Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold (1964).txt

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{1107}{1240}OriginaI story by KAN SHI MOZAWA|ScreenpIay by SHOZABURO ASAI|and AKI KAZU OTA
{3925}{3986}Directed by KAZUO I KEHI RO
{4242}{4360}Sir, we're aImost in Itakura.|Where exactIy did you want to go?
{4370}{4457}- Are you from here?|- Yes, sir.
{4459}{4566}Then perhaps you've heard|the name of Kichizo?
{4682}{4730}Did I say something wrong?
{4744}{4804}How do you know Kichizo?
{4830}{4898}Let's just say|our paths crossed once.
{4901}{4946}He died the year before Iast.
{4949}{5085}So I'd heard. I came here|to pay my respects at his grave.
{5680}{5729}1 3th
{5767}{5917}1 842
{7994}{8124}That day, when I chose to stand aside|in the war between Iioka and Sasagawa,
{8141}{8247}there was no need for me|to have cut you down.
{8255}{8332}Forgive me.|PIease forgive me.
{8353}{8458}You were from Aikatsu in Joshu Province,|Kichizo by name.
{8460}{8552}That was aII I couId get from you|before your Iast breath.
{9551}{9649}{y:i}In the Province ofJoshu|{y:i}and the County of Sai
{9665}{9781}{y:i}Stands the village of Kunisada|{y:i}known far and wide
{9783}{9890}{y:i}Lived there a man named Chubei|{y:i}a hardscrabble peasant
{9892}{10007}{y:i}His second son|{y:i}a boy named Chuji
{10010}{10112}{y:i}From tender age a prodigy|{y:i}of swordsmanship and judo
{10122}{10229}{y:i}He loved to beat his peers|{y:i}in all the martial arts
{10236}{10355}{y:i}But when he entered|{y:i}his twenty-fifth year
{10703}{10766}Yo, go teII that guy to join us.
{10826}{10948}Hey, mister, if you're not in a hurry,|come have a drink with us.
{10950}{10986}A drink?
{10989}{11064}You're bIind, are you?|Never mind that. Come, come.
{11069}{11093}But I don't--
{11096}{11173}It's okay, reaIIy.|We're just having a IittIe ceIebration.
{11175}{11252}- Yo, we've got a guest.|- Have a seat.
{11254}{11307}You Iook Iike a man who Iikes his drink.|Here, take this.
{11310}{11378}I've been known|to toss back a few.
{11530}{11625}You said something|about a ceIebration?
{11628}{11725}- We're getting the tax man off our backs.|- He's been after us since Iast year.
{11727}{11819}We finaIIy scraped together the thousand|{y:i}ryo we needed from our 1 8 viIIages.
{11822}{11910}After three years in a row|of bad harvests,
{11913}{12001}putting together a thousand {y:i}ryo|was Iike giving flesh and bone.
{12005}{12103}With the tax man finaIIy off our backs,|I feeI Iike I've been reborn.
{12106}{12130}No kidding.
{12192}{12245}Let me pour you another.
{12248}{12312}Thank you.
{12340}{12420}That certainIy is|cause for ceIebration.
{12656}{12735}I wonder if I might have|a turn at the drum.
{12738}{12844}You'd Iike to beat the drum?|Hey, Iet this guy take the drum.
{12846}{12894}Right this way.
{13026}{13134}{y:i}And raising his head|{y:i}Chuji gave the nod
{13137}{13247}{y:i}If that's how you feel|{y:i}let's gird for battle
{13250}{13367}{y:i}We'll need this, he said|{y:i}and we'll need that
{13370}{13474}{y:i}Then calling together|{y:i}his most valiant men
{13477}{13601}{y:i}He set out for Sakai|{y:i}for a meeting with fate
{14553}{14600}Here they come.
{15082}{15151}''Tax Payment''
{18858}{18921}What?|The money was stoIen?
{18991}{19057}The tax payment was stoIen!
{19090}{19175}Without that money,|we might as weII be dead.
{19178}{19230}Who took it?
{19287}{19418}Everyone gather at the headman's house!|Everyone to the headman's house!
{19507}{19595}Three samurai ambushed us|and stoIe the money!
{19598}{19681}Moju and Yasuke were kiIIed.
{19684}{19728}The dirty bastards!
{19731}{19794}No, they were some of Chuji Kunisada's|men, hoIed up on Mt. Akagi.
{19797}{19898}I heard them say so with my own ears|when they ambushed us.
{19909}{19979}Chuji even raided the government|storehouses to heIp us farmers.
{19982}{20061}He's our friend.|He'd never Iet his men harm us.
{20090}{20196}But he's been on the run,|and he couId be getting desperate.
{20199}{20249}Friend or not,|he's a gangster at heart.
{20274}{20357}That traveIing bIind man|was there too.
{20359}{20465}I saw him sitting|on the money chest.
{20505}{20574}Don't try to pIay dumb with us.|We have a witness.
{20576}{20636}Son of a bitch!|After that show with the drum!
{20638}{20713}Where's the money? Where'd you hide|the money? Speak up, damn it!
{20754}{20841}I see. So that was|a money chest I was sitting on?
{20843}{20943}You're asking for it,|you son of a bitch!
{20958}{21029}As you can see,|I'm a bIind man.
{21031}{21105}There's something a IittIe fishy|about how that keeps coming up.
{21107}{21168}Being bIind doesn't seem to have|kept you from being a gangster.
{21170}{21287}That's right.|I bet Chuji put you up to it.
{21290}{21353}Boss Chuji wouIdn't do|a thing Iike that.
{21356}{21447}Yeah? WeII, can you teII us|who the heII did, then? Huh?
{21452}{21523}See. You can't.
{21578}{21635}Just hoId on a second, pIease.
{21674}{21740}This is some kind of|misunderstanding.
{21749}{21822}A big misunderstanding.
{21834}{21941}Just Iet me go and taIk to Chuji.|I'm sure we can cIear it up.
{21944}{22013}How do we know you're not|going to cIear out on us?
{22209}{22261}I won't run.
{22305}{22407}I swear I won't run.
{22438}{22524}So Iong as that money chest|is missing,
{22526}{22624}both Chuji and I|wiII remain under suspicion.
{22634}{22754}I have to cIear our names|one way or another.
{22758}{22882}Besides, without that money|you're aII in big troubIe too.
{22914}{23035}I intend to find out|who did this.
{23038}{23129}And I promise you, I'II get|your thousand {y:i}ryo back for you.
{23699}{23773}''Intendant's Residence''
{23928}{24046}You can forget the sorry charade,|Seiemon.
{24096}{24230}As the headman of Itakura, you speak|for aII 1 8 viIIages in Usui County.
{24233}{24292}If you're going to Iie to me,|you'II have to do better than that.
{24333}{24390}- But Intendant, sir.|- Enough!
{24393}{24501}You have ten days to get your taxes in.|Is that cIear?
{24504}{24569}I beg your pardon, sir,|but as you know,
{24572}{24663}this region has suffered three years|of unprecedented drought.
{24666}{24736}The farmers scarceIy have|enough food to get through each day.
{24738}{24765}Drop the excuses!
{24807}{24921}You cIaim someone must have stoIen|the money on its way here?
{24923}{24978}I've never heard|such ridicuIous nonsense!
{24995}{25077}You have ten days.|That's finaI.
{25098}{25138}But pIease, Intendant!
{25141}{25219}PIease, sir, I beg you!
{26342}{26409}May I heIp you?
{26444}{26491}Why shouId I need heIp from you?
{26557}{26624}I just couIdn't heIp wondering|why you chose to take this back road.
{26626}{26764}Perhaps you had reason to avoid the|government checkpoint on the main road?
{26777}{26858}- This is a back road?|- As if you didn't know.
{26861}{26927}You wiII have noted that I'm bIind.
{26930}{27025}It can make it hard for me to teII|a main road from a back road.
{27028}{27091}Now, that's very interesting.
{27108}{27163}- Can I ask you something, miss?|- What?
{27166}{27260}You can see, can't you?
{27265}{27365}Yet even with two perfectIy good eyes,|you chose to take the back road.
{27395}{27511}Which means...|you must be an outIaw.
{28755}{28801}HeIIo there.
{28825}{28881}Care for a massage?
{28932}{28991}Don't worry.
{28994}{29099}UnIike most men, I'm bIind.
{29168}{29288}Nice body, miss.
{29306}{29393}Oh, you needn't be embarrassed|and cover yourseIf.
{29396}{29468}Like I said, I'm bIind.
{29612}{29724}You're the Iady who was avoiding|the checkpoint, aren't you?
{29736}{29791}PIease, not so Ioud.
{29841}{29937}Where are you headed, anyway?
{29970}{30039}If you go down this mountain,|you'II come to Mizorogi.
{30066}{30117}That puts you at the foot|of Mt. Akagi.
{30165}{30260}Ah, you're so kind.
{30265}{30381}But since I am bIind,|I have no way of teIIing
{30415}{30557}where Mizorogi is|or where Mt. Akagi is.
{30578}{30675}Are you sure you can't see?
{30706}{30800}If I couId see,|then right about now
{30803}{30882}I'd be peeping at you|through an opening somewhere.
{31023}{31070}Crazy bIind man!
{31328}{31459}You've been foIIowing that bIind man|aII the way from Itakura.
{31574}{31669}Come to my room.|I want to taIk to you.
{32544}{32580}Who's there?
{32629}{32686}Sakichi. Yahachi.
{32703}{32751}WeIcome back.
{32754}{32789}Thank you.
{32792}{32866}So, what did Tsunekichi say?
{32924}{32965}WeII what?
{32982}{33031}He sent this.
{33830}{33865}So, Enzo,
{33886}{33994}I guess you didn't want me|to read the Ietter.
{34043}{34136}The man thinks onIy of staying|on the intendant's good side,
{34138}{34247}so he can't find a singIe measure|of rice or sake to send.
{34250}{34314}You might as weII|forget about him.
{34823}{34906}What happened to the other three?
{34924}{34993}Yeah, what happened to them?|Speak up.
{34995}{35068}- Did they decide to baiI out?|- No!
{35072}{35146}- Then where the heII are they?|- That's enough!
{35170}{35275}The way things are now,|I can hardIy force anyone to stay.
{35323}{35388}Let them go wherever they want.
{35425}{35527}You guys too. If you want out,|you have my bIessing.
{35654}{35705}You're not being fair|to them, boss.
{35707}{35738}Forget it.
{35741}{35811}No, boss, pIease hear me out.
{35814}{35930}They wanted to at Ieast bring|a IittIe sake back for you and Enzo.
{36002}{36042}Speak up!
{36179}{36229}They were kiIIed.
{36275}{36338}- By a strange twist, cut down--|- What?
{36341}{36383}Who did it?
{36386}{36461}A bIind man|with a Iightning sword.
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