debilitating, and career-
and life-threatening condition caused by
the destruction of articular cartilage;
classic signs
of OA include pain, heat,
swelling, and a decreased range of mo-
tion (lameness);
OA can be challenging and
involves a complete physical and lame-
ness examination in combination with
one or more imaging modalities such as
radiography (X rays), bone scans, and
diagnostic arthroscopy;
since there is no cure
for OA, the goal
is to slow the progression of the disease.
This is achieved using a multi-modal
treatment approach involving pain man-
agement, supplements, non-weight bear-
ing exercise, and weight management;
alternate therapies
are also available,
and more are being developed (e.g., gene
therapy) to help combat this disease.
Osteoarthritis can develop as a prima-
ry cause or secondary to other underly-
ing conditions as described above. Since
there is no cure for OA, the main goal is
to prevent or slow the progression of OA.
Limiting repetitive trauma to the joints,
addressing underlying joint abnormalities
(e.g.., removing OCD lesions or articular
chip fractures, improving conformation,
and having the feet trimmed appropriate-
ly) are all important steps in minimizing
the development of osteoarthritis. Some
owners and trainers routinely administer
oral joint health supplements, or use poly-
sulfated glycosaminoglycans or hyaluronic
acid in young, healthy horses, to decrease
the chances of developing OA; however,
there is no or only a limited amount of evi-
dence that this practice is effective.
The prognosis for horses diagnosed
with OA is highly variable and depends on
a number of factors such as the number
and location of affected joints, the underly-
ing cause, the rate of disease progression,
From the patient. For the patient.
Biology beats chemistry
Treat equine lameness biologically with proteins from the patient’s own blood.
Talk to your veterinarian about irap today.
Dechra Veterinary Products, 7015 College Blvd., Suite 525, Overland Park, Kansas 66211, 866-933-2472
© 2009, Dechra Veterinary Products
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