Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari 04 - 76-100.pdf

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Naofumi:" Wait a second!"
An outrageous statement was just dropped.
Other countries can call heroes? There are turns?
Then that means this country did something crazy.
Naofumi:"Explain it in detail."
The queen's story is like this.
Damages from the wave were reported all over the world, there was a
world conference and every country was represented by their king or queen.
Of course there are countries that are on bad terms with each other,
Melromarc and Silt Welt for example. There is a prophecy that states the
world is facing its end, so their hostilities were put on hold, and the
conference was complete.
During the conference, the country Melromarc was fourth in line to perform
the summoning.
By the way, each hero summoning is only supposed to summon 1 Hero. In
many cases, they do not even appear at all.
Of course, which hero summoned is determined by discussion with the
other countries.
Naofumi:" So, how did this country manage to summon us?"
Queen:"During hero summons it is customary to use a holy relic. A time
and ceremony is then decided upon according to the summoning......"
It seems the Three Heroes Church took advantage of when the queen was
absence to summon the four holy heroes.
Queen:" The Three Heroes Church is a religion that has deep roots within
this country, but from what I know they were very conservative. Therefore,
I overlooked this unexpectedly big plan."
Naofumi:"That is quite the problem, is it not?"
To gather all the heroes are supposed to save the world in one place.
Queen:"Yes......That lead to a lot of criticism from other countries. It was
the problem I was taking care of."
Naofumi:"What were you thinking, leaving the country to a fellow who
might have caused a war."
There was a big problem. The person entrusted with responsibility is
Trash:"What are you implying!"
Trash shuts up after the queen's thundering roar.
Queen:"It was not a problem before. Before the waves even started I was
involved in diplomacy, our domestic affairs were also excellent, and I left
the country to the one I trusted as my right-hand man but......"
Queen:"He died during the wave......That person was respected by demi-
humans too......"
Quite unlucky......So is that why all that was left trash and some other
useless guys?
......As expected, that level of incompetency was unnatural.
Right now the posts within the country need new and talented personnel,
otherwise things will remain the same.
Worst case was trash having all the power, and those around him never
speaking up due to fear. This was such a place.
Trash:"The truth is, it just came to me to perform the hero summons, and
as a matter of fact all of the heroes appeared!"
The queen slaps trash.
Yeah, it would be weird if she wasn't extremely angry after returning to her
country and finding a mountain of problems.
Queen:"Even though it was foolish I had to depend on my successor
because of a useless husband like you! When he died an unnatural death
you didn't even investigate. The culprit was the Three Heroes Church!"
Queen:"Furthermore, the day right after the heroes were summoned you
framed the Hero of the Shield! At least doubt the conspiracy a bit!"
Queen:"And yet, I even told you not to discriminate against the Hero of the
shield! do you understand that those actions could have caused a war!?"
Queen:"And during the end of the second wave, you intentionally tried to
take away Hero of the shield's slave, which I had to arrange through a lot of
What did she just say?
Naofumi:" Wait a minute, you set up my meeting with Raphtalia?"
Queen:"I'll explain later. Right now I'm dealing with this guy."
Uwa.....she snapped.
Queen:"While you were acting beyond your authority the nobles started
planning behind your back to take power. A riot started in Silt Welt, and
Shirudo Furiden started preparing for war!"
Somehow......I sympathize with the queen.
The people you can rely on within the country are all dead and you are
protecting the country alone against other countries that might attack.
Amazing. I wonder what she had to go through to talk like that.
This hysteria, I only thought it was possible for women in their early
twenties hitting their husbands.
I mean...... She is the mother of Bitch and Melty. Yet still looks so young.
Queen:"To cap it all off Melty wanted to selfishly meet you! I was at the
limits of my patience. Therefore I set a trap!"
Trash:"Wh-What did you say!?"
Queen:"Did you even investigate the events happening around you? I let
you dispatch a large amount of soldiers for emergencies! That was the start
of this whole incident!"
The queen declares during her outburst.
Queen:" The Three Heroes Church is a heretical religion! Melromarc's
religion is the Four Saint Faith!"
Trash:"Wh-What did you say!? That tradition was abandoned since the start
of this country!"
Queen:"There are heretical religions that have no value and cause nothing
but problems!"
Four Saints Faith?
Naofumi:" What is that?"
Melty:" A religion believing in the Four Saint Heroes equally."
Melty explains.
Well, now that I think about it, there should be a lot of countries that
believe in the legend of the Four Heroes who saved the world.
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