Ludlum Robert.txt

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01 Dziedzictwo Scarlattich (The Scarlatti Inheritance, 1971)
02 Weekend z Ostermanem (The Osterman Weekend, 1972) (Wyd. pol. 1991 w t³um. Andrzeja Szulca)
03 Dokument Matlocka (The Matlock Paper, 1973)
04 Trevayne (1973)
05 Transakcja Rhinemanna (The Rhinemann Exchange, 1974)
06 Zew Halidonu (The Cry of the Halidon, 1974)
07 Droga do Gandolfo (The Road to Gandolfo, 1975)
08 Przesy³ka z Salonik (The Gemini Contenders, 1976)
09 Manuskrypt Chancellora (Chancellor Manuscript, 1977) Inny tytu³: Rêkopis Chancellora
10 Pakt Holcrofta (The Holcroft Covenant, 1978) Inny tytu³: Czwarta Rzesza
11 Testament Matarese'a (The Matarese Circle, 1979)
12 To¿samoœæ Bourne'a (The Bourne Identity, 1980)
13 Mozaika Parsifala (The Parsifal Mosaic, 1982)
14 Spisek Akwitanii (The Aquitaine Progression, 1984)
15 Krucjata Bourne’a (The Bourne Supremacy, 1986)
16 Plan Ikar (Icarus Agenda, 1988)
17 Ultimatum Bourne'a (The Bourne Ultimatum, 1990) 
18 Droga do Omaha (The Road to Omaha, 1992)
19 Iluzja Skorpiona (The Scorpio Illusion, 1993)
20 Stra¿nicy Apokalipsy (Apocalypse Watch, 1995)
21 Spadkobiercy Matarese'a (The Matarese Countdown, 1997)
22 Kl¹twa Prometeusza (The Prometheus Deception, 2000)

Powieœci wydane poœmiertnie

Protokó³ Sigmy (The Sigma Protocol, 2001)
Zlecenie Jansona (The Janson Directive, 2002)
Zdrada Tristana (The Tristan Betrayal, 2003)
Kryptonim Ambler (The Ambler Warning, 2005)
Strategia Bancrofta (The Bancroft Strategy, 2006)

Powieœci napisane przez innych autorów w oparciu o notatki Ludluma

Program Hades (The Hades Factor, 2000, Gayle Lynds)
Przymierze Kasandry (The Cassandra Compact 2001, Philip Shelby)
Opcja paryska (The Paris Option, 2002, Gayle Lynds)
Kod Altmana (The Altman Code, 2003, Gayle Lynds)
Zemsta £azarza (The Lazarus Vendetta, 2004, Patrick Larkin)
Wektor moskiewski (The Moscow Vector, 2006, Patrick Larkin)
Piek³o Arktyki (The Arctic Event, 2007, James H. Cobb)

Sequele powieœci Ludluma

Dziedzictwo Bourne'a (The Bourne Legacy, 2004, Eric Van Lustbader).
Zdrada Bourne'a (The Bourne Betrayal, 2007, Eric Van Lustbader).
Sankcja Bourne'a (The Bourne Sanction, 2008, Eric Van Lustbader).
Mistyfikacja Bourne'a (The Bourne Deception, 2009, Eric Van Lustbader).
Cel Bourne'a (The Bourne Objective, 2010, Eric Van Lustbader).
Œwiat Bourne'a (The Bourne Dominion, 2011, Eric Van Lustbader).
Imperatyw Bourne'a (The Bourne Imperative, 2012, Eric Van Lustbader).
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