Colloidal Silver Guidebook.pdf

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Sassanian Dirham of King Chosroes II
93.5% Sterling Silver Persian Coin - 1400 years old
The Colloidal Silver
A Concise Guide to the Miracles of Silver for Health
Brought to you by:
Nutrición del Milenio
Magical Mind
Nutrición del Milenio
All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
I. The Urgent Need for Colloidal Silver in a Time of Antibiotic Resistant
II. Brief History of Silver in Health and Wellbeing
III. How Modern Colloidal Silver Works
IV. Colloidal Silver Scientifically Established Medical Uses
V. Colloidal Silver Specifically in Veterinary
VI. Colloidal Silver in Agriculture
VII. Colloidal Silver in Industry
VIII. Dosage, Care and Storage of Colloidal Silver
VIII. Medical Test Results of Colloidal Silver
I. The Urgent Need for
Colloidal Silver
in a Time of
Resistant Super-bugs
“It is impossible for single-celled germs to mutate into silver-resistant forms, as
happens with conventional antibiotics. Also, colloidal silver cannot interact or
interfere with other medicines being taken. Colloidal silver is truly a safe, natural
remedy for many of mankind's ills. Colloidal silver can be taken indefinitely
because the body does not develop a tolerance to it.”
How Antibiotics Came Into Widespread Use Leading Unto UN-Controllable
Bacteria- "Superbugs"
"A new paper in the February 17th edition of the journal
Molecular Cell
how exposure to low levels of antibiotics increases mutations in E. coli and
Staphylococcus bacteria hundreds of times more than normal, making the creation
of drug-resistant strains more likely."
Medical News Today
Layman’s simple translation:
scientists have proven that antibiotics are now causing
disease producing bacteria to automatically mutate and become
100's of times more
According to another new study, sepsis* and pneumonia, two antibiotic resistant
common conditions caused by hospital-acquired infections like MRSA (“methicillin-
resistant staphylococcus aureus”), killed 48,000 Americans in 2006, and cost the nation
over 8 billion dollars to treat.
Worldwide, a new drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis is causing great concern,
particularly as the disease is making an epidemic resurgence.
[*"Sepsis", a condition where the whole body goes into a state of inflammatory
response, and pneumonia. An infection of the lungs and respiratory tract, are two
conditions often caused by deadly microbes, including resistant bacteria such as MRSA.
Such infections usually lead to longer stays in hospital and often lead to serious
complications and even death.]
Natural Antibiotic Alternative
Colloidal Silver
The only “antibiotic” known reportedly to kill all types of
viruses, fungi
and bacteria
Colloidal Silver
The only “antibiotic” known to be perfectly
harmless to all parts of the body.
r antibiotics,
Colloidal Silver
accelerated healing!
An “antibiotic” is a manmade chemical drug produced by pitting one organism that is
destructive against another. The word (“antibiotic”) came from the "antibiosis", a term
coined in 1889 by Louis Pasteur's pupil Paul Vuillemin, which means a process by which
life could be used to destroy life.
The word "antibiotic" is originally German literally
translated as “against life”
(anti, "against"; bios, "life").
While the discovery of antibiotics made originally from molds was made from other
bacteria and their widespread use may have “improved” the quality of human life in the
Century, the current situation in the 21
is a completely different story!
Penicillin was the first antibiotic, discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1929. It was in the
early 1940's that large scale fermentation processes were developed for the mass
production of antibiotics. In the early years, new antibiotics were developed faster than
bacteria developed resistance to them. But the bacteria caught up to them fast. In the
1950s and 60s, many new classes of antibiotics were developed. However,by the 1980s
and 1990s, scientists had only managed to make improvements within classes of
existing drugs, in other words, no new antibiotics were developed.
There are now low-grade hospital germs that are resistant to all antibiotics. Hospitals
are not the only breeding ground for these “superbugs”, also nursing communities and
other medical venues as well.
Antibiotic resistance occurs when some bacteria survive attack by the
antibacterial drug and change in such a way that they are, "no
longer affected
by the drug's action".
Following World War II (1939–45), drug companies in the United States conducted
worldwide searches to find molds and soil bacteria that could be synthesized (made in a
lab) into antibiotics. Aureomycin (pronounced aw-ree-oh-MY-sin), the first of the class of
antibiotics known as tetracyclines (pronounced teh-truh-SY-kleenz), was discovered in
1945. Another group, the cephalosporins (pronounced seff-uh-low-SPOR-inz), came
from a bacteria group living in a drainage pipe on the Italian coast. The antibiotics in this
group have effects similar to those of penicillin. Erythromycin (pronounced uh-ree-
throw-MY-sin), made from soil bacteria found in the Philippines, is used in patients
allergic to penicillin as well as to fight penicillin-resistant bacteria. Bacitracin
(pronounced bass-uh-TRAY-sin); an antibiotic made from bacteria, was developed in
1945 and is used as an ointment that is applied directly to the skin.
The major categories of antibiotics include the so-called "Sin" drugs:
streptomycin (pronounced
neomycin (pronounced
kanamycin (pronounced
gentamicin (pronounced
aureomycin (pronounced aw-ree-oh-MY-sin)
erythromycin (pronounced uh-ree-throw-MY-sin)
bacitracin (pronounced bass-uh-TRAY-sin)
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