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Norvell’s Secrets of Money Magnetism
Copyright © 1975 by
Parker Publishing Company Inc.
How to Attract Big Money Using This Book………………….…5
Chapter 1.
10 Simple Secrets Used by the World's Richest People
to Magnetize Money……………………………………………..15
Chapter 2.
How to Release the Golden Nuggets of Your Mind that
Can Make Your Rich…………………………………………….27
Chapter 3.
How to Build the Million-Dollar Consciousness for
Personal Wealth………………………………………………….39
Chapter 4.
Read the Signposts on the Royal Road to Riches……54
Chapter 5.
Project Money Magnetism to Influence and Control
Wealthy People…………………………………………………..68
Chapter 6.
Discover the Gold Mine Within Yourself that Can
Make You Rich…………………………………………………..79
Chapter 7.
10 Ways You Can Magnetize Money and Become a
Money Magnet…………………………………………………...92
Chapter 8.
Law of the Double Return-Double Your Money,
Double Your Luck for Financial Independence……………......106
Chapter 9.
Open the Cosmic Storehouse of Riches and Obtain an
Unlimited Supply of Money …………………………………...118
Chapter 10.
10 Positive Steps Up the Golden Stairway to Your
Desired Fortune…………………………………………………126
Chapter 11.
The Million-Dollar Personality that Magnetizes Your
Aura with Money Know-How …………………………………138
Chapter 12.
The Psychic Whirlpool of Money Can Bring You
Riches and Abundance …………………………………………145
Chapter 13.
15 Science-of-Success Secrets to Magnetize Wealth
for You……………………………………………..…………...155
Chapter 14.
20 Magnetic Money Energizers that Can Turn Your
Thoughts Into Gold……………………………………………..172
Chapter 15.
Tap the Psychic Money Bank to Build Financial
Chapter 16.
The Magic of Believing and Receiving that Can Start
the Flow of Riches to You………………………………...........196
Chapter 17.
7 Dynamic Money Magnet Laws that Can Make You
How to Attract Big Money Using This Book
Magnetism flows through your brain and body, as well as through-
out time and space. Your mind can be magnetized with ideas that
cause it to attract whatever you want.
Just as your mind sends out magnetic wavelengths to cause you to
desire food when you are hungry, so too, your mind can be magne-
tized with wavelengths of desire to attract money, possessions,
friends, love, happiness, gifts, talents and everything you need to
give you a perfect life here and now.
This book gives you a proven step-by-step system for supercharg-
ing the powerful, money-pulling poles of your mind with money
magnetism—the same power that geniuses of the past have used
and our modern millionaires employ every day.
But here's the
good part.
You don't have to be a genius to put these secrets to
work. Once you discover the simple methods and practices in this
book, you too can magnetize your brain centers with ideas that
irresistibly attract—almost as if by magic—money, lands, possess-
ions, jewels, houses, friends—all the rich, fine and glittering things
in life.
This book is filled with real life accounts of ordinary people—just
like yourself—who've used these secrets to bring a floodtide of
riches into their lives. You, too, have only to stir up the "mental
filings" in your mind. The magnetic force is
already there.
have only to use this book and, by so doing, turn on the switch that
releases an unending stream of abundant riches—beginning
But don't take my word for it. Let me prove this to you. Here are
just twenty ways this book will help you become rich and success-
ful beyond your wildest dreams:
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