Auditory Cognition and Human Performance - Research, Applns. - C. Baldwin (CRC, 2012) WW.pdf
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List of Figures and Tables ...................................................................................... xiii
Preface...................................................................................................................... xv
About the Author ...................................................................................................xvii
Chapter 1
Hearing: The Neglected Sense ............................................................. 1
Introduction .......................................................................................... 1
The Battle of the Senses: Vision versus Audition ................................2
Early Human Performance Research ................................................... 4
Early Developments in Modern Cognitive Psychology........................ 4
Sensation and Perception Research ......................................................5
Scope of This Book ..............................................................................6
Characteristics of Auditory Processing ...........................................8
The Auditory Channel ..................................................................... 9
Mental Workload ........................................................................... 10
Concluding Remarks .......................................................................... 10
Chapter 2
The Auditory World ........................................................................... 13
Introduction ........................................................................................ 13
Sources of Sound ................................................................................ 13
Nonverbal Sounds .......................................................................... 13
Sources of Sound in Work Environments .......................................... 15
Auditory Warnings ........................................................................ 16
Nonverbal Alarms..................................................................... 17
Verbal Warnings ....................................................................... 18
Auditory Displays .......................................................................... 18
Sonification ............................................................................... 18
Verbal Displays ......................................................................... 19
Summary .......................................................................................20
Sources of Sound in the Cockpit ........................................................20
Proliferation of Auditory Avionics Displays .................................20
Auditory Avionics Alarms ........................................................ 21
Radio Communications (Radiotelephony)................................ 22
In-Vehicle Auditory Telematics .......................................................... 23
Cellular Phones.............................................................................. 23
Hands Free and Voice Activated ..............................................24
Collision Warning Systems ...........................................................24
Displays for Maintenance of Separation .......................................25
Lane Departure Warnings .............................................................25
Auditory Route Guidance Systems................................................26
Voice Guidance Formats .......................................................... 27
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Bio Med 02
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Bio Med 10
Bio Med 11
Bio Med 12
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