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Seven Volume 01
Seven Volume 01
The one I faced in the mansion’s courtyard was my sister.
A perfect existence.
If someone out there were to be completely loved by god, it would
probably be someone like her.
(Why did it come to this)
I hold my breath, and gripped the sabre I held in one arm with both of
my hands. The tip of it was shaking.
It wasn’t just fatigue. The emotion of fear was also apparent in the blade.
“Hah, hah…”
The sabre in my hands was real. My sister’s rapier was real as well. For
us to be seriously going at each other with weapons, I never would have
thought it sane.
However, the one to propose this duel was, undoubtedly, her.
Wearing a dress, she spoke as she looked at me without any interest.
“Are you still going to continue this, onii-sama?”
While she called me onii-sama now, she usually doesn’t even call my
name. ‘You,’ ‘that thing,’ and other such phrases were how she usually
referred to me.
But no one in the surroundings ever found fault in that.
She wore an ivory-colored dress and red shoes. Even though we were
both exchanging slashes, unlike me, she wasn’t sweating at all.
Seven Volume 01
As if she was going to head off somewhere formal, her outfit was well in
order. The rapier that sister held in her hands was an article made by a
skilled craftsman.
It was adorned with ornaments, and the hilt was inlaid with a yellow
orb. The gem that couldn’t be made anymore in in the current era was a
special tool that brings forth special Skills.
The rapier it had been inserted into was a Magic Item, a weapon called a
Magic Sword. It was a rare good that couldn’t be bought even with a
hundred gold coins.
With the sword in hand as a mismatch with her appearance, my sister’s
standing figure was in a mess.
This year, she was to turn thirteen. Flowing, golden hair waved on her
head. Her figure was, unbefitting of her age, quite voluptuous.
Her blue eyes stared at me coldly.
Chills raced down my spine.
Scary. I wanted to run. But I could not.
“Not yet. We’re not done yet!”
I forcefully contained my fear and stepped forward.
I had faith in my well-trained sword skills. I was confident that I
wouldn’t even lose to adults.
The Walt Family… in order to succeed our noble household, I received
severe training from a young age. I was confident in my blade.
“Hah, you sure are slow.”
Seven Volume 01
In the past, I was also a prodigy. A wonder child. They always showered
me with praise. In order to answer to my parents and my family’s
expectations, I desperately put in all my effort.
But that effort, before the sister two years younger than me, was useless.
Obviously, my sister was a girl. As swordsmanship was thought of as
unnecessary for her, she didn’t pick it up over the passage of years. She
was just taught the basics, and all she should know was how to hold it
and swing it.
Even so, I couldn’t win against her.
We clashed for an unknown amount of times, and my body was covered
in numerous shallow cuts. Even when I slashed at her, she easily dodged
with minimal movements.
At the same time, her whip-like rapier blade came down on my face,
arms, and stomach.
“Just then, I could have given you three fatal wounds, Lyle.”
The name of the girl who said my name with a smile on her face was
Celes Walt.
If there ever was one loved by the heavens, anyone would think it was
the sister before me. The only one to truly hate her was me.
Having my attack dodged, my legs buckled, and I fell over on the lawn.
My body was covered in blood. My clothes were sticking to me from my
My blue hair was also sticking to me, but I didn’t pay it any mind. When
I tried to stand, I saw those red shoes coming at me.
Seven Volume 01
I blocked with my arms, but I couldn’t kill the momentum. My body
floated a little before I rolled across the ground once more.
“How unsightly.”
“Yes, truly… to think that this was our son, it’s much too pitiful.”
Where I collapsed were my mother and father.
We were surrounded by a majority of the retainers, but not a single one
directed any encouragement at me.
(Father… mother… why…)
I wanted to cry. I bore the pain to stand up, and turned to find Celes’s
smile awaiting me.
“What could be the problem? Is that all you were, Lyle?”
She purposely called out my name to provoke me.
“Good grief. Even when Celes only learned the bare minimum of
“It really should be Celes succeeding the Walt House.”
My parent’s words were directed at my back.
Even when they’re ones who’ll say things like this, they were once kind
to me. The Sabre I held in my hands was an item they had prepared for
me long ago.
you’re also a man of House Welt. Only the best of weapons are
fitting for your hand.』
suits you, Lyle. As expected of our son.』
They had continued directing a kind smile at me until around the time I
turned ten.
Seven Volume 01
After that, my parents came to dote on my sister Celes. It was around
then that they had lost interest in someone like me.
That wasn’t something limited to this family.
The retainers, who had always treated me in a way fitting the future
head of the household started treating Celes as their lord.
They spoke ill of me behind my back, and kept saying I wasn’t fit to
Until I was ten, the household, and the populace had been expectantly
waiting for me to take over.
But now was different. This was the reality.
“With this, Celes is the successor.”
“Good grief, even if they didn’t do something like this, all we had to do
was drive the boy out.”
“Even when there’s no way he’d ever win against Celes-sama. What a
It was so mortifying that tears began to come out.
(Just what did I ever do. Why must I be so hated!?)
Even Celes was my sister. It’s not like I had hated her. I had treated her
as a brother should.
Did Celes find something to hate in that?
“Ara, you’re going to cry? You truly are unsightly.”
She began laughing to herself. She looked like she’s truly having fun.
“Why are you doing this! What did I ever do to you!?”
When I raised my voice, Celes’s expression changed from smiling to
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