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Dear friend,

    You are about to install Nanotec Electronica WSxM Freeware. Nanotec 
Electronica hopes this software will help you in your work and make your 
life easier.

    You can find more information about WSxM versions and another 
Nanotec products visiting


    Also, you can find instructions about subscribing NanotecForum, a 
discussion list where you can exchange experiences with other WSxM 

	The WSxM Scanning Probe Microscopy software is a Free Software 
developed during many years by a large number of people. If somehow this 
program helps you to publish a scientific work, please cite the following paper:

	"I. Horcas, R. Fernandez, J.M. Gomez-Rodriguez, J. Colchero,
	 J. Gomez-Herrero, and A.M. Baro,
	 Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 013705 (2007)". 

    Also, if you have suggestions, questions or problems with this software, 
please contact us at the addresses listed in our web page, and we will do 
our best to help you.

    We hope you will find this software as useful as we wish.

    Thanks in advance,

            The Development Team

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