Jonathan Eisen - Suppressed inventions.pdf

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Acknowledgments, ix
Preface, xi
Introduction, 1
Section I The Suppression of Alternative Medical
1. Does Medicine Have a Bad Attitude? 7
2. The Great Fluoridation Hoax, 19
3. Deadly Mercury: How It Became Your Dentist's Darling, 31
4. The Alzheimer's Cover-Up, 41
5. Vaccinations: Adverse Reactions Cover-Up? 52
6. AIDS and Ebola: Where Did They Really Come From? 55
7. Polio Vaccines and the Origin of AIDS, 73
8. Oxygen Therapies, The Virus Destroyers, 86
9. Oxygen Therapy: The Empire Strikes Back, 91
10. The FDA, 104
11. Harry Hoxsey, 114
12. The AMA's Successful Attempt to Suppress My Cure for Cancer, 117
13. Royal Raymond Rife and the Cancer Cure That Worked! 126
14. The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens, 144
15. Dr. Max Gerson's Nutritional Therapy for Cancer
and Other Diseases, 169
Section II
The Suppression of Unorthodox Science
16. Science as Credo, 179
17. Sigmund Freud and the Cover-Up of "The Aetiology
of Hysteria," 186
18. The Burial of Living Technology, 191
19. Egyptian History and Cosmic Catastrophe, 207
20. Archaeological Cover-Ups? 215
21. Introduction to Bread From Stones, 227
22. Scientist With an Attitude: Wilhelm Reich, 233
23. The AMA's Charge on the Light Brigade, 247
24. The Neurophone, 263
Section III The Suppression of UFO Technologies
and Extraterrestrial Contact
25. Breakthrough as Boffins Beat Gravity, 275
26. Antigravity on the Rocks: The T. T. Brown Story, 277
27. Did NASA Sabotage Its Own Space Capsule? 286
28. Extraterrestrial Exposure Law Already Passed by Congress, 309
29. The Stonewalling of High Strangeness, 311
30. UFOs and the U.S. Air Force, 334
31. UFOs and the CIA: Anatomy of a Cover-Up, 347
32. NASA, 353
33. UFO Phenomena and the Self-Censorship of Science, 374
34. Mars—The Telescopic Evidence, 382
35. Never a Straight Answer: A Book Review of
NASA Mooned America! 397
Section IV The Suppression of Fuel Savers and
Alternate Energy Resources
36. Nikola Tesla: A Brief Introduction, 410
37. Tesla's Controversial Life and Death, 412
38. Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires, 428
39. From the Archives of Lester J. Hendershot, 438
40. Gunfire in the Laboratory: T. Henry Moray
and the Free Energy Machine, 446
41. Sunbeams From Cucumbers, 459
42. Archie Blue, 472
43. The Story of Francisco Pacheo, 476
44. Amazing Locomotion and Energy Super Technology
and Carburetors, 480
45. The Charles Pogue Story, 508
46. News Clips on Suppressed Fuel Savers, 515
Conclusion, 521
Permissions, 523
A. A Selection of Alternative Energy Patents, 526
B. A Selection of Antigravity Patents, 531
C. Recommended Reading, 538
Index, 541
I would like to thank Duncan Roads, the editor and publisher of Nexus
magazine, for his tireless efforts to bring to light many of the stories of
suppression and chicanery that have inhibited the progress of the human
race and endangered the very survival of the planet. Nexus, in the compa-
ny of other great magazines like Exposure, Probe, Steamshovel Press, and
Perceptions, is essential reading for anyone concerned with exposing the
Big Lies . . . and the little ones. In a world where common sense is con-
sidered radical, Nexus continues to publish information about the devel-
opment of new and non-polluting technologies, and bravely champions
independent thinking, provocative ideas, and feasible solutions. Many of
the articles in this book were either first published or reprinted in Nexus.
I would also like to thank the good people at the Auckland Institute of
Technology in New Zealand for granting me the resources to research,
edit and publish an early "trial" version of this book for the New Zealand
market. Without their help and encouragement, their financial support,
and their willingness to entertain controversy in the interests of getting the
truth out, this book would not have been published.
Much thanks to my publisher, Rudy Shur, for his patience, and his faith
in this project. There are very few publishers—if any—in the world today
with a list as consistently good and as consistently helpful as his, and it is
an honor to be counted among his authors and his friends.
There are literally hundreds of people who helped to bring this book
into existence, directly or indirectly. They know who they are and that I
am eternally grateful for the work they've done. I would like to publicly
remember my teachers, Charles Shulman, Richard Alpert, Sy Jacobi and
Leonard Orr, as well as my friends, my first grade teacher Mrs. Poole, my
father, whose 1948 discovery linking smoking and heart disease was
ignored by the AMA, Stuart Troy, and Wilf Brinsbury. Wilf's encyclope-
dic knowledge of alt ernati ve energy is matched only by his enthusiasm.
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