Bookworms Stage 5_Test 1.pdf

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Choose the best answer.
Stage 5
That is how Moore arrived at Benchurch. It was a market town, and once a week it was quite busy for a few
hours. The rest of the time it was a very quiet, sleepy little place. Moore spent his first night at the only hotel in
the town. The landlady was very kind and helpful, but the hotel was not really quiet enough for him. The second
day he started looking for a house to rent.
There was (1)
alone / solo / only / solitary
one place that he liked. It (2)
was being / was / had been / is
more than quiet – it was deserted (3)
and / also / as well / but
very lonely. It was a big, (4)
new / modern /
elderly / old
seventeenth-century house. It had tiny windows (5)
like / similar / the same / alike
a prison, and a
high brick (6)
fence / hedge / wall / building
all round it. It would be (7)
firm / hard / stiff / solid
to imagine
a more unwelcoming place. (8)
Although / But / While / Despite
it suited Moore perfectly. He went (9)
to / for
/ too / of
find the local lawyer, who was (10) in
charge / reliable / to blame / responsible
for the house.
Mr Carnford, the (11)
solicitor / landlord / owner / lawyer,
was very happy to rent the (12)
flat / house /
cottage / castle
to him.
‘I’d be glad to (13)
let / allow / enable / permit
you have it free,’ he said, (14) ‘hardly
/ just / really / exactly
to have somebody living in it (15)
over / repeat / again / some
more after all these years. It’s been (16)
/ bare / vacant / clear
so long that people have spread (17)
an / some / the / a
lot of foolish stories about it.
You can / You’re going to / You’re / You’ll
be able to prove that the (19)
stories are / stories / story’s /
are wrong.’
Moore did not think (20)
it / that / of / about
was necessary to ask the lawyer (21)
of / to / for / with
more details of the ‘foolish stories’. (22)
He’s / He / He’ll / He’d
paid his rent, and Mr Carnford (23)
took /
said / gave / asked
him the name of an old (24)
slave / servant / worker / maid
to look after him. He came
by / up / over / away
from the lawyer’s office with the (26)
locks / keys / codes / number
of the house
in his pocket. (27)
He / She / They / It
then went to Mrs Wood, the (28)
director / boss / landlord / landlady
of the hotel.
‘I’m renting a (29)
apartment / accommodation / building / house
for a few weeks,’ he said. (30) ‘Shall
Must / Should / Can
you advise me about shopping, please? What do you think I shall need?’
‘Where are you going to stay, sir?’ the landlady asked. Moore told her.
She threw up her hands in horror. ‘Not the Judge’s House!’ she said, and she grew pale as she spoke.
He asked her to tell him more about the house. ‘Why is it called the Judge’s House?’ he said, ‘and why doesn’t
anyone want to live in it?
© Oxford University Press
1. only
2. was
10. responsible 11. lawyer
19. stories
20. it
28. landlady
29. house
3. and
12. house
21. for
30. Can
4. old
13. let
22. He
5. like
14. just
23. gave
6. wall
15. again
24. servant
7 hard
16. empty
25. away
8. But
. a
26. keys
9. to
18. You’ll
. He
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