1.11 Patchnotes.txt

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# Expansion Features
- Added option to add Custom Nations after loading Save Game. New players will not be able to join a MP game after other players start editing custom nations, as this would cause an OOS.
- All nations now start with additional income and force limits equivalent to 20 base tax in Custom Setup.
- DHEs and other historical flavor is now enabled when playing with random or flat province values but normal or historical country setup.
- Added option to have random nations spawn with dynamically generated names and flags.
- Increased Discovery range for Custom Nations for land provinces on same continent as capital.
- Automatic naval exploration now explores much larger areas at a time (based on trade nodes) and displays a message when a mission completes. Manual exploration has been re-disabled with this rework.

# Free Features
- Released 'Women in History', a free DLC that adds 100 events based around historically significant women. This DLC also adds support and portraits for female advisors who will spawn from the Women in History events and can (rarely) be generated in your court.

# Gamebalance

# Diplomacy
- Can no longer cancel military access with countries that have enemy troops inside their borders.
- Can no longer revoke military access from countries that has troops inside your borders.
- Can no longer revoke military access from countries that has enemy troops inside your borders.

# Espionage
- A spy discovery now sets a 5 year cooldown timer during which you can't send another spy to same nation. This change does not apply to Fabricate Claims.

# Governments
- Oligarchic Republics can no longer get Royal Marriages

- League members can now be called to war against the Emperor even if they have a truce.
- When the Protestant League wins, the religion of the Holy Roman Empire will now be set to officially Protestant (so the Catholic League no longer has a chance to reverse the victory). This was done due to the above removal of truces.
- The bonus for HRE being officially your religion is now the same for Protestant as it is for Catholic.

# Ideas
- Changed offensive finisher to from 2.5% to 5% recover army morale speed.

# Nation Designer
- Custom nations are now much less likely to get gold as random tradegoods in their starting provinces.
- Increased cost of Merchant Republic government from 20 to 40.
- Max ruler age is now 40.
- Max heir age is now 30.
- Added a cost for having your capital in the Holy Roman Empire.
- Technology groups no longer cost points in Custom Setup.

# Religion
- Hinduism now gives +1 heathen tolerance rather than +1 heretic tolerance.
- Reduced Nahuatl sacrifice cooldown to 3 years from 5.
- Increased Nahuatl Doom reduction from passing reforms.
- Increased number of provinces Maya keep per reform.
- Sikhism morale boost now 0.1 instead of 0.05.

# Subjects
- Cancelling a vassal (either via diplomacy or war) now removes all cores and claims the overlord has on that vassal.

# War
- No longer possible to call countries into wars that started before the start of the game (selected bookmark start date).
- Looting has been reworked and now happens exclusively on capture of an enemy province (but not recaptures/liberations).
- Tradition and prestige gains from battles have been reworked to scale better to number of men involved in the battle.

# AI

# Religion
- Better at managing Doom.

# War
- Now re-evaluates strength of alliances before declaring war, to prevent suicidal DOWs due to alliance situation changing in time between planning war and declaring it.

# Interface

# Launcher / Frontend
- Added information to Play button tooltip if someone is editing/designing a nation.
- MP clients can now see which DLCs are enabled by the host.
- Added economic map mode to lobby, useful primarily for Custom Nations.
- Options window is now split into "General", "Multi Player" and "Custom Setup" tabs.

# Nation Designer
- Added button for randomizing National Ideas.
- Improved various tooltips.
- Added alert icon and tooltips for incompatible tech group/religion/government combinations.
- Governments list now grouped in Monarchies, Republics, Tribal and Special.
- "Increase idea level" tooltip now explains when points cost is lowered due to more balanced idea selection.
- Points cost is now shown next to each custom idea. Tooltip shows "sub costs".
- Increased custom nation name/adjective max characters to 24.
- You can now change names and descriptions of your Custom National Ideas.
- Added power type icons to idea buttons.
- Fixed problems with long country names and improved layout of Stability View.

# Misc
- When in Steam offline mode, tooltip is shown explaining why play button is grayed out on ironman.
- Additional tooltips in two instances related to trade are now sorted.
- Diplomatic offer alerts are now removed in observer mode

# Units
- Added icon with tooltip to exploration mission GUI to explain that Quest for the New World is required to get overseas missions.

# Usermodding

# Effects
- Added break_marriage effect
- Added mercenary_infantry effect
- Added mercenary_cavalry effect
- Improved the tooltip for effects adding units
- Added change_graphical_culture effect
- add_unit_construction now takes a specific historical unit type
- add_unit_construction can now build mercenary units
- Added add_building_construction effect
- Added add_core_construction effect
- change_tag now accepts all standard arguments on right-side
- switch_tag now accepts all standard arguments on right-side
- remove_opinion effect now works with a country tag as right-side argument

# Misc
- "supported_version" now requires at least 2 version numbers (e.g. 1.10 or 1.10.*) due to far too many mods misusing supported_version=1 and causing their users to crash.
- There are now defines TRADITION_GAIN_LAND and TRADITION_GAIN_NAVAL for army and naval tradition gain from battles, respectively.
- There are now defines PRESTIGE_FROM_LAND and PRESTIGE_FROM_NAVAL for prestige gain from land and aea battles, respectively.
- Support for female advisors in define_advisor as female=yes (portraits with the suffix _female are then used).

# Triggers
- Split is_playing_historical_setup trigger into normal_or_historical_nations and normal_province_values triggers.

# Units
- Now possible to set unit type default size to other than 1000
- Now possible to set individual unit size on historical unit types
- All unit interfaces now works with unit sizes other than 1000
- Manpower tooltip now displays correct values with unit sizes larger than 1000
- Cancelling unit construction on unit with size bigger than 1000 now works
- Changing preferred unit type to larger size no longer increase size of existing units
- Changing preferred unit type to larger size no longer increase size of queued constructions
- AI recruitment now properly works with unit size other than 1000
- No longer possible to build ships without adequate manpower
- Build unit/ship interface now correctly respects modded manpower costs
- AI will now respect modded manpower costs when building units
- NOMANPOWER tooltip now shows correct manpower value

# Script

# Decisions
- Once again possible to form nations as a custom country, though the AI will not.

# Events
- Schwaz Mining Event can now trigger for any tag. 
- Non enforcement of Ordinances will now increase local autonomy instead of unrest.

# Ideas
- Added Hessian Ideas.
- Wurzburg Ambition of +1 papal influence swapped for Wurzburg Tradition of Relations Decay of Me.

# Misc
- Added better first names for Italian and French cultures.
- Base Tax now consistently referred to as that in the game.
- Force Limit now consistently referred to as that in the game.
- Added Specific Ruler Titles for Sikhism.

# Nation Designer
- Culture Conversion Cost and Accepted Culture Threshold are now Diplomatic ideas.

# Setup
- Perm now correctly becomes a vassal of Russia between April 1503 and april 1505.
- Schwaz silver mine modifier is now already in place in later starts.
- Muisca and Calchaqui now start with the Inti religion.
- Capital of Savoy is now Chamb?ry before February 7th 1563.
- Starting ruler of Urbino now slightly better.
- Tyrol base tax reduced to account for the Mining being covered by a modifier.
- Naples no longer starts with a core on Epiros.
- Nuremberg now has the administrative republic government like the rest of the republics in the Holy Roman Empire.
- Japanese province tax and manpower revised slightly and Japanese province trade goods updated to make use of dyes and silk.

# Bugfixes
- Raising and decreasing autonomy now works correctly even for provinces with minimum autonomy
- Fixed trade and tariff values going out of bounds in Subjects view.
- Base tax is correctly recalled for old province during migration with Random Base Tax setting.
- Personal union ended message now displays the old ruler that died rather than the wrong one.
- Inti events 17 and 18, "Priests inciting unrest" and "Mitmaq wanting to go home" should now work as intended.
- Inca event 11, "Death of Huayna Capac" will now not trigger if INC is in a regency council.
- Aquileia no longer has a core on Treviso.
- A name that has bee...
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