Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince - The Stargate Conspiracy.pdf

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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1 - Egypt: New Myths For Old
Chapter 2 - High Strangeness at Giza
Chapter 3 - Beyond the Mars Mission
Chapter 4 - Contact?
Chapter 5 - Behind the Mask
Chapter 6 - The Secret Masters
Chapter 7 - Endtimes: The Warning
Notes and References
This book would never have been possible without the
contributions - in one form or another - of a great many
people. We are indebted to all of them for sharing their
expertise and research with us, and in some cases simply
for taking the time to talk our ideas through. However, we
are entirely responsible for the end result: we must stress
that the conclusions of this book are not necessarily shared
by the people named here.
We are especially grateful to Philip Coppens, Editor of
magazine, for the extraordinary degree of support
he has given us. Not only did he undertake research on our
behalf, but he also put us in touch with some of the - often
very elusive - key players in this story, and shared with us
his own incisive and brilliant connections, which we
would otherwise have missed.
Keith Prince, as usual, helped us enormously with his
research, insights and unique view of life.
Craig Oakley was his customary supportive and
intuitive self: thanks to him for many in-depth discussions
and for help with the diagrams.
Simon Cox was generous in sharing his expertise on
Egypt, especially in supplying us with invaluable research
material on this and other subjects. He was also a
delightful travelling companion who kept us out of trouble
in Cairo.
We are, as always, grateful to our agent, Lavinia
Trevor, for all her hard work on this project and for
unflaggingly pursuing our best interests.
Thanks to Alan Samson at Little, Brown, and his
colleagues Caroline North, Andrew Wille, Linda
Silverman and Becky Shaw for their enthusiastic support
of, and belief in, this book.
We are indebted to the following people for helping us
with the material about Egypt in Chapters 1 and 2: Chris
Ogilvie-Herald, whose knowledge of current events in
Egypt and whose
Internet list helped guide us
through this often bewildering subject; Jacqueline Pegg of
Quest Research, for providing us with invaluable material;
Niklas Rasche, for many long discussions about the
complex issues in this book; Andrew Collins, especially
for the information about Edgar Cayce and Bimini; Rudolf
Gantenbrink for his revelations; Ralph Elllis; David
Elkington; Ian Lawton: Thomas Danley; Yuri Stoyanov
and David Ritchie.
For the material on the Mars enigma in Chapter 3, we
are grateful to Ananda Sirisena, Mark J. Carlotto and
Stanley V McDaniel for answering our queries. And
thanks also to Nick Pope for supplying us with material on
Mars and the extraterrestrial question in general, besides
keeping an eye open for unusual titbits of useful
For helping to settle questions about astronomy, we are
grateful to: Dr Martin Barstow, reader in Astrophysics at
Leicester University; Dr Michael Perryman, of the
European Space Agency; Dr Malcolm J. Coe of
Southampton University. Thanks also to the Library of the
Royal Astronomical Society.
For assistance with our research into the Council of
Nine in Chapters 4 and 5 we would like to thank Dick
Farley, for generously sharing his thoughts and
experiences with us; Terry L. Milner, for allowing us to
use his research into the strange career of Andrija
Puharich; Ira Einhorn, for his insights into the key events
of the 1970s; and Jack Sarfatti, for his very useful
information. Also Palden Jenkins, David S. Percy and Kim
Farmer of the Academy For Future Sciences for taking the
time to answer our queries.
We would like to thank Rob Irving for his information
about the Barbary Castle crop circle.
Georgina Bruni has given us much useful information in
discussions stretching long into the night, and is unfailingly
a delightful hostess.
For the material on the esoteric connections we are
indebted to: Theo Paijmans, for the astonishing breadth of
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